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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Willbacon23

    How long does my guppy have left?

    Perfect amazing thanks! I just bought her today so would hope a little longer before
  2. Willbacon23

    How long does my guppy have left?

    Here are the photos
  3. 88394DEE-9E88-4FF2-9C0B-071369EC6A79.jpeg


  4. 7B36AB9A-FD29-434E-92CA-4305040EF088.jpeg


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  6. Willbacon23

    How long does my guppy have left?

    Hey guys, I’ve never had fish give birth so the signs for me are very hard to see! I’m wondering how close my guppy’s is to giving birth
  7. Willbacon23

    Is my tank overstocked?

    That’s amazing to hear! My tank always seems so busy which is obviously amazjng but makes me seem worried it’s overstocked
  8. Willbacon23

    Anacharis keeps dying. Are there other fast growing plants that fill that niche?

    Couldn’t agree more with elodea in UK, jus disintegrates
  9. Willbacon23

    Is my tank overstocked?

    Hey guys, I have roughly a 25 gallon (diameters 64x42x32cm) and have stocked currently 9 corys 1 small Albino BN Pleco, 6 glowlight danios and 4 guppy’s, with a few cherry shrimp as well. Any guppy fry is being sold to my LFS if any spawn and I do 60% water changes weekly with a vacuum. I have...
  10. Willbacon23

    Help!-weird green colouration on cherry shrimp

    Perfect amazing! The order came with 2 cherry shrimp heavily berried which is amazing luck!
  11. Willbacon23

    Help!-weird green colouration on cherry shrimp

    It’s the bottom shrimp in the picture- the greenness around the head
  12. Willbacon23

    Help!-weird green colouration on cherry shrimp

    I think that’s it it’s not feathery as mentioned which is fungus its more a slight green tinge. I didn’t know if that’s normal
  13. Willbacon23

    Help!-weird green colouration on cherry shrimp

    Hello, today cherry shrimp I ordered online arrived and I noticed a green colouration as seen below. I am wondering if this is a fungal infection and whether or not it is safe to add these cherry shrimp into my community tank. One of the cherry shrimp is berried and their eggs look perfectly fine.
  14. CB15191E-82E2-4EEC-82BD-96535AE18848.jpeg


  15. Willbacon23

    Do I give this blue goby a home?

    It’s a female and a single goby
  16. Willbacon23

    Do I give this blue goby a home?

    What’s the bioload like? Will it significantly increase the stocking of my tank?
  17. Willbacon23

    Do I give this blue goby a home?

    I believe I am able to- I presume adding more plants will help with that- I have loads of algae in my other tank constantly forming-could I transport that over?
  18. Willbacon23

    Do I give this blue goby a home?

    The challenge is obviously like exciting and I love new fish- it’s more if anyone can confirm how hard it is to feed them etc.
  19. Willbacon23

    Do I give this blue goby a home?

    My friend is moving house and is unable to find new homes for only one of his fish- a blue cobalt goby . I meet some of the requirements-high flow high oxygenation perfect temperature and fit in water paramaters. It would be a single in the tank but the feeding is so strenuous I feel it will be...
  20. Willbacon23

    Starter set?

    Nothing worse than rams horn snails
  21. Willbacon23

    what should I use to transport a bristlenose pleco and can it survive a 36-40 minute ride.

    Use a bucket and it can easily survive 40 minutes
  22. Willbacon23

    My new breeding project!!!

    Is this a joke or not?
  23. Willbacon23

    Will guppies work?

    I’ve never had fry so would be amazing if it happened for me
  24. Willbacon23

    Will guppies work?

    That’s really interesting! I don’t have enough space for a quarantine tank properly so I will examine when I get to my LFS which I dearly trust. (They keep all their fish in 25 Gallons that are small, and I’ve interned there and saw the care they take its amazing.) if I see any ich or fin rot in...
  25. Willbacon23

    Will guppies work?

    Im planning on getting one male and 3 females :)
  26. Willbacon23

    Will guppies work?

    They are! I’m more than prepared for high maintenance which is why I got them :)
  27. Willbacon23

    Will guppies work?

    Ohhh perfect, I don’t know how many I should get for the tank so it won’t be overstocked so I guess that’s a issue
  28. Willbacon23

    Will guppies work?

    Are you suggesting the ratio or the entire stock of guppies for the tank
  29. Willbacon23

    Will guppies work?

    Assuming the water is as you say liquid rock, which I will check with my water provider, what would you suggest is an adequate number of guppies to add to my community tank?
  30. Willbacon23

    Will guppies work?

    Home tester kit- I feel like my water must be harder- my LFS said our water is perfect for guppies
  31. Willbacon23

    Will guppies work?

    Being from London I’ve been told my water is really hard
  32. Willbacon23

    Will guppies work?

    Hey guys, I have a community 25G with 9 corys, 6 glowlight danio and a albino bridtlenose pleco. My water hardness is 8DGH and I was planning on getting some guppies. My question is, will guppies work in my tank, and how many should I get if so, and in what ratio of males to females.
  33. Willbacon23

    Fish Stocking?

    I’m no expert on water hardness so it’s unwise of me to wrongly suggest species for you to keep. I would say in a tank that’s around 65 gallons you’ve got a lot of options. A tank based on beauty could comprise of a huge shoal of one fish you really like (eg. 100 Ember tetras) In a heavily...
  34. Willbacon23

    Fish Stocking?

    FOr example in a 260 litre my dream would be a cichlids shell dweller tanks but that’s likely quite different from your dream tank! I’ve also always wanted Apistogramma double fire reds!
  35. Willbacon23

    Top dwellers with high flow

    I have danios and they mainly swim middle to slightly lower of tank. They shoot up to the top like rockets for food though!
  36. Willbacon23

    Top dwellers with high flow

    I have always wanted guppies but for some reason have always been under the illusion they wouldn’t fit my tank hmmm. It’s a community tank so maybe that’s why but one day hopefully I can keep them!
  37. Willbacon23

    Fish Stocking?

    What type of fish would you ideally have if I may ask? Or are you simply looking for inspiration :)
  38. Willbacon23

    Top dwellers with high flow

    Hey guys, more just for plans for the future. Does anyone have any recommendations for fish that can fit in nothing larger than a 30g and can deal w a spray bar flow that will preferably be living in top third of the tank? Just planning for the future and have yet to find a fish that suits this...
  39. Willbacon23

    This Can’t Be Happening!

    Just so unlucky :(
  40. Willbacon23

    This Can’t Be Happening!

    You really may be on to something there. It’s a shame we don’t all live in a World where we all have space for numerous quarantine tanks