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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. F

    Dying Shrimp

    Can s/he be moved to a little tank all by himself where you can change 100% of his water?   They're usually tough cookies those amanos and I've seen one of my own making a miraculous recovery from lying on his side after I removed him from his tank.   Sorry, silly question, but you haven't added...
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    My Fishroom Make-Over

    That looks awesome!   I'm not at all jealous...I'm not even close to looking up where that shed is on google maps and sending a military drone way! 
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    12L Micro Tank

    'Usually' cherries of most colour morphs will get to 2-2.5 cms (2cm for males, 2.5cm for females).   And yeah to TT, I've no idea how it's done exactly, but the blues are selectively bred. Some people will sell them as Blue Cherries, Blue Jelly, Blue Phantoms (as mentioned by Daize) and I think...
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    Glo Fish & Blue Led Light Question

    I've always been under the impression that the best 'method' for lighting is to mimic as close as possible a normal day/night cycle. A cycle perhaps resembling (as close as possible) the origins of the fish you keep. I get that this can be difficult as we keep all sorts but you have to start...
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    Guppy Throwing Up And Neon Tetra Has Red Gill Area

    I've also read somewhere that black lights aren't really all that great either. They can add to the stress already caused.   Can someone confirm?
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    What Cory Is This?

    Yeah, looks like a peppered cory to me, too.   A 35 Litre tank isn't very big, I'm afraid. It's what we'd call a nano tank and while there are some small fish species out there that are fine in that size of tank, your peppered cory isn't one of them. Also, the recommended number of corys is at...
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    2014 World Cup

    You don't need to apologise. TLM, as a nation we've already dealt with the reality that the best thing about Scottish football is the Tartan Army! 
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    2014 World Cup

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    2014 World Cup

      I might be over simplifying, but, is it not just because it's rubbish? :)
  10. F

    Please Identify Pleco!

    If there were 2 in there and they didn't get on you could shout "Snowball Fight" all the time.   That would be funny, right...? Guys...? Oh...
  11. F

    Moving A 60 Litre Aquarium? And Some Other Questions.

    Tehe, can't remember if it's great minds think alike or fools seldom differ! :)   Good point, though, mama, I've heard good things about the Dr. Tim's stuff.
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    Moving A 60 Litre Aquarium? And Some Other Questions.

    I wish it were that easy...   Unfortunately, it's not the water that needs to be cycled. It's (mainly) the filter that needs to be given time to produce and maintain the correct type and amount of bacteria capable of dealing with all the mess (ammonia + nitrate) produced by your fish. If you...
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    Fish Quiz

    It's turning into Countdown in here! :)
  14. F

    Yellow Cherry Shrimp

      There's many variations of cherry shrimp (neocaridina heteropoda) - there's several grades of just the red ones alone all the way from nigh on clear to the painted fire reds. You'll find blue jelly, chocolate, yellow, orange and green. I haven't seen many green ones, though...   My all time...
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    Fish Compatibility And General Questions

    Having looked at a few references for the Bulldog, s/he should be fine at the 'standard' aquarium temp of about 24, but TLM is right, it's not ideal as these guys prefer temperate climes.   If you intend to keep the bulldog I'd suggest putting extra effort to keep the water super clean and also...
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    African Pygmy Hedgehogs

    Extremely cute, but I wouldn't like to be holding one when the phone rings!
  17. F

    Fish Dieing. Need Help!

    It certainly sounds and looks fungal and Pimafix is an anti-fungal as well as treating a few other ailments. It's not a bad treatment and if you can get it easily then it's worth a try. And no, it won't hurt them if it's not fungal so don't worry about that.   Some people use Pimafix as a...
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    Fish Dieing. Need Help!

    It's best you remove the carbon from the filter when medicating. The meds will lose their efficacy almost entirely if the carbon is in there and especially if it's quite new.   The cloudiness is likely there due to a bacterial bloom which usually occurs with newly cycling tanks. I this case, you...
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    The Life Of Riley

    Och, it's a terrible shame, I'm dead sorry. I didn't doubt you'd tried everything it's just horrible when it comes to the last choice you have to make for him.   Sorry I couldn't help...
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    The Life Of Riley

    What have you tried so far with treatment and food and salt etc?
  21. F

    The Life Of Riley

    Sorry about your little guy!   Apologies if this has been asked before, but, how old is he?
  22. F

    12L Micro Tank

    The powdered flakes would be OK, but, how about some egg yolk and peas as well? Liquifry or worms or live food is always good, but you'd probably have to take a trip to the shops for those while you might already have eggs in the house.   Don't want to teach you how to suck eggs (geddit?) but I...
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    Random? Rainbow Deaths

    I'm with O2 levels as well, seems very likely!   Get loads of bubbles going and some good rippling action. Temp back to 24/25C too.
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    **newbie** I've Found Baby Fish In My Tank!

    Hi Shoshannah, welcome to the forum.   It sounds like you've been given a very nice gift there, congrats on your new fish!   Firstly, the size; we'd need a wee bit more detail about the volume (width x height x depth), but don't worry about that just now. If you say it looks a bit like one from...
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    12L Micro Tank

    Sounds like it's getting there!   Good idea with the snack dose, I've never done it this way but from what TTA usually says you don't want 0 Ammo for any length of time otherwise that type of bacteria will starve.   Come on Nitrite eaters!   I think the platy idea is good, perhaps that way...
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    Gbrs Spawning?

    Well, all the eggs are gone this morning. They were either not fertilised properly or had a fungus of some kind.    Also, I may have disturbed them quite a lot by changing from an internal to external filter last night. The flow has totally changed and so that might have put them off big time.  ...
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    Water Testing Kit?

    If you're on a tight budget why don't you try 2 separates like these....  ...
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    Fish Quiz

    That's right Norton, you got there first, well done!
  29. F

    3 Fish Died

    Yeah the nil nitrate is a bit odd...   Oxygenation is a must, get as much surface movement as you can manage.   The bala shark isn't exactly ideal in your tank, have you noticed it getting boisterous and/or agitated at all? 
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    Zebra Danio Fry

    I can't see why that couldn't work so long as you kept the temp steady (warm probably) and cleaned carefully and regularly.    As fry they'll probably produce very very little waste but you'd need to make sure you remove uneaten food quite quickly in order to avoid a dirty tank. Presumably it's...
  31. F

    Can Anyone Tell Me What This Shrimp Is?

    Probably an Amano shrimp, me thinks. Pretty hardy and fun to watch, too.
  32. F

    3 Fish Died

    Oh dear, that's not a nice thing to happen.   While white spot can kill if left untreated it doesn't sound like it here...   We'd need a bit more info about what's going on inside your tank to help you. All the usual info about parameters, temp, tank size and stocking levels, you know the...
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    Fish Quiz

    Not sure if you're being funny (like me) or you're serious...but that's very close! For shame, Ch4arlie, for shame... :)
  34. F

    Fish Quiz

    Yes, one of those things! I almost said cephalopod but I didn't know how to spell it...   How might one go about aging a fish?
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    Fish Quiz

    Apart from having an extra 'tl' too many, it's not even a fish...its a squidy octopus thingy!
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    Fish Quiz

    1km and for ages...2 hours!
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    Fish Quiz

  38. F

    Fish Quiz

    I did not know that...   Is it always or mostly the left feeler they put out to you?
  39. F

    Gbrs Spawning?

    Been almost 40 hours now (38-39) and I've had a check at lunch time...parents are still tending to the eggs and the majority of them still seem to be there. Most of them are a creamy white while a few are more transparent.   Any one any idea what this means? It's not good that they're mostly...
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    Fish Quiz

    3 of something!