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  1. F

    Fish Kill...

    Well, unless it was something intrenal along with the Ich, then that's what did it. I know nothing contaminated the water because I use bottled. But I am not worried about it anymore, since the first post on this thread was made a while ago I have since got new Goldfish and they are doing...
  2. F

    Did I Do The Right Thing?

    Ugh that's horrible. I have a similar problem believe it or not. My Black speckled sailfin mollie has picked small wounds off the head of my Orange Dwarf Gourami...Even the Beta I have in the tank with him is afraid of him!! lol
  3. F

    People Pictures

    :D I know a lot of you posted your picture in the Rogue's Gallery forum, but I never saw them...Here is me and my boyfriend. :D
  4. Shannon_and_Mark.jpg


  5. F

    The good, the bad, and the frustrating

    Sorry about Nux, he seemed to be one of your favorites. Get some Collodial Silver....I am a recent convert myself! It saved my goldfishies!!! You can also use NON IODIZED Morton Table Salt in the tank...That's what I use and it is so much cheaper! (49 cents at Wal-MArt)
  6. F

    Winter Move Conflict and Fish

    My RA is checking up on that right now. I am really scared..My fish seem to get sick really easily when I am not here to keep vigil and they change the door locks so I can't get in to check on one. I am investing in auto feeders, but I still worry.
  7. F

    Winter Move Conflict and Fish

    Well they've gone and told me some bad, bad news. My dorm room power stays on this winter, but there is a problem. EVERYTHING in the room MUST be unplugged! Which means I can't leave my fish here. I may have to move them to my boyfriend's house, but I am afraid the move will kill my already...
  8. F

    A *positive* fish thing at Wal-Mart?

    Buy the Blue and yellow one! You know you want to. YOu would think Striker is pretty interesting looking. THe whole front half of his body is orange (except the top of his head) and the rest of him is blue. :D
  9. F

    Collodial Silver

    As of right now Neo and Trinity (One is a white and black comet *neo* and the other is a femal white comet *trinity*) are broken out severly only on their tail fins...But it's COVERING the entire surface area of the fin. None of my other goldifsh seem to have it because the tank is loaded with...
  10. F

    Collodial Silver

    Alright, well if I can't seem to get my Goldfish to mouthfeed it...may I just dropper it into their general vecinity?
  11. F

    Collodial Silver

    I don't know if I posted this or not....What is the highest ppm? Oops, It did post. lol
  12. F

    Gourami guestion

    Blue Gouramis are evil evil fishes. Make sure you get more females than males. Males are mean. O.o
  13. F

    Oscars and Angels

    You need to get a much bigger tank for the oscars. 50 gallons at least. They get huge! And they are very bad to mix with Anglefish. Baaad choice. :unsure:
  14. F

    Collodial Silver

    What is the highest ppm you can get?
  15. F

    November Nominations

    I wanna nominate my Oscar Cheeky. :D
  16. Albino_Tiger.gif


  17. F

    new fish tank

    Beautiful goldfish!!! I love Goldfish. :D
  18. F

    newer pic of tank

    YOu should get more fishies! :D
  19. F

    Collodial Silver

    Hey thanks. Yeah I want to see how well it works on Ich, if it works at all on Ich.
  20. F

    Danio Babies!

    I am feeding them as of now to my Betas. THey love me. lol I am keeping three for myself in an empty bowl until they get bigger (it's heated and aeriated).
  21. F

    Rogues Gallery

    Here is me and my boyfriend (the love of my life) Mark.
  22. Shannon_and_Mark.jpg


  23. F

    Gah! My goldfish LOVE salt!!

    :look: Ok I put some more salt into my 100 gallon aquarium today and I was aiming away from the vecinity of all my goldfish. Welll....They all darted into the salt cloud as if it were a bath!! I was like "AH! Salt burning!!" And I tried to shoo them away. It was no good...They all kept...
  24. F

    Collodial Silver

    I think I missed the post with the answer to this question, but where can I get Collodial Silver? And how good is it on parasitic infections? I have never used it before and was curious.
  25. F

    150 gallon pics

    JEEBUS! Your Oscar puts Gus and Sun to shame!! (my two 7 inch OScars) I love him!!
  26. F

    My rams.....

    OMG your fish are adorable! :D I love babies...except my millions of baby oscars and Danios. :X
  27. F

    Danio Babies!

    :angry: Well I told everybody how I was left a 2.5 gallon tank at more door (dirty dirty dirty!!!) with three Zebra Danios, three Neon Tetras, and two guppies, right? Well....I now have Danio babies EVERYWHERE! I have no more tanks except my 85 gallon...and there is no way I am setting that...
  28. F

    The Most Useless Emoticon

    That one makes me laugh, it's actually going to the beat of my techno song right now!! (Energy- bye Sunbeam). lol :ninja: :teacher: :mama: These are pretty dorky too...
  29. F

    HeLp Me! i got another one!

    Teeheehee....The Beta Crazy will consume you!! Muahahahaha... :unsure: :smb:
  30. F

    How old is your betta?

    Big Blue (the Beta pic in my profile and as my Avatar) is 8 years old and still alive. I spend every free hour taking care of him. He's very special to me. He is now showing signs of his age...I may not get to 9 with him...But I am sure willing to try! :-( :dunno: ;)
  31. F

    Red Oscar Question

    Pfft....You can have them in pairs in threes, fours, or by themselves! I have a million, you want one?? lol They don't like being by themselves as far as my experience goes. They get restless.
  32. F

    my fish

    In my opinion, you have far too many male guppies with the ration to female guppies. They wil harass her to mate, and probably end up killing her. You should always have more females than males with Guppies. :D Have fun and good luck!!
  33. F

    That's It... Just Shoot Me Now!!!!

    Here is some advise about sexing Platies: Males will generally have a gonopodium...which is their anal fin made elongated for breeding (like a human man-part. lol) Females are bigger, duller, and have a rounded anal fin. :D I know you probably know this, but LFS owners know nothing I swear!
  34. F

    Betta Troubles

    What college are you at? I go to NAU. Anyways, I have 16 Betas in my dorm room right now, and what I do if they need to be in smaller tanks is I wrap a blanket about the tank (Insulated) and let them recuperate. The Beta will be fine without a heater if you do this. ;) Best of luck.
  35. F

    Think I may lose her...

    Wuv, where can I get some Collodial Silver?? I mean, I live in Flagstaff, a small town in Northern Arizona. We don't have much up here! :(
  36. F

    What's Wrong With My Cory?

    If your small tank is not cycled then treat in the entire community to prevent other infections from breaking out. Now as for the medication, it may turn your water colors, but that will be cleared out eventually. The packaging will be flat with 8 pills in it. You will be able to see the...
  37. F

    My 32 Gallon

    Plastic Plants rule!! Awesome tank!
  38. F

    New 200 Gallon!!!

    Yay! I am trying to get more pictures of Cheeky but he is a hard photo taker. He hates my camera. One time, he came up to the surface when I was going to take an above shot of him, and he snatched the zoom lense off and into the tank!! The little twerp. He didn't break it though, it was...
  39. F

    The unexpected Gift...

    Thank you. :D Yeah I love fishies and everybody on my floor knows it! I just hope no ill effects come to my newly aquired. I was certain I would lose a couple neons, but they are still kickin. :D