Figi rock

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Should be ok... live rock can survie for a few hours in the open although you might have some die off but the most important part of the rock is its filtration capabilities and this will not change once its in the water again.

Live rock is shipped all over the world and yet it still reaches us in good order (although it does go through a curing cycle first). Your money isnbt wasted but a good practise is to keep the rock wet and back in a tnak asap to ensure its quality.
in the live rock will anyhting grow on it again - ever - as i really wish some sort of corals or things grow at least - ive lowerd the salinity t 1.025 but i have 0 dechlorinttor left so cant any more - iw ill get some tommorow - as i dont want chlorine - thanks
this is the bit where i can see LFS's making a lot of money...

Cured live rock is about 1/3 more expensive than uncured... and it will have had any small things living in it / on it, removed to be sold seperatly.

one of our lfs actually have a shelf at the front of one of their coral tanks that is £5 for anything... it's all the stuff that is really small that has grown on the live rock while curing!

Un-cured Live rock, although it could be a deadly addition to an established aquarium, it is about 1/3rd cheaper and will still contain all the good stuff that will grow or crawl out :D

When we setup our tank - we'll be curing the live rock ourselves in the tank before we add any fish.

apparently it takes 3-4 weeks to cure, so if they have had it for 3 months that is a lot of time for things to grow and be removed.
is see - thanks for that kl explanation - quite clever...:)

so there isnt much chance for things to grow - cos ive seen some red thigns pokin out which i here grow in the shade - sead weed isn't growing too much - but so what ur saying is that life wont really grow anymore- or will things come eventually - it wud be really nice if u cud answr that - coz the man at the shop said each wrong would be a planet of life (yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa right) - but I was kinda hopeful to see polyps apperar from no wher and stuff

Thanks every one : u ve been helpfull

I think you will be loucky to find corals growing out of any live rock that has been cured beforehand. I got well over £1000 of liverock and about £500 of reefbones and as of yet not a single coral has emerged from them.
This doesnt mean the liverock is overflowing with life! Pods are in abundance, seasquirts and sponges etc... feather dusters worms, macro algeas and Coraline algeas, these are what you usually find growing on the rocks.

However, i do notice that ht erock has only been in place for a very short period of time. IT takes about 12 months(perhaps longer) for liverock to fully mature in looks and diversity etc. There is a common misconception about liverock and tanks....
A cycled tank with liverock is not a mature tank with liverock :*)

Cycled merely means that it can now sustain a bioload. Mature means its a fully balanced system with a diverse eco system full of life.
yep - sorry - didn't mean corals.

The shelf had tiny feather dusters, some small sponges and a few frags with polys on.

all the sort of thing that you'd like to think you'd be getting when you buy the live rock.
yep - sorry - didn't mean corals.

Ohyes your absolutely right! Uncured live rock does have all sorts of life on it that can be rescued for your own tank if you have the ability to cure it yourself. If not then im afraid the local shops get alot of goodies for free and to sell on again and make even more profit.

What i was trying to say was that most cured live rock from shops wont have this sort of lif eon it unless you are extremly fortunate.
Thnakyou very much

anyway ill buy a skimmer an a power head.

ANd ill wai t a while

and hopefully little things will squirt out of the rocks. I really want polpy s - welll see - and if not - ILL BUY SOME

I had an Urchin crawl out of a rock once. Completely shocked I was!

WOW now that is a bonus!!! And if it was reef safe then a true treasure indeed! :D
Guess what - I just found a red spider thing coming out the hol e fo the rocks - HUGE! it look s like an anemone - i dint see it there so when I was moving the rcok it shot back in an it was really small - its pretty mch back to notrmal know though (Id didn;t kill it did I)

Im eally worried


this guy...
If you havent touched it then the chances are its not dead. Sounds like it could be a brittle star. Do a search on google for red brittle stars. You might have a small one there.
a bit like this - defo not abrittle star - resembles a small seas anemone

the pink one is the spitting image expect just a little reder

althouigh mine kinda has shrunk and is it my fault as i nudged the rock ever so lslightly liek a tap the thingy just shrunk came out again but sdeont look as good as b4 now

def o not a brittle star
Nice find, Hope your lighting is up to the task. Nennys need very strong lights :)
will the fact that i moved the rock a little kill it ( i then moved it back mind) and what special care hsould I give it (food wise... Thanks

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