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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Willbacon23

    GBR sitting at bottom

    The female is the one I’ve had longer! And k think the colours, when wasn’t stressed, we’re the most amazing I’ve seen from a female GBR. Plus I’ve grown a connection with it since getting bullied even more so didn’t feel right returning it!
  2. Willbacon23

    GBR sitting at bottom

    Noted about conditions- thanks so much for the tip I think it helped me solve the issue
  3. Willbacon23

    GBR sitting at bottom

    Think you were bang on- observed for 30 minutes as suggested below and as the male charged towards the female it clearly stressed her and worsened the issue. Going to return male tommorow to the LFS. Would you guys recommend keeping the female by herself or would it do better with another female?
  4. Willbacon23

    GBR sitting at bottom

    Hi guys, one of my German blue rams ( the female) who I recently bought a week ago from the pet store seems to be struggling at the bottom. Added to an established tank and the male GBR has been doing fine, along with all the other fish in the tank. All nitrates etc etc completely normal and did...
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  7. Willbacon23

    Aggressive Rams or normal behaviour?

    I hope so too makes sense dominant male establishing itself ! Both eating well so hopefully
  8. Willbacon23

    Aggressive Rams or normal behaviour?

    I’m fairly sure they are a pair- I’ve checked here’s photo also. Tanks got lots of caves etc etc, I’ve struggled with plants in the past but any suggestions? Watching the behaviour they seem much better now, but is the occasional chasing etc usual?
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  10. Willbacon23

    Aggressive Rams or normal behaviour?

    Note also he got them yesterday: I can’t remember if mine were aggressive at start so any experience would be much appreciated.
  11. Willbacon23

    Aggressive Rams or normal behaviour?

    Hey guys, my brother recently got a pair of German blue rams in his community tank (40 gallon or so) but is worried about male behaviour. It seems to be chasing the female around constantly. Is this normal behaviour? What should he watch out for/ do? Thanks in advance!
  12. Willbacon23

    Is my 28 Gallon Fully stocked?

    Only thing I was really considering is kuhli loaches, unless people had nice suggestions, it’s a very long tank which I knew made a difference with lots of hiding spots. They’re the only other fish that’s really ever taken my fancy and never had :) in terms of Cory they’re not my PP, I have 9...
  13. Willbacon23

    Is my 28 Gallon Fully stocked?

    Think you’re right- I bought from my friend who locally raised them in his tank before I understood- have kept ever since.
  14. Willbacon23

    Is my 28 Gallon Fully stocked?

    *33 Gallon US liquid
  15. Willbacon23

    Is my 28 Gallon Fully stocked?

    Hi guys, Got a 28 Gallon Long which is currently stocked with 6 guppies a German blue ram pair one albino bristle nose pleco 9 corydoras. Had for awhile and all get on really well. Water is soft and all nitrates usual etc etc. do you think I’m fully stocked / any recommendations for fish...
  16. Willbacon23

    Will my guppy be happier with Endler guppies?

    Of course, my problem was after getting them within 48 hours they had all died in the same fashion whilst all other fish were completely normal and parameters were fine. I called my fish store who said they had all but two of their female guppies die, which the importer stated was more likely to...
  17. Willbacon23

    Will my guppy be happier with Endler guppies?

    Couldn’t have put it better myself!
  18. Willbacon23

    Will my guppy be happier with Endler guppies?

    Yes exactly! I knew they interbreed a lot so I am not bothered by that one bit!
  19. Willbacon23

    Will my guppy be happier with Endler guppies?

    Perfect :) will the male guppy appreciate having females endlers in? Or will he be unbothered either way
  20. Willbacon23

    Will my guppy be happier with Endler guppies?

    Why is breeding a bad thing?
  21. Willbacon23

    Will my guppy be happier with Endler guppies?

    Hey guys, after the death of my 3 female guppies my male guppy still in the community tank has no other guppies within the tank with it. I’ve read online they’re fine by themselves but worried about him being stressed. I’m terrified of getting more guppies in as they’re so inbred and can have...
  22. Willbacon23

    Is my guppy pregnant?

    It could have a bacterial infection. Watch the other guppies as well. I thought mine was pregnant but turned out to be an infection. Watch if your other new guppies get the same thing, if not then it’s pregnant!
  23. Willbacon23

    Middle ground needed for betta tankmate...

    I wonder if a bamboo shrimp would work hmmm
  24. Willbacon23

    Middle ground needed for betta tankmate...

    I think Armani shrimp are the way forward !
  25. Willbacon23

    Middle ground needed for betta tankmate...

    It’s not my tank and I do tend to agree! I feel like just get some nerite snails and cherry shrimpy
  26. Willbacon23

    Middle ground needed for betta tankmate...

    Firstly water parameters: 0ppm ammonia nitrite 11DGH hardness, 20G heavily planted betta tank. My brother has lost control of algae and is really wanting a cleanup crew to help a little bit, as well as wanting more tankmates with his betta. The betta is incredibly well natured and when in...
  27. Willbacon23

    New 40 gallon tank (Community tank)

    Gouramis have quite an aggressive mating process so can be v stressful for fish and for them if you keep males and females as a heads up :)
  28. Willbacon23

    He naps way too much he worries me

    Is this your only fish?
  29. Willbacon23

    New 40 gallon tank (Community tank)

    That’s quite a lot of stocking! Doesn’t seem to be too much issues tho, maybe a larger group of corydoras and only 1 BN pleco will work better. You need soft water tho for corys and tetras
  30. Willbacon23

    Should I get a gourami?

    Glowlight danio are amazing! I have some they will even breed if you’re lucky
  31. Willbacon23

    No further deaths in tank so far!

    I’ve got some very small corys so worried about hurting them!
  32. Willbacon23

    No further deaths in tank so far!

    Hey guys, as mentioned on Monday I had a nightmare with 3 of my 4 guppies (all female) dying from some sort of bacteria disease. The last guppy was seperated into quarantine for precaution (accurately named trooper,) and has shown no signs of the same bacteria disease which overnight decimated...
  33. Willbacon23

    am I overstocked?

    With that many mollies long term you will Be having babies as well. It’s not crazily overstocked by any stretch as of now. The lack of catfish though as Byron mentioned is an issue so I would recommend increasing
  34. Willbacon23

    Worlds fattest orange shrimp

    What a beauty :wub:
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  37. Willbacon23

    Cory Cats will arrive tomorrow!!

    I’d humbly disagree owning jullii corys. In a big enough group they show loads of personality! In a smaller group I’d agree with pandas! For personality though none can compete with the bronze corys
  38. Willbacon23

    Cory Cats will arrive tomorrow!!

    Julli corys all the way!
  39. Willbacon23

    How long should I leave this guppy in quarantine?

    @Colin_T thoughts on this plan? I’ve asked so much of you and I really appreciate all your help, just wondering your inputon the idea
  40. Willbacon23

    How long should I leave this guppy in quarantine?

    My plan is to move him in on Friday with the rest of the fish. The other fish have shown no symptoms and neither has he. It’s clear with all females dying and coming from same tank it was an issue with the female guppy tank i bought From not the male. He’s been in a tank with almonds leaves and...