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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. carligraceee

    My momma platy died giving birth..

    Hello guys! Recently, one of my momma platy has been consistently pregnant. She gave birth to two babies and I have been raising them for several weeks. Yesterday evening, she started showing signs of bloating/swim bladder malfunction. Because of this, I put her in a small bowl full of the tank...
  2. carligraceee

    Is this normal betta behavior?

    bettas prefer a low pH level. 7.0 is fine, but i try to keep it under that at around 6.8! your most important thing to look for is aggression. both male mollies and male bettas will fight if threatened.
  3. carligraceee

    Molly pregnant???

    I doubt it... I would say she might have a full week left. Mollies can get chubby but she doesn't have the rounded sides like she would have if she was close to giving birth.
  4. carligraceee

    Molly pregnant???

    In my opinion, I wouldn't separate her. However, that is just because sometimes they can get depressed, cold, or stressed. Monitor her behavior while she is separated. Yes, remove the male. He will only stress her out more.
  5. carligraceee

    What are all of you high schoolers taking next year?

    Hi! It is so nice to see another person close to my age. I will be a junior next year, my career of interest is being a 4th grade teacher (yes, I will be having a class pet and it will be either frogs or a 29g aquarium). I am taking these classes: AP English Language AP US History Early...
  6. carligraceee

    Small tanks

    Haha. Everyone here has different views on tank sizes. Water Quality: With smaller tanks, it is far more difficult to keep water quality at its tip top shape. You would need to change the water almost once a day in order for the ammonia or nitrites to not spike. For this reason, many aquarists...
  7. carligraceee

    Is this normal betta behavior?

    Hey! So, it is really easy to tell when a betta is stressed. Stocking: Mollies and Bettas both have long fins. No one has said why they wouldn't go well together. Unless you start seeing some aggression, especially flaring from your betta, you needn't worry about it. Never move a fish around...
  8. carligraceee

    30 Gallon tank, stocking

    Personally, with your hard water, livebearers would do great!
  9. carligraceee

    Pregnant Platy

    Hello! I just wanted to give you some advice for caring for them, I don't know if this is your first batch of fry or not! For feeding: Fry need to be fed 3-5 times a day. I recommend getting crushed brine shrimp or crushing up regular fish food flakes. Do not just feed them the brine shrimp...
  10. carligraceee

    Molly pregnant???

    She looks almost boxed off, I would guess next few days to a week! Watch her behavior. If she lingers by herself, she is probably giving birth.
  11. carligraceee

    Yellow Mollie turned almost white

    I have heard of it too but the fish should have clamped fins if it is truly that stressed. Based on the pic, I really think it is just maturing and developing new colors.
  12. carligraceee

    Molly pregnant???

    Yes. You can see the dark spot by her anal fin. She is close. Observe her behavior, when she gets smaller, take the adults out and fish the babies out. Put the babies in a clear breeders box.
  13. carligraceee

    White dots on mollies

    I was thinking so too but the whole picture is a bit blurry so I don't think it is fungus. If the OP got a still picture of it- that might help.
  14. carligraceee

    White dots on mollies

    Breathing at the top of the tank indicates lack of oxygen. Add an air stone or decrease water level to allow more air bubbles to develop on the surface. Flapping its fins is okay... clamped fins is what you should be worried about.
  15. carligraceee

    Tank questions, getting planted tank set up, etc

    Okay perfect. I will look into all of those! When I get home- I will grab a pic! It is more high than long but my new tank would be long and high!
  16. carligraceee

    Baby platy

    They should be okay. They have a great sense of survival and as long as you have good hiding places they should be fine before you get your breeders box! I am so glad I could help!
  17. carligraceee

    Tank questions, getting planted tank set up, etc

    Okay, that does make me feel better. I will have to discuss with my momma when the time comes haha. Does anyone have any answers to my other questions? Planted tank, etc?
  18. carligraceee

    White stuff in Salfin molly's eye

    Nitrites are very dangerous. You need to strive for 0 and your nitrates are too high. The highest you want is 20ppm. Do a large water change. Do NOT change filter media- rinse it in dirty tank water. Use SeaChem Prime if you can.
  19. carligraceee

    Tank questions, getting planted tank set up, etc

    Okay, thank you! You guys are always so helpful :)
  20. carligraceee

    Tank maintenance

    Started this tank in December of 2020... Almost 6 months and have already made those mistakes of changing the filter. Now, with Colin's advice, all I do is rinse the media until it is torn up and can't be used anymore. NOW, all I will do is rinse it and the next filter I have to use, I will...
  21. carligraceee

