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  1. M

    How To Take Quality Photos Of Your Fish.

    I think I'll try that now! If I dont have the flash on every thing looks really crappy, but I'll try this, maybe I'll be able to get good pics of my guppy fry.
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    Are Serpae Tetras And Silver Tip Tetras Fin Nippers?

    I'm getting a 55+ gallon tank (at least that large, maybe even larger if we find a good deal) so when I do I will have my nicest male guppies in there