Overstocked I Think

:crazy: oh c'mon it's just a little bit overstocked... I still see some room for neon tetras :p

Seriously though, I hope that's photoshopped!
Hmmm could someone explain the bright patch of colour under the mother of snails catfish (the one over the stones)?
The person who's fish they are does have some huge tanks, I saw them on youtube once. But the pic still doesn't look real, it that was a fishes tail then it wouldn't be so bright as it would be in shadow? Also have a peeksie at this
photoshopped for sure, look at the colour and condition of the fish, don't they all look nice and healthy? with three oscars crowded up like that along with all the other fish there's no chance they would be in such condition
The guy seems to move the fish around a lot to bigger tanks, even though I don't believe it to be a real pic, it could well be he's put them in there for a short space of time or something.

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