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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. T


    I only just noticed it today. BUt is it cut or something - I can try to send a pic to domeones email but this is how it looks kinda Its on both sides. its a little brown line which is small on the tail is this ok Is this normal my regal is only small :byebye:
  2. T

    help sun coral

    Oh and I have palced it quite high up should I place it below
  3. T

    help sun coral

    hel please. I purchased a gorgeus sun coral yesterday:) but when my mum was placing it in the tank she dropped it :( would this have damaged the coral severely because it was bloody expensive. I'm soooo worried - my mom has not care for any corals she just plp[[ed it out of the bag and i hit...
  4. T

    Quick update!

    would brine shrimp be ok - oh and should I keep my yellow zooanthids - I do not know if they are that attractive anymore
  5. T

    Quick update!

    Diatoms are dissapeared, algea is going - sand was dirty but now is clean! Ooooooooooooooooh and due to these great occurances I bought A regal tang (adorable!) and sun coral! (the most amaing coral ever - EVER) Picture to follow soon From This guy...
  6. T


    BTW...what do fire shrimps eat
  7. T


    Well spent 70 quid at the llfs today! £10 for a 3 bags of sand (white sanda - bella!) £26 for fire shrimp (the red is amazing!) £10 for a coral (yellow zooanthids) £22 for two percula clowns and as a bargain the man gave me two feather dusters for two punds I AM SOOOO HAPPY! BTW Diatoms...
  8. T

    not an other

    Allt his fluffy whit e algea is grwing of my coral into the rock. What may it be. Ny the way the coralis going away to day.
  9. T


    I am using rowa phos thank god. How am I able to purchase something to get ro water and what is the price (usualy)
  10. T


    um i didnt use ro water- just simple tap water dechlorinated woops!
  11. T


    Ahhh. I have loacated some golden algea of some sort n most of my live rock. I presume they are diatoms. What should I do? Is this normal? Oh and by the way will be returning my toadstool coral as it is not doing very well
  12. T


    thanlks - though mine is red and has seemed to dissapear
  13. T

    Saltwater fish stocking

    lol. I have hasd my tank for a week. It contains 20 kg of live rock and a toadstoll coral. It ia 190 litres. What fish would I be able to add tomoroow
  14. T


    basically this was what the rock anemone was but in red - you see the thing in the middle exaly identica l but red So what do you think could have hapened to it
  15. T


    Thank you vey much but isnt apistia white. mine was red it gonee, dead, how cud it just go L(
  16. T


    I just purchased a toadstool coral - a beauty! Quite small but 2 miunutes after I put it into the tank it was quite haopppy and things just popped outa there :) Its reaaaaal ycoloured up - will it be aok without a protein skimmer - oones arriving next week. What other ccorals would I be able to...
  17. T

    Figi rock

    will the fact that i moved the rock a little kill it ( i then moved it back mind) and what special care hsould I give it (food wise... Thanks
  18. T

    Figi rock

    a bit like this - defo not abrittle star - resembles a small seas anemone the pink one is the spitting image expect just a little reder althouigh mine kinda has shrunk and is it my fault as i nudged the rock ever so lslightly liek...
  19. T

    Figi rock

    Guess what - I just found a red spider thing coming out the hol e fo the rocks - HUGE! it look s like an anemone - i dint see it there so when I was moving the rcok it shot back in an it was really small - its pretty mch back to notrmal know though (Id didn;t kill it did I) Im eally worried...
  20. T

    Figi rock

    Thnakyou very much anyway ill buy a skimmer an a power head. ANd ill wai t a while and hopefully little things will squirt out of the rocks. I really want polpy s - welll see - and if not - ILL BUY SOME Thanks
  21. T

    Figi rock

    is see - thanks for that kl explanation - quite clever...:) so there isnt much chance for things to grow - cos ive seen some red thigns pokin out which i here grow in the shade - sead weed isn't growing too much - but so what ur saying is that life wont really grow anymore- or will things come...
  22. T

    Figi rock

    in the live rock will anyhting grow on it again - ever - as i really wish some sort of corals or things grow at least - ive lowerd the salinity t 1.025 but i have 0 dechlorinttor left so cant any more - iw ill get some tommorow - as i dont want chlorine - thanks
  23. T

    Figi rock

    i left the live rock oput for about 4 hours - but it was quite moist. Does this ean I have wasted all my money as it is know deasd and nothing will ever grow on it
  24. T

    Figi rock

    wel i think i just realised why i t is not happening. Although it was in a curing tank for 3 months at the lfs, it took us 4 hours to put it in the tank - does this mean no life would ever grow on it again. The man at the lfs said it could be left for 2 days eithout water - will life gorw - i...
  25. T

    Figi rock

    Im kinda dissapointed wtih this lve rock, I excpected all this stuff to sprout out right before my eyes. I mean it looks cool but the seaweed isnt really growing nd much is sproiuting out or growing - is this normal
  26. T

    Figi rock

    Thanks alot. But will too much salt badly affext the liver rock. Oh and I put some rowa phospate remover in a mesh bag supplied and putt it outside tthe flow of the internal filter, i called the shop and they said this would be ok untill the external filter arrives in 1 week and a half. Is this...
  27. T

    Figi rock

    No fish yet-Ill wait. the saltinit yiis 1.032, how should I reduce this
  28. T

    Figi rock

    well added the rock and salt today, saltinity is a bit high - will this affect the orck and a protein skimmer i s arriving on monday, will the rock be ok with out it thanks.
  29. T

    Figi rock

    Is figi live rock any good, as i think I might be putchasing some tomorrow
  30. T

    We have pearling!!

    Congrats - I was really happy when my plants did that!
  31. T

    wat do u think

    Hi guys, I've got a trigon 190 here. I can either buy new lighting. a protein skimmer and and extra external filter and go marine (of course most bought from ebay) or keep tropical which I've done for a year now, but Ill go chcilds. What do you think I should, and are the lights in jewl enough...
  32. T

    hmmmm what Should I do

    Hi guys, I've got a trigon 190 here. I can either buy new lighting. a protein skimmer and and extra external filter and go marine (of course most bought from ebay) or keep tropical which I've done for a year now, but Ill go chcilds. What do you think I should, and are the lights in jewl enough...
  33. T

    Betta of the month August

  34. T


    Well tank about 500 quid and I'm looking to spend 300 more on equipment. The to start 2 clowns, a regal tank and a yelow tank, and 2 or 3 corals. Then every month put in a new coral.
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  36. T

    Sick betta

    ok i will try thanks
  37. T

    Sick betta

    I have a betta in a 1.5 gal bowl. He now has white spot and i put the mediicine 2 days ag - it doesn seem to be working - any advice, I will be moving him into a five gal shortly
  38. T


    Hi, i am gettin a rena panaroma classic 120 (50 gallons i believe) and want to tun it into a reef tank, I understad I would need to purchase reef lighting and a protein skimmer ....what else...thanks :D
  39. T


    Hi, I have been taking care of tropical fish for a year and a half and have become an expert at it I have taken care of a 15 gal community tank And many many bettas I have purchased with the money from my summer job a 45 gallon Rena 120. It comes with good lighting supplied by Rena A Rena...
  40. T


    they have now become pale white!