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  1. F

    UK Fish Store Directory

    Maidenhead aquatics, Bracknell: Variety - 9 Quality - 10 Staff - 9 Very good all round, some very interesting African Cichlids and a new Discus tank with some real beauts for sale. Maidenhead Aquatics, Bourne End Variety - 7 Quality - 10 Staff - 8 Small (ish) shop with a lot of your "Bread...
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    Treat Ich without chemicals

    Haven't been to the forum for a while and am a bit concerned as to peoples readiness to use chemicals for treatments, I found this link that maybe useful, I have always treated ich this way with no ill effects
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    Wedding day

    Hi guys and gals, Plenty of new faces, I havent had an awful lot of time to get on the forum of late as this year I have moved home, have been workong an average 60 hrs a week and have of course got married. Here I am with my WIFE! :D Alex
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    Jag to the rescue!?

    16 inches wow. you must be kidding me though. the largest jaguar was caught at 16.25 inches. nice fish
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    Jag to the rescue!?

    yes I know the feeling, I drew blood on many occasions whilst feeding/maintaining Cupcake, do you have any toys for them
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    Jag to the rescue!?

    AHHHHH you know I love Jags, they sure are tank busters, Are you able to put your fingers in or even touch the flower pot
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    my JD

    ooo lovely, lovely
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    the deformed fish

    In this pic he's saying "I was gonna bring my wife and sister but she's at work" :sick:
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    Male Syspillum

    Another ust for Heather ;)
  11. Tear_Drop_02.jpg


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    Any info on these?

    :thumbs: Wow thanks Ken, I agree with you about the incas for looks. I've never kept dwarf SA's before so may try it soon :thumbs:
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    Any info on these?

    Apistogramma sp. "Inca" Apistogramma sp. "Mamoré" Apistogramma sp. "Maulbruter" Apistogramma sp. "Papagei" Apistogramma trifasciata "Guaporé" Apistogramma viejita. Size, Diet, Social behaviour please :thumbs:
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    What's this fish?

    Becks, I dont really like to suggest this but take the algea eater back and see if you can get a coupla ottos, or try this. When my dad came out of hospital after a bad heart attack I bought him a little 10G and later put in a pair of rams with an apple snail for Algea control. Works a treat...
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    What's this fish?

    OOPS :*) sorry wrong spelling, my memories not what it used to be :S
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    What's this fish?

    Gyrinochleilus agmonier (Indian algea eater/sucking loach)
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    Question fer me ol' mate CFC

    I know what your'e saying CFC but I still get such conflicting views, a pal of mine had 4 collumesus in a 48" tank with a Lemon plec and some glo-lights without a problem, I might try it and if I get any problems I'll put them in their own 20G :dunno:
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    Male Syspillum

    I think the biggest male I have heard of was 15" but 10" is a good size :*) I mean not many people can say they have achieved such a size :hyper:. Syspillum are probably the most placid of SA cichlids but that isnt saying much, they arent too aggro with the redhooks or the Dora but I still...
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    Male Syspillum

    Hey Shimano, its been a long time :thumbs:
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    Puffer fish.wrong advise given. good advice sought

    Could be GS Puffers or Mbu. either way they are not community, Ill kick yer LFS butts if u like. Collomesus are sometimes called tiger puffers as they are striped. Pufferpack is the best person to talk to about them. :o AH hold on, are the puffers you have dwarf puffers, geeez they too are...
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    Male Syspillum

    I like your line of questioning Heather, he is about 10" now
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    Bristlenose Breeding

    Its crucial that you feed the fry quite a lot, try cucumber, if this is the first brood dont be suprised if daddy eats them :sick: . Dont worry though once bristlenoses start humping its difficult to get them to stop :*)
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    Puffer fish.wrong advise given. good advice sought

    Well if you have figure 8's then I wouldnt keep them, the guy in your LFS is a bloomin lier, I mean the only puffers that could be considered as community fish are Colomesus (South american) Puffer but even then you gotta be carefull with fin nipping. Do the puffers have stripes like vertical bands?
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    New Cichlid Setup

    Good Cichlids to start with, what are you gonna use for dithers, how about Diamond or bleeding heart tetra ;)
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    Male Syspillum

    Heres another blurry one
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    Male Syspillum

    His name is Teardrop his lady is Jupiter, I named them after the Grant Lee Buffalo song.
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    Question fer me ol' mate CFC

    Hey CFC, its been a while, Im just planning a south american biotope in a 50 gallon. Ill be looking at one of the Panaque as prime tank fellow, are they all similar in behaviour and care? Was gonna put it in with 4-6 x-ray tetra, 6 blackwinged hatchets, a pair of rams. I'm not sure to risk a few...
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    conflicting info on Kribs

    You must remember that Kribs are Cichlids and you know what that means, they are substrate spawners so anything snooping around during breeding is gonna get pounced on as Kribs do get terretorial like other cichlids during breeding. If you were going to put corys and Kribs together I wouldn't...
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    What Goes With Gouramis?

    I like chips and mushy peas with my gourami's. (JOKE). The only gourami you MIGHT have a problem with would be a pearl or a moonlight as the males can be pretty intolerant of other fish, what size tank do you have?
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    Rogues Gallery

    I posted way back on page 10 or something but I found this pic out the other day. Its from about 1999 at the Sound Republic in London, It was our showcase gig the night after we signed to epic records. We were called "Waif" and we were doing the circuit with coldplay and starsailor (hate name...
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    Colomesus puffer

    Just outta interest, What would be compatible with a colomesus say in a 30 G
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    seems everyone is doing this but...............

    I'm a Berrrrrrrrrrrkshire man, but was born in Birmingham but I'm actually half Irish/half Welsh.
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    Mine is about 7" :*) ahem they're great, in the evenings you hear a noise like a mobile on vibrate then you remember that you have a talking catfish in yer tank and something has just annoyed it. They get louder as they get bigger
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    Cichlids in a 33gallon

    If you don't want Cons for aggro reasons maybe you could try a pair of Firemouths, remember its a good idea to buy 1 male and 2 or 3 f/males and find a home for the other guys when a pair form. Other candidates for a 33G are: Any of the Apistos, Rams, Kribensis, Keyholes, Mary's cichlid, blua...
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    Where can I get some multis?

    You sure you wanna mix Malawi's with Tanganyikans
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    3 months old Swordtail frys!

    WOW :o really great photos Feline