Tank questions, getting planted tank set up, etc

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How do I start a planted aquarium that will need medium-low hassle? I would love a carpet, some plants that grow out of driftwood, floating plants, anything that grows freely that won't need a lot of hassle.
For plants, I would recommend low light plants such as

Amazon Sword
Java Fern
Water Sprite
Java Moss

The Java fern, java moss, and anubias will grow attached to driftwood!

Water Sprite
Red Root Floaters
Water Lettuce
Will all grow floating

I would recommend buying a Nicrew LED light for the tank, they are high quality! Depending on the model, some are capable of supporting medium to high light plants as well, such as Ludwigia.

For plants, a sand substrate is very nice.
Growing a carpet typically needs more care, higher lighting. You could try Dwarf Pennywort, Dwarf Sag, Dwarf Hairgrass. I have never tried any of those before though, but I know they look nice, I don’t know anything about their care though
A picture of the 11.5g may help. It will be hard selling it though. I would honestly just keep it as a backup or a QT tank.
For plants, I would recommend low light plants such as

Amazon Sword
Java Fern
Water Sprite
Java Moss

The Java fern, java moss, and anubias will grow attached to driftwood!

Water Sprite
Red Root Floaters
Water Lettuce
Will all grow floating

I would recommend buying a Nicrew LED light for the tank, they are high quality! Depending on the model, some are capable of supporting medium to high light plants as well, such as Ludwigia.

For plants, a sand substrate is very nice.
A picture of the 11.5g may help. It will be hard selling it though. I would honestly just keep it as a backup or a QT tank.
Growing a carpet typically needs more care, higher lighting. You could try Dwarf Pennywort, Dwarf Sag, Dwarf Hairgrass. I have never tried any of those before though, but I know they look nice, I don’t know anything about their care though

Okay perfect. I will look into all of those!

When I get home- I will grab a pic! It is more high than long but my new tank would be long and high!

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