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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Z

    Let's See Your Moscows!

    Thanks for the nice comments, i'm obbessed with them. The fry are the same as normal guppies, but their already starting to get their black colouring on their fins at just 2 week old!!
  2. Z

    Let's See Your Moscows!

    I've had my Moscow Blues for around a month, i've noticed that they are totally different to normal guppies, their more shy and it takes them longer to settle into new tanks. In this time period i've had 48 fry plus a female dropping this morning, so happy with them!! Anyway show me your Moscows :)
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  6. Z

    Guppy Fry Question

    Sorry didn't realise it was a year old. Thats strange, it was proberbly just genetics of your adult fish.
  7. Z

    Help Ruby

    The only problem is i don't really have any room to isolate her :( I gave her a 80% water change with gravel and pump cleaned yesterday, after the clean thats when i noticed her pectoral fins, so i have gave her another 80% water change today and cleaned gravel and i have swapped the pumps over...
  8. Z

    Help Ruby

    I used test stripes but used liquid testers for ammonia and nitrite. I live in england. She doesn't have no wounds on her. I have also read that it can be contagious to other fish, so would her tank mate also have it but not showing signs yet?
  9. Z

    Help Ruby

    Ammonia 0 Nitrate between 0 and 20 (hard to tell on the test stripe) Nirite 0 PH 6.5 KH 40 GH 60 I have my tank in the living room, no fluid has leaked into it, but im starting to wonder if my pump isn't good enough for two dirty oscars. Their main pump broke so i have been using a spare pump to...
  10. Z

    Help Ruby

    Thanks for the link. I was reading about this last night but i was unsure if it was that. Sounds like a horrible infection. Do you have any ideas on medication for her?
  11. Z

    Help Ruby

    She has only been like it since yesterday. Her tank mate seems fine though.
  12. Z

    Help Ruby

    Hope these pics help. Its the blood vessel type things running along her pectoral fins which are causing me abit of worry :/
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  16. Z

    Help Ruby

    Thanks for the replies guys. I'll try and get a picture today. I think a picture will describe it better than me.
  17. Z

    Guppy Fry Question

    I have 48 Moscow blue fry, it was my first time breeding Moscow's and the first batch were born on 29th November this year. I have noticed that they have already started getting black colouration on their tail fins and that they grow a lot quicker than normal guppies too. So yes I would say it...
  18. Z

    Help Ruby

    I have had Ruby for nearly 3 years. She/ he is a velvet oscar. I have never had any medical problems with her but today noticed she had blood in her pectoral fins. She and her tank mate 'Rassle' (also a oscar) they have been acting strange, now again they will both flip out going crazy around...
  19. Z

    Egg Tumblers

    Would it be possible to hatch out scattering eggs in a egg tumbler? Like silver dollar eggs for example? Thanks
  20. Z

    Pop Eye?

    Myxazin treatment helps, but my baby oscar got pop eye after he had an accident. A silver dollar flip out and swam straight into his head at full force, i treated him with Myaxzin but he never regained sight in his eye. 
  21. Z

    Um, What Is This?!?

    Are you sure they aren't tiny bubbles from your betta? 
  22. Z

    I Need Help. . .quetzal/firehead Cichlids

    I am in need of serious help with my two quetzal cichlids. I purchased them 3 months ago and was told they were a pair, but they have been a nightmare since I got them. The smaller male is continuosly chasing the bigger female and has started attacking my velvet oscar. I have separated them for...
  23. Z

    What Have You Named Your Fish?