    Baby platy

    Okay I have to deal with this all the time. Here is what I do. - Purchase a clear breeders box and put it in the main tank. -Remove adults and put them in a holding container for the time it takes me to do this. -Fish out the babies with a net and put them in the clear breeders tank. -Put...
  22. carligraceee

    Tank maintenance

    Oh okay! That is easy haha
  23. carligraceee

    Tank questions, getting planted tank set up, etc

    Do you mean Facebook? Is Craigslist trustworthy?
  24. carligraceee

    White stuff in Salfin molly's eye

    Not at all normal. Test you water with the API master testing kit, do a large water change, raise water temp to around 79-80 and monitor for 24 hours. If the fish with popeye is persistent, remove him and treat his QT with aquarium salt and warm water. Monitor the other male molly.
  25. carligraceee

    Tank maintenance

    Alright- where can I buy those? I already bought a butt load of the carbon cartridges haha. But what would the regular ones look like?
  26. carligraceee

    Tank questions, getting planted tank set up, etc

    Okay haha thank you you guys. I think I will discuss with my mom since I will be the one paying for it (I am saving for a car AND this tank that is why i wanted to try and sell). If I were to attempt to sell, where would be the best place to do so?
  27. carligraceee

    White stuff in Salfin molly's eye

    Yes- I was trying to find the word for it before I commented it. Popeye is best treated with warmer water and aquarium salt.
  28. carligraceee

    Tank maintenance

    It is the TopFin 10g Powerfilter cartridges!
  29. carligraceee

    Tank maintenance

    I use carbon filters haha How would you change it piece by piece?
  30. carligraceee

    Tank questions, getting planted tank set up, etc

    Ahhh I see. That is a bummer! I will have to discuss this with my mom- I might have to stick with livebearers in the big tank or sell my livebearers with the tank??? This is always tough haha.
  31. carligraceee

    Tank questions, getting planted tank set up, etc

    Non carp species? What are those? I assume my livebearers are non carp? I was thinking the goldy might eat them but I was unsure...
  32. carligraceee

    Stocking a 10 gallon tank, any suggestions?

    Haha I am just seeing this! It is true, I have new babies monthly and I have to raise them. If anyone wants them let me know ;)
  33. carligraceee


    Beautiful picture! She is pregnant. You can see her gravid spot and the dark spot on her stomach close to her anal fin. You have several options. - Separate the babies from the main tank once you realize they have been birthed. - Take the momma out and put her in a separate tank/breeder tank...
  34. carligraceee

    Tank maintenance

    Hello! Do not replace filter cartridges. During every water change (depending on stock level, once a week or biweekly) you should rinse the cartridges in dirty tank water and then dispose of the tank water. Bioboost is not useless but since your tank is established, I would agree with the...
  35. carligraceee

    Yellow Mollie turned almost white

    Hello! That looks like a platy, not a molly! While similar, the body shapes and level of aggression are different. Platys tend to be short and less aggressive while mollies are long and slender (slightly rounded) and a bit more aggressive. Both are community fish. She looks fine! When fish...
  36. carligraceee

    White stuff in Salfin molly's eye

    I agree that we might need pictures. However, based on your description, he might have a fungal infection. Separate him from the main tank and treat him with fungal treatment and aquarium salt. Make sure the water is on the warmer side (79-81) and keep it at that consistently. Observe for any...
  37. carligraceee

    White dots on mollies

    It looks close to dalmatian molly markings. Anyone else think so too? Usually, when a fish feels safe and secure, they will begin to grow new markings on their body. My dalmatian molly has begun to get quite a few black spots when she used to be a majority white. My bumblebee platy did the same...
  38. carligraceee

    Tank questions, getting planted tank set up, etc

    Hello! I will be upgrading sometime in the near future to a 36g TopFin aquarium that will sit on a stand. I have a couple questions! How much could I sell a 11.5g tank for? It would include all filters, filter media, and heater! I was thinking 70USD? I want to purchase a black moor...
  39. carligraceee

    Help on Molly Fish

    Like Colin said- if you only have livebearers, salt is perfectly safe for them and you can even add more. I would follow his directions- update us soon! I hope your fish heals quickly :)
  40. carligraceee

    6 mollies in a 14 litre tank

    The tank is too cramped up. I recommend AT LEAST 10g for up to four mollies but that is if you have filter capacity and tip top water care. I would try to find a new tank or return the mollies. TopFin 10g sets are actually 11.5g and can run at around 60-85 USD. I always recommend TopFin...