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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. carligraceee

    Fish that should not be sold.

    Definitely sharks! They need so much room and what we think is enough, definitely isn't enough!
  2. carligraceee

    A little 40g update + pH help!

    We have a pest snail problem, the classic "I bought floaters online that were snail free but actually are not snail free" scenario. I read all of this to my mom and she is a bit reluctant still but I might be able to show her a list of fish that could work for our tank to replace the clown...
  3. carligraceee

    A little 40g update + pH help!

    Hey thanks so much for your reply! What is RO water?
  4. carligraceee

    Sharing my Wild Bettas

    Wow! Where did you get these guys and how much were they? They are beautiful!!!
  5. carligraceee

    A little 40g update + pH help!

    Well look at that. Do you have any recommendations for bottom feeders who love to munch on snails? I am going to present her this thread either tomorrow or tonight, our loach has been doing pretty well, he is brightly colored and eats like crazy and hasn't shown any aggression but now that I...
  6. carligraceee

    What would you own?

    This is so fun. I think the most unusual fish I would own would be some sort of eel. I think my favorite fish I could own would be a discus fish. My favorite marine fish would be some kind of puffer fish. My favorite aquatic fish would be a crayfish or some kind of large crab species.
  7. carligraceee

    Stalled Cycle?

    Thanks, i didn’t do any water changes until after the cycle finished. yes, every tank is different ! i had some bio boosters in my filter when i cycled as well, if you’d like i can link to wear you can find them. they create a place in the filter for extra beneficial bacteria to live as well as...
  8. carligraceee

    A little 40g update + pH help!

    You have been incredibly helpful. I am going to show my mom this post, she is very reluctant to getting rid of our loach since she had to get rid of our Blue Phantom Pleco awhile back. I am thinking about countering the absence of the loach with a striped raphael catfish since they too eat...
  9. carligraceee

    A little 40g update + pH help!

    Thanks so much! I was told by my local importer that the loach would be too aggressive towards his friends. I will speak with my mom about it as she really loves him. I am aware of his size, we are still debating whether we will upgrade to a 75g or not once he gets too large for the tank. I...
  10. carligraceee

    Stalled Cycle?

    I published it, here is the link! It should download on your device as a pdf! Carli's Cycle
  11. carligraceee

    Help with Male Platy Fish

    Definitely either get a bigger tank or rehome them. Platies are naturally territorial, especially the males, and will not hesitate to be aggressive towards their tankmates. Fish you can fit in a five gallon include bettas, tetras, raspboras, and certain species of livebearers like guppies.
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  16. carligraceee

    Stalled Cycle?

    When I was cycling my tank, I didn't see much fluctuation of the pH levels, matters of only .1 to .2 differences. I will link my Google Sheets so you can see what I am talking about. Carli's Cycle But fluctuation is very normal, from what I know, not much can stall a cycle and some cycles take...
  17. carligraceee

    A little 40g update + pH help!

    Hey guys! Long time no see! I decided to give another update since I have made some more changes and added some things. Stock: - Davinci the African Butterfly fish, he has reached around 3.5 inches so far - 11 Black Phantom Tetras, all around 1.5 inches - NEW 12 Bleeding Heart Tetras, all...
  18. carligraceee

    Is this a Betta?? I want to help

    Sounds awesome! I would definitely take him in if I had the space.
  19. carligraceee

    Fish keep dying

    I have noticed Platys are not the hardiest of fish. I read your numbers, nitrate is way too high. Do consistent, daily water changes with dechlorinated water. Test for ammonia. If it anything about 0, do a 75% water change once a day until it is 0. Add live plants and make sure you are feeding...
  20. carligraceee

    Is this a Betta?? I want to help

    Haha I was laughing reading these replies. This is definitely not a betta and is definitely a guorami. Dwarf species need a minimum of 10g of a cycled tank and do really well in large groups of their own kind but I am pretty sure they can be alone. They can be aggressive if the group of...
  21. carligraceee

    Fluval stratum volcanic soil - not clearing in tank

    I am not saying it will be clean lol I am just saying, rinsing it can help with the unrest when you put it in the water. All it is doing is washing off some of the excess dust. You won't clean dirt of course..
  22. carligraceee

