Help Ruby

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Nov 13, 2012
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I have had Ruby for nearly 3 years. She/ he is a velvet oscar. I have never had any medical problems with her but today noticed she had blood in her pectoral fins. She and her tank mate 'Rassle' (also a oscar) they have been acting strange, now again they will both flip out going crazy around the tank and not eating as readily as usual. Ruby has also hurt her eye from darting around the tank. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what the bloody pectoral fins could be. Thanks guys!! Your help is appricated.
How many gallons is the tank please?
Can you post water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Is the bleeding on top of the fin. Or bleeding beneath the skin?
Any red steaking in the fin?.
Does it look like dried blood?
Any signs of finrot?
Any white, grey, pink, brown or red edging to fins?
Any excess mucas on the fins?
Any tiny blood spots on fins or body?
Any signs of nipping?
Any signs of flicking and rubbing?
Could you provide us with a picture? A picture can give us a better clue then only words.
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll try and get a picture today. I think a picture will describe it better than me.
Hope these pics help. Its the blood vessel type things running along her pectoral fins which are causing me abit of worry :/


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She has only been like it since yesterday. Her tank mate seems fine though.
Do you have water stats please!
As I don't like the sound of the fish darting and acting out of charactor.
Septicemia can be caused by bad water quality, dirty tanks, open wounds that bacteria can gain entry, parasites.
Thanks for the link. I was reading about this last night but i was unsure if it was that. Sounds like a horrible infection. Do you have any ideas on medication for her?
I would like to find the cause first.
Septicemia very hard to cure once it progress as it blood poisoning.
Antibiotics. But the fish should be isolated for treatment due to the medication
wiping the benefical bacteria out in the filter. Fluids leaking from the fish into the tank
What is your location please?
Ammonia 0
Nitrate between 0 and 20 (hard to tell on the test stripe)
Nirite 0
PH 6.5
KH 40
GH 60
I have my tank in the living room, no fluid has leaked into it, but im starting to wonder if my pump isn't good enough for two dirty oscars. Their main pump broke so i have been using a spare pump to keep them going. I have got another pump today so im going to put that in. Do you think it could be the pump not doing its job, as they are cleaned out once a week 75-80% changes each time, gravel cleaned every time and pump cleaned.
Test strips. Might aswell throw them in the bin there pretty usless in my opinion.
I would invest in some liquid test kits.
For now take a sample of your tank water to the LFS to be tested. Ask them if they
wouldn't mind writing the results down for you.
As for the darting around the tank could be bad water quality, stress, parasites, bacterial.
Not eating can apply to the above aswell.
I need to know which country you live in the help you find a medication.

Yes. If the pump or filter not up to the job it will cause bad water quality. As
it won't keep up with the fish waste.
Are you using test strip cards, or liquid test kits?
Not fluid getting into the tank. When a fish has septicemia fluids can leak from
wounds on fish into the tank water infecting it.
I used test stripes but used liquid testers for ammonia and nitrite. I live in england. She doesn't have no wounds on her. I have also read that it can be contagious to other fish, so would her tank mate also have it but not showing signs yet?
Yes. A fish can also catch septicemia if it has open wounds.
It's best to isolate a fish with septicemia.
Immediate water change. About 50% or 70% with a gravel vac.
The only way you can get antibiotics in the UK is going to a vet.
Not good really as most of the LFS bought medications only treat mild
bacteria infections.
You can double dose anti internal bacteria medication by interpet in severe cases.
But then I don't really say it that good. 
It shouldn't knock your water stats.
Increase aeration when you add the medication. Don't forget to remove black
carbon from your filter if you use it.
Add new filter tonight add your old sponges for bacteria.
Keep fingers crossed for you..
Good Luck.
The only problem is i don't really have any room to isolate her :( I gave her a 80% water change with gravel and pump cleaned yesterday, after the clean thats when i noticed her pectoral fins, so i have gave her another 80% water change today and cleaned gravel and i have swapped the pumps over. Thanks for the advice about the meds,now i know for sure whats wrong with her i might ring a local aquatic store tomorrow and ask them for info on their meds they can provide me. Thank you so much for your help

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