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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. JxsPxxle

    Is this 100% white spot? Or a pattern

    Luckily, this is just the pattern of the fish, and nothing to worry about.
  2. JxsPxxle

    Stocking new 20 gallon and how to increase filtration

    Oh my bad , just i got told to do that with my dwarf puffers as they are extremely messy.
  3. JxsPxxle

    Honey Gourami in 5 gallon tank

    I heard somewhere that it is fine to keep a single honey gourami in a 5 gallon tank? Is this true? I like the look of them and they are also docile fish so i’m hoping to put a honey gourami with some harlequin rasboras or some neon tetras. Is this space sufficient?
  4. JxsPxxle

    Blue night light option on my tank lid?

    I have the exact same thing. I recently bought a tank which has setting in the lid, 4 different levels of white light, then two different levels of “night light” or blue light. I usually turn the blue light on for an hour before the normal light comes on so the fish can adjust to the light. I do...
  5. JxsPxxle

    Stocking new 20 gallon and how to increase filtration

    A pair of honey gouramis are living the dream in a 20 gallon tank, you should get a small group of terras of some variety, neons like you said would be great as they are not aggressive and the gouramis can live in peace. As for the corydoras if you tank is high the floor surface area will be...
  6. JxsPxxle

    Happy New Year 2020!

    Happy New Year from England!
  7. JxsPxxle

    Is my stock ok?

    Unfortunately, your tank may be a little small for four fully grown honey gouramis. These fish are best kept in 20 gallon tanks as pairs, and if you are planning on adding angel fish, they can be territorial at times so will need their space. Gouramis are very docile and will sometimes let other...
  8. JxsPxxle

    Stocking new 20 gallon and how to increase filtration

    As well as the current filter, you could always add another filter to your tank which would increase filtration. Having two sponge filters in your tank will not be a bad idea. Is your tank long or high? 20 Gallons should be sufficient for a small group of dwarf cordydoras, personally pandas...
  9. JxsPxxle

    Which plant?

    I recently started a new tank, and i acquired some plants from my local fish store. These include: Echinodorus ozelot red, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Microsorum pteropus, Cyperus helferii and Anubias hastifolia. These are all great plants and will spread out, covering lots of your tank. I would...
  10. JxsPxxle

    Fish with injured tail.

    When i kept live bearers, some of them were related which i had bought from the shop resulting in inbred fry which are most of the time deformed and usually won’t make it very long. If it’s not this maybe another larger fish in your tank has nipped at it? You need to attach a picture for us to...
  11. JxsPxxle

    Identify this thing

    Maybe if you have another tank you could feed them to other fish such as dwarf puffers? But if you don’t you could just lower feeding amounts so they don’t have anything to eat, or manually remove them which would be a pain.
  12. JxsPxxle


    Good luck!
  13. JxsPxxle


    Looking at it, just like any gravel it looks like it would be safe for use with fish, just make sure you thoroughly wash it several times before adding it to your tank.
  14. JxsPxxle

    Feeding Time

    Looking good.
  15. JxsPxxle


    Yes. Make sure water quality matches the other tank and temperature also, this would be better for her than a breeder box as it would not stress her as much.
  16. JxsPxxle

    Preparing first tank

    Sounds good! Make sure your rasboras are in a group of at least 10 as they are only little guys and I would hang back on the Otocinclis until your tank begins algae growth as, other than maybe algae tablets this is their source of food. Guppies are wonderful fish just remember they are live...
  17. JxsPxxle

    Preparing first tank

    Sounds good! Make sure your harlequin rasboras are in a group of at least 10 and I would hang back on the otocinculus until your tank is established and algae growth begins because this is what they will be feeding on.
  18. JxsPxxle


    When my corydoras were breeding they would fly around the tank and chase each other. It is normal behaviour for corydoras to zoom to the surface, when I had them they did it constantly, never had any issues with them.
  19. JxsPxxle

