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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    One Lucky Beta!

    Reading the tale of the younger sibling, I'm glad I involved both our two kids (2 and 4) with the introduction of a fish tank and of choosing the fish and they both think the fish are "a part of the family" rather than harbouring any jealousy over it.   Saying that, I will be keeping an eye out...
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    Feeding Cherry Shrimp: Time Of Day

    I've noticed that my RCS seem to feed / be more active first thing in the morning / last thing at night.    Possibly because it's a bit quieter/darker in the tank during those periods as there are 3 Danio's in there with them.  Other than that, they tend to hide under various ornaments during...
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    Aqua Start 320 Ideas

    My son (age 4) loves his Danio's - they are (quote) "fast and mad which is why I like them".  And they say that owners are like their pets .   I'm not sure if the aqua start 320 is big enough though - maybe some others can give you a bit of advice.   If it's a tropical tank, why not put some...
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    Homemade Shelters For Rcs

    I'm at my folks this weekend and I'll see if I can nab some of their spare bamboo canes they use for the garden!  (I'm hoping that cleaning, scrubbing, and then boiling them will do the trick to make them safe to use!).   In the meantime, i used some of the spare conduit trunking I had at home -...
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    Are There Any Snails That Do Not Self-Populate?

    As the title says really.   I know a lot of snails can be asexual (they can reproduce just by themselves) but are there any varieties that are not?   I don't want a snail explosion in my tank, so I have been deliberately keeping away from them - but was just curious if there were any that...
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    Homemade Shelters For Rcs

    Thanks all - some good ideas!  I already have some plants in there that they like and use when out for a feed (mostly early morning) - but they prefer hiding under the rock for most of the day. 
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    Homemade Shelters For Rcs

    Hi All,   I recently got some RCS (5 of them).  They are in a tank with 3 Danio's.   The RCS seem to like hiding under a big rock that I have - but that makes it almost impossible to see them and it also looks like they are squeezing under there.    It also makes it hard to count them, and I'm...
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    We Are New And Need A Little Advice

    Hi Tunagirl - It's a reasonably new tank, but has finished cycling, and the Ammonia and Nitrite are nil, with some "normal" nitrate levels in there (according to the fish shop who test the water for me - I forgot to ask the exact ppm last time!).   Can't wait to get some RCS and see if they make...
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    My Fish Are Biting Me

    My three danio's are rather crazy and will swim / bump / peck at my fingers or hands at any chance they get - whether it is whilst doing a water change or whilst sorting out the plants / ornaments at the bottom.   Our kids think it is fantastic though !!!
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    We Are New And Need A Little Advice

    I'm going mad with our algae as well - all over our gravel.   We now just turn our lights on in the morning (07:00 - 09:00) and the afternoon (15:00 - 19:00) - mainly for the benefit of our kids so they can see the fish better.  The tank is near a window and gets a fair bit of natural light. ...
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    Breeding Danios

    Does anyone have any pictures (or links they can post) of either : What a female Danio with (unfertislised) eggs inside her looks like or what Danio eggs look like once the female has released them?  I'm trying to visualize the size / scale so I can see if mine have been dropping eggs - although...
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    Automatic Feeder

      I was ear-wigging at our LFS last week - the guy there gets some small pots and labels them up "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", etc... with the right amount & type of fish food in each pot in order to make sure his fish are not over/under fed by his neighbor.  All the neighbor does is just...
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    What Paint To Use?

    Wow - sounds awesome.  It would be interesting to see some pics!   I'm guessing that whatever paint you choose needs to be fish friendly!
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    How Not To Take A Water Sample To A Lfs

    At home we like cooking fresh food for our 2 and 4 year old - we cook in bulk, freeze the portions and then re-heat individual portions when necessary.   The pots we freeze the food in have nice tight screw-on lids.   Ideal for taking a small sample of water in to the local fish shop so they can...
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    Cleaning A Filter

    Thanks for the advice!  I now have a plan of attack :-)
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    Cleaning A Filter

    What's the best way to clean an in-tank filter without getting rid of all the good bacteria?   eg - Do I fill a jug with water from the aquarium, move the filter quickly from the aquarium to the jug, and then dismantle the filter in order to get one of the two filter sponges out?  Do i then just...
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    How Big Is Yours... (Red Cherry Shrimp)?

    I am thinking / looking to get some RCS for my tank - all I had seen before were the smaller fry (0.5-1cm).  I have been to a few other LFS's over the past week, and have been amazed at how big some of the RCS (and other varieties) can get.   I was going to get quite a lot (10 or so) for my...
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    Wild Shrimp

    Are wild shrimp (that have been identified) safe to put into tanks with other fish then?  (maybe after a quarantine!)  I'd never heard (or thought) of that before.
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    Where Do People Buy Their Shrimp From? (Leicester, Uk)

    Hi All,   I'm looking to get some shrimp (ideally Red Cherry Shrimp) for our tank (currently have Danio's and some live plants in - so thought RCS would be good and also not likely to get eaten by the Danio's!)   Looking at the price of shrimp in my LFS they are £4 or £5 for 2 (either...
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    Platy Fry And Danio

      Thankfully someone else has taken the platy fry now (just had a text through!) - so no worries there.     With regards to the number of fish - what would be the ideal number?   I've seen various statistics from between 1cm of fish per litre of water through to 2.5 cm of fish per 4l litres of...
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    Disease From Platy Fry

    Hi All,   Following on from my other post, I have been offered some platy fry.  My wife asked the question about disease - can diseases (if present) be transfered between tanks by the likes of platy fry?  I'd love to home some of the fry (rather than see them destroyed), but I don't want to...
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    Platy Fry And Danio

    Hi All,   A bit of a newbie here - had my 40l tank (cycled) and now with 3 Pearl Danio's for 4 weeks and the cycle levels are fine.  Last week we planted some live plants (3 x bunches)   The end goal was to have either some more pearl danio's or some platy in the tank, with some shrimp to help...