Africans For A 38g?


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Ive been having a think about keeping africans in my smaller, 18g tank, and I think ive come to the conclusion that I might need a bigger tank to keep exactly what I want to keep...
So, for a 32x14x15h" tank I was wondering what my options would be...One thing I would like to keep are white calvus, allthough I think at 6" they would be too big? So what i was thinking is to have a trio of Synodontis petricola, a single Neolamprologus cylindricus and then a pair of Neolamprologus leleupi. Think that could work? is that over/under stocked?
Also, I could have a Julidochromis instead of the cylindricus. I have a load of elephant skin rock which I can use to make a load of crevices and stuff.
I might well do a small shellie tank with my 18g aswell, but I would like to keep abit of a mix if possible...

Cheers, Mike
You could try and get hold of some of these Altolamprologus sp. "Compressiceps Shell" if you like the general calvus look.

Are you aiming for breeding any of the fish in the tank? I'd go for something like this:

2 Neolamprologus leleupi (Yellow)
3 'Lamprologus' ocellatus
1 Julidochromis spp.

Then you would have the shellies without using the 18g, so you can have more variety.
I dont have a clue where id get one of those, are they dwarf altos or something, 3" is pretty small. Guess they must be...
There are some on here:
The bottom three are apparrently Compressiceps. If I got one of those, could I have:
2 Neolamprologus leleupi (Yellow)
3 'Lamprologus' ocellatus
1 Julidochromis spp
1 Compressiceps
Would that be ok, or would it be best to leave the Julidochromis out? Do those Compressiceps use the shells too (I assume they do being that size). Would there be any problems with two species of "shellies"???
I would like to breed if that would be possible, but its not soley what id like to do (otherwise id go for a larger colony) but if it happens and some of the fry surrvive then great!
EDIT: Also, are there any options with haps at all? I love those CH 44 or SP 44 ones colours...

Cheers, Mike

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