    Fluval stratum volcanic soil - not clearing in tank

    No, the Fluval Planted Tank soil which is what the OP was posting about... I explained how that soil is commonly hard to clean completely...
  23. carligraceee

    Update 2022

    Yeah! I was using a 2014 Macbook Pro (it is getting a bit old haha) but it basically had to classic Error 404 message that the page couldn't be found. But then it randomly fixed itself!
  24. carligraceee

    Fluval stratum volcanic soil - not clearing in tank

    It sounds to me that you haven't rinsed it thoroughly enough. I soaked my Fluval soil for several hours and then rinsed it four times before putting it my tank. Even then, it took 7 hours to settle.
  25. carligraceee

    Update 2022

    I could not access this forum for months for some weird reason! But I am back! I wanted to give an update on my tank! Current Stocking: - 1 African Butterfly Fish - 11 Black Phantom Tetras - 7 Kuhli Loaches - 1 Clown Loach - I will be keeping him till he gets too big for my 40g...
  26. carligraceee

    ICH Disease that isn't ICH but much more serious????

    I can take pictures tonight when I get home, it isn't pretty. I am very nervous about turning the heat up too high. The bottle of treatment says turn it up to 83-84F and 86F just is too hot for the fish that I have. I do not want to cook my healthy fish.
  27. carligraceee

    ICH Disease that isn't ICH but much more serious????

    I don't know how something could've gone wrong so quickly. It started with the death of my twig catfish which spiked the ammonia a bit (not a lot but enough, around .15). I took him out and tested the water the next day and ammonia had dropped to 0ppm. Then, I noticed white spots on my Black...
  28. carligraceee

    P.H Questions

    Awesome, I plan on upgrading to either a 60g or a 75g for my pleco in a year or less. I will be using current filter media however, so I don't have to recycle my tank. Hopefully the p.H doesn't change too much, it has stayed pretty steady around the 7.2-7.4 range.
  29. carligraceee

    P.H Questions

    My city website says both which is weird, but I would say it is on the harder side based on the p.H levels I have had in the past before biologically adding things that help soften the water. Forgive me, though, if that is not how this works!
  30. carligraceee

    Starting 5 gallon betta fish planted tank, I have questions!

    Haha this happens to me whenever I add substrate. It is dust and debris and it will settle in the next few hours.
  31. carligraceee

    P.H Questions

    It is 83ppm, 8-10 grains per gallon.
  32. carligraceee

    P.H Questions

    Yes, my water's GH is soft-moderately hard in my area. My website says 10g/l or something like that, I just know the number is 10.
  33. carligraceee

    P.H Questions

    Okay, thank you. I haven't noticed any problems at all but I don't want to be the person who disregards any part of a fish's needs. Thank you again!
  34. carligraceee

    P.H Questions

    Not so much local, I purchased from an importer in Boulder so DJ came straight from Columbia.
  35. carligraceee

    P.H Questions

    Hello everyone! My tank is finally completely stocked and I have some questions about my p.h. I will be testing it again later tonight but recently it has lived in the 7.2-7.4 range. I need to have it somewhere closer to 7.0-7.2 in order for it to suit most of my inhabitants. My Stock: 40.3 g 1...
  36. carligraceee

    My tank has been overrun by snails... help!

    This is brilliant! I will try this tonight!
  37. carligraceee

    My tank has been overrun by snails... help!

    I wouldn't say OVER-feeding... but I do give them enough food. 42g 1 African Butterfly Fish 6 Black Phantom Tetras 1 Blue Phantom Pleco I will be adding 5 more tetras today.
  38. carligraceee

    My tank has been overrun by snails... help!

    Hey you guys! So, my tank is home to several snails. I bought floating plants a month ago and I believe they brought pest snails with them. I am extremely upset and out of options when it comes to disposing of them. I seriously have an endless amount, 2-3 dozen of these guys and they just keep...
  39. carligraceee

    Filter nightmares...what's yours?

    I am always worried my filter will start overflowing because of an internal problem and since my aquarium is on hard wood floors, it makes me incredibly worried!