    Dwarf Puffer Growth

    On it.
  20. 98844192-6B12-4CD2-9A5E-BABD388C04D9.jpeg


  21. JxsPxxle

    Stocking 105L/27 Gallon Tank

    I have a much smaller tank and a moderator had informed me that African Dwarf Frogs have very poor vision and rely on smell, so it may be a competition for them to get food, and may lead to over feeding. Also most of the species listed, other then guppies will dwell low in your tank and...
  22. JxsPxxle


    All my plants do great, all my fish do great and i’ve never had any issues.
  23. JxsPxxle


    yeah yeah, i’m the same but usually my light goes on late, I go to school at 8:00am and leave it off, but i have puffers, I feed mine three times a day once at about 8 then twice later on, I get home about 3:30pm and this is when the light will go on until about 10:30pm.
  24. JxsPxxle

    25L Tank stocking ideas

    Sounds like I might go with them. Yeah no betta, but i’m going to look into some types boraras more, thanks for the great advice! :)
  25. JxsPxxle


    I turn mine on and off manually depending when I am around because my tank has a remote with it, and my other tank is empty at the minute. 11am-7pm sounds like a good time. I would go with that one.
  26. JxsPxxle

    25L Tank stocking ideas

    I’m not so sure about ADFs they seem a little.... boring maybe they don’t move around much so I was looking for something else that will also roam the tank so I’m thinking no frogs. I was also considering micro rasbora as they seem like they would do well in there, and they are quite active.
  27. JxsPxxle


    To put her into the trap, use a net and slowly push her towards it, this way she is not being handled and no damage will come to her or her fry. You cannot leave her in there for more than 48 hours, and when the time comes shut out the lights and put her into the trap, leaving a bit of food for her.
  28. JxsPxxle


    Darkness will encourage them to give birth yes.
  29. JxsPxxle


    I have a heavily planted dwarf puffer tank and my plants do very well with 7 hours a day, as long as water quality is good and you could occasionally add fertiliser they should do excellent.
  30. JxsPxxle


    Yeah that could work, but i’d do a little shorter while they are actively giving birth.
  31. JxsPxxle


    I would suggest 7 hours, it’s a good amount of time and gives your fish plenty of time in their dark period, maybe you could increase it after all the pregnant fish have released their fry. Set it to when your going to be around, so that you can monitor your fish as much as possible.
  32. JxsPxxle


    Maybe you could get away with ten hours but I would not suggest it, I leave mine on about 7 hours and they are very healthy, and algae growth is limited.
  33. JxsPxxle


    This is too much for fish, they should be having between 6-8 hours of light a day. Having the light on extra will increase algae growth and has no benefits for your fish tank.
  34. JxsPxxle

    Illness or not?

    Maybe it could be fin rot. Are your water parameters as they should be? I wouldn’t add any treatment yet unless you are certain what is causing it, you should keep a close eye on the tank and if there is nipping occurring remove the culprit as it will stress the fish a lot.
  35. JxsPxxle

    Illness or not?

    The fin whitening could be done to fin nipping. Are there are fish in your tank which may be aggressive towards the fish? Do they all have it? Sometimes nipped fins may not heal well and could sometimes end up with fungus in them.
  36. JxsPxxle


    Yeah, how many hours do you keep your light on? Maybe you should reduce the hours slightly so that the platys are more encouraged to give birth.
  37. JxsPxxle


    From all the images attached, personally I think the one with the black patch on its tail looks the largest so I would put that one in first.
  38. JxsPxxle

    25L Tank stocking ideas

    I have recently transferred some puffers from a 25L to a 60L and I now have a free tank, any good ideas of what to put in there? I was thinking maybe two African Dwarf Frogs, a few shrimps and maybe a Betta, but I am open to any ideas. They can be non-fish also.
  39. JxsPxxle


    Looking at those pictures you added, she looks like she could give birth any minute! She’s full of fry.
  40. JxsPxxle


    Catch the fish and put it in there over night, make sure you feed her first and you should have fry soon, keep me updated. Good luck!