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  1. Miah002

    180 Gallon: Taking Fish Suggestions!

    Yeah i know they'd eat the smaller fish. I already said that don't keep them with anything smaller than 5 cm. Oscars,Lepord bush fish?
  2. Miah002

    180 Gallon: Taking Fish Suggestions!

    What about the lepord bush fish?
  3. Miah002

    Welcome Our New Co-admin, Tolak!

    Congrats Tolak.
  4. Miah002

    180 Gallon: Taking Fish Suggestions!

    I'm getting lepord bush fish for my 180 litre tank, when i get it.
  5. Miah002

    Uarus With Discus? This Ok?

    It should be fine but makes sure you keep a close eye to make sure nothing bad happens.
  6. Miah002

    Why Do People Say Flora Boost Is Useless?

    My plants are growing very fast since i've increased there lighting hours. I just want to know if i should use it. My plants are growing and i don't feed them anything else, no pressurised Co2 or anything like that.
  7. Miah002

    180 Gallon: Taking Fish Suggestions!

    If you want you can get oscars. You can get these leapord bush fish. Heres an image. You can keep them with clown loaches but don't put anything smaller than 5 cm in that tank as they will eat them. I'll be getting them when i get my big tank.
  8. Miah002

    Uarus With Discus? This Ok?

    A fishs personality changes when you they grow older. Uras might not attack the discus if they're young. They might not attack the discus if they grew up in a communtiy tank. It's upto you. Just montior the tank very closely. Make sure you have a back up plan if anything happens.
  9. Miah002


    I had one of them couldn't read it. It got stuck to my glass and it left a mark when i pulled it off. The mercury ones are better and they last longer.
  10. Miah002

    180 Gallon: Taking Fish Suggestions!

    Get 6-8 clown loaches in that tank.
  11. Miah002

    Some Decent Pictures Of My Fish

    Nice fish. Your tank must be big. It's a fluval something. :hey: Post pics of the Bn. They're my favourite.
  12. Miah002

    Our New 4 Foot Tank Up And Running

    Lizard?? :huh: Nice tank. I want to see pics of your baby black angel, your kissing gouramis and your two clown loaches please.
  13. Miah002

    Why Do People Say Flora Boost Is Useless?

    So you know the queation but why? It's A plant food that contains highly available essential trace elements including iron. Formula is nitrate and phosphate free, so avoids encouraging unwanted algae.
  14. Miah002


    They're meant be very peaceful. So you should be fine even if they are the same sex.
  15. Miah002

    Just Found Eggs In Cave From Another Pair Of Bns

    Congrats again. Have you considered opening a shop seanie?
  16. Miah002

    My Honey Gourami Is Being A Bully.

    Re-arrange the tank decor, plants and everything. Before you do this make sure you take the gouramis out. Once you've re-arranged everything then add the new fish. Wait 45 mins and then add the gouramis in.
  17. Miah002

    Multiple Gourami

    They should be fine. The tanks big enough for the dwrfs to make there territory. The pearls won't harm them they are very peacfull
  18. Miah002

    Golden Gouramis

    Any aggresive behavior. If there isn't then your fine.
  19. Miah002

    My Tanks...some Of Them Be Round!

    They look like little babies.
  20. Miah002

    Golden Gouramis

    Most people will go for that rule. 3 females to one male but i don't as i've had alot of sucess with two males together.
  21. Miah002

    2 New Gourami

    Well i've never had the dwarf veriety. So go with Stang on this one. I'm only experienced with pearls, honeys and opalines.
  22. Miah002

    How Many More Fish Can I Have

    Green wait for 3 months minimum before you add the otos. Ideally you should wait for 6 months. In your tank you can add 16 otos.
  23. Miah002

    Golden Gouramis

    Again depends on the males personality.
  24. Miah002

    Setting Up A Gouramis Tank

    Hav'nt been on for a long time well my local ph is 7. In the gourami tank it's 6.5
  25. Miah002

    Honey Gouramis

    I have a Pair in a 30 litre biorb so you should be fine with a pair 30 litres plus.
  26. Miah002

    Golden Gouramis

    Aggression is only upto the males personality. I have 3 pearl gourami males who follow each other in a 120 litre. They don't fight, they live together perfectly with no aggression.
  27. Miah002

    2 New Gourami

    Nice gouramis and i'm afraid i'll have to agree with everyone else. 2 males can live together depending on their personality so you just can't assume they're going to fight.
  28. Miah002

    How Many More Fish Can I Have

    In a ten galon, get 5 or 6 otos. Greenscooby how big is your tank?
  29. Miah002

    Does Anyone Overstock Thier Tanks?

    The term overstocked has a different definition in everyones opinion. Some may follow the 1 inch per gallon rule and others may follow a different one. It's upto you to monitor your fish, to see if they're happy and if they have sufficent swimming place and if they live in clean enviroment.
  30. Miah002

    Bristle Nose Questions

    Wooooh love your bns.
  31. Miah002

    Where - Bns?

    Ask seanie he's selling them for a pound and he'll post pm him.
  32. Miah002


    How much are they? The fish you said. Yeah your right it is Farlowella Acus. Info on fish Better info on fish
  33. Miah002

    Bristlenose Varities

    You should be able to if they're the same variety providing you give them a large enough tank.
  34. Miah002

    Bristle Nose Questions

    Do you have a pic? I think it might be a male. 70% of me thinks it's a male. 30% of me thinks it's a female.
  35. Miah002

    My Trio Bns Have Breed Again 01.03.09

    They're growing. When i get my new tank, I'll come to you to buy some Bns as they'll have bigger tank in a couple of months.
  36. Miah002

    Gold Marble Bristlenose Catfish, Lda08

    What lfs do you go to? Do the ones at your lfs have black skin with big blobs of circles like a golden nugget plec.
  37. Miah002


    It depends if your up for more frequent water changes just incase if anything goes wrong and i have to say no on the betta. They are very aggresive fish.
  38. Miah002

    Once Upon A Time At The Riverbank

    Your tanks looking good.
  39. Miah002

    My Other Trio Bns Have Breed Again 22.02.09

    They've lost the sacks. Isn't that a big slice of courgette?
  40. Miah002

    Water Change.....

    It's going to be expensive right and sorry for going off topic aswell.