Betta Troubles


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2003
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Got my first betta about three days ago now, and things aren't going so good. I have him in a 5 gal tank, he spends a lot of time on the bottom (but I know this can be normal) but now he is starting to lie on his head. Also I don't think he has really eaten yet. From what I've seen it looks like he is dying to me.

I don't think this really has a lot to do with my water conditions...I've had other fish in the same tank and nothing else has died in there, everything else has done well. My snail is still in there and has been doing perfectly fine.

I'm trying not to get discouraged with Bettas, as this is so far the most trouble I've had with any fish. Basically I am looking for some encouragement with bettas, as I might want to get another one if this one does die. Maybe some tips on picking a betta at the store would help. (When picking this one I looked to make sure he didn't have Ich, had clear eyes, was flaring decently.)

You said you'd had other fish in the same tank before. Did you clean the tank thoroughly before introducing your new betta? maybe they had something they were resistant to, but he just isn't. :no:
This is what he looks like. Still breathing, but it doesn't look good. :(

jazzx101 said:
Basically I am looking for some encouragement with bettas, as I might want to get another one if this one does die. Maybe some tips on picking a betta at the store would help. (When picking this one I looked to make sure he didn't have Ich, had clear eyes, was flaring decently.)

First and foremost, get the one you think is the prettiest. i.e favorite color...
Then, see if he flares when placed near another.
Do this several times. If he flares, he's live.
Also, if he has a bubblenest, he's healthy.
jazzx101 said:
This is what he looks like. Still breathing, but it doesn't look good. :(

Wow, he's a pretty one. Maybe if you separate him in his own little bowl it would give him a chance to recuperate in peace. Try adding StressCoat and/or BettaFix.
Wish I could move him, but I can't. At the moment in my dorm room, we have no heat at all. It's maybe about 50 degrees in the room all the time. The only heater I have is in my 5 gal.
jazzx101 said:
Wish I could move him, but I can't. At the moment in my dorm room, we have no heat at all. It's maybe about 50 degrees in the room all the time. The only heater I have is in my 5 gal.
What college are you at? I go to NAU.

Anyways, I have 16 Betas in my dorm room right now, and what I do if they need to be in smaller tanks is I wrap a blanket about the tank (Insulated) and let them recuperate. The Beta will be fine without a heater if you do this. ;) Best of luck.
jazzx101 said:
At the moment in my dorm room, we have no heat at all. It's maybe about 50 degrees in the room all the time.
Eeek, you've gotta do something - 50 degrees is way too cold for your boy! No wonder he's not feeling too hot! :crazy: I'd definitely suggest you take some measure to warm him up, whether it be putting him under a light or wrapping him in something cozy. Just make sure you do something! If he's fighting some sort of infection or disease, or even just gettin used to your water still, having cold water isn't helping him. Good luck!
50 degrees is too cold for anybody! You should give housing or residence life a call and raise a stink about that--there's nothin that scares a college admin. worse than the thought of getting sued. Then maybe they'll turn the heat on, for you & your fish's sake.
Well, he was dead in his little bowl this morning. :(

I took him to a friends room where they had heat, but it still didn't work.
On that note, I forgot to mention, that the tank IS heated. I have a heater in there and I've checked to make sure its working. Tank is running at about 76 degrees.

What do you think happened? I don't want to get another betta if it's not going to be able to live in my tank.
with bettas, it could have been any number of things. could be he was unhealthy when you bought him. they aren't always kept inthe best conditions before sale. it may have had nothing whatsoever to do with the tank or the water, he may have just been old or sick. there is a pinned article in one of the forum about fish disease, check it out, see if any of his symptoms match. maybe swim bladder?? not a disease expert.
hope you don't give up and do get another betta. theyre really great fish
I had the worst luck with the beginning. I went through three bettas when I started. I did everything right, but I think it was just sick bettas. Currently, I have five healthy, and happy bettas. I think sometimes their immune systems are weak after being kept in bad conditions. Hope this doesn't discourage you from won't regret it if you get another one.

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