    Angel fish-Melyny and Carky. Male Boesemani Rainbowfish- Bob. Albino Shark- Red. Velvet Oscar- Ruby. Male Betta- Sacrface and his son Alapone. Female Betta- Bella. My own bred Baby Silver Dollar fry- Rex. Gold Spotted Pleco- Private Puffy Eyes. Leopard Sailfin Pleco- Corporal Crusty Fin.
  24. Z

    Angel Fish Won't Spawn Anymore

    I have one male and one female angelsfish. They have spawned twice before, the first time they spawned on the filter and my pleco ate the eggs. The second time they spawned on the aquarium glass, i separated the parents and eggs from the rest of aquarium but the parents ate the all eggs. They...
  25. Z

    Glowlight Tetras Not Eating?

    i think it might be because you don't have any good bacteria in your tank. Fish need bacteria in their tank. Try not water changing them for a while, only 3 tetras won't make that much of a mess. And it may be that they havn't settled in to their new home yet. Tetras also like to be in bigger...
  26. Z

    Breeding Info Needed

    If you bred them 4 weeks ago i'm sure you will be able to breed them again now. I havn't bred Gourami's before, so i would wait for someone with more knowledge to come along. I have one female Gourami which i am hoping to bred, I am getting a male for her tomorrow and start breeding them next...
  27. Z

    Tips Please!

    Does anyone have an idea why they aren't spawning??
  28. Z

    Is She Preggers? (Pics Inc)

    I'd say she is defiantly pregnant, and if she dropped 4 weeks ago then i would say she is closing to dropping again. Hiding away and staying on her own are good signs that she is in labor. I would put her in a breeding box soon. I always feed my guppy and platy fry on frozen baby brime shrimp, i...
  29. Z

    Is My Guppy Pregnant?

    The best thing to do is to put her in a breeding box, that way you won't lose any fry to hungry adult guppies.
  30. Z

    Rainbow Fish Not Spawning!

    My little neon tetras like to eat all the eggs up, but i could try to save some and put them in a breeding box till they hatch. How long does it take for the eggs to hatch? 
  31. Z

    Tips Please!

    Hi thanks for all the replies. I placed them in their own breeding tank about a week and a half ago, i'm feeding them frozen bloodworms ect 3 times a day, i did a 50% water change about 2 days ago, i have a air pump, a few plastic plants and no gravel in there, temperature is around 78F. My two...
  32. Z

    How To Breed

    To breed Betta's you need a healthy female and male, when a female is ready to breed you will see a small white thing sticking out from her underside (it's her egg tube) thats a good sign that the female is full of eggs, she will also have a plump belly. Place the male Betta in his own tank (i...
  33. Z

    Tips Please!

    Does anyone have any breeding tips for breeding Angel fish? Mine haven't spawned for months, they have spawned twice before and i can't understand why they aren't spawning no more. Any tips would be massively appreciated.
  34. Z

    Rainbow Fish Not Spawning!

    Thanks for that, i shall try the yarn. I recently put my Rainbows back into their community tank (as i had them in a breeding tank) and the spawned the next morning, maybe it is because they didn't have no spawning area. I will buy some yarn and try them in their own breeding in a couple of...
  35. Z

    Rainbow Fish Not Spawning!

    Hi there, thanks for your reply. I used lots of plastic plants, some of the plants I left them floating on the top. I feed them frozen bloodworm and mosquito larve as a treat. Do you think they are not spawning because I'm not using mops or because I'm not feeding them anough frozen foods?
  36. Z

    Rainbow Fish Not Spawning!

    Hi thanks for reading. I have 3 Boesemani Rainbow fish in my 175 litre community aquarium, i had 2 females and 1 male. I have had them for around a year now. When i first had them they would constantly be spawning, the male would chase the females and flash his colours. They would spawn...
  37. Z

    Guppy Questions

    Hi there, sorry to hear about your guppies dieing. Did you say that the aquarium you had the adult guppies in had no heater and pump?? 
  38. Z

    Glolight Tetra Eggs Not Hatched?!?

    My glowlights were spawning yesterday, and I managed to catch about 12 and put them in a breeding box. I made sure the aquarium light were off, and the lights have stayed off since. I was excepting them to hatch today but they havnt. This has also happened to me before, any ideas guys? Thanks...
  39. Z

    Guppies For Sale In Notts

    Guppies for sale 6 females 10 males 4-7 months old Reason for selling: bred the guppies myself and they are big anough to sell Looking for £1 each ono Please get in touch if interested, need to go ASAP. Thanks