Feeding Cherry Shrimp: Time Of Day

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Mostly New Member
Sep 17, 2013
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So I was wondering are cherry shrimp mostly day time feeders or night time feeders? Should I be feeding them when the light goes on or right before the light goes off? Or sometime in the middle? Does it matter?
You might get a mixed response about this, but I think most shrimp will be looking for food all the time, day and night. Whether it's the tiny bits and bobs growing on sand and gravel or the left over fish food or whatever shrimp-specific food you feed them.
They'll feed at any time of day, even when you've put no food in they'll be grazing on plants wood rocks etc for tiny particles
Yup, they are forever eating!! 
Even from my assassin snails, they will climb on back of assassin and eat algae off  shell...  
Provided its a shrimp only tank then feeding when the lights are on wont be a problem, also it gives you the opportunity to check on their progress if they are all out front and centre having a munch on a particularly favourite food.
And as already said shrimp are eating machines, they will always be picking at something or other.
I find my RCS absolutely loves Hikari Algae wafers......
I've noticed that my RCS seem to feed / be more active first thing in the morning / last thing at night. 
Possibly because it's a bit quieter/darker in the tank during those periods as there are 3 Danio's in there with them.  Other than that, they tend to hide under various ornaments during the main part of the day.
Hikari Wafers do come in two different sizes but exactly the same.

Does not matter which you buy, mini ones probably better but I'm using the normal sized ones and just break a teeny piece of that and crush it between two spoons and make small pieces for the shrimps to munch on :)

You CAN put in a chunk of a piece but find my RCS fight over it so it's more peaceful when you scatter little bits around and everybody's happy!! :)

Do not over feed RCS feed sparingly really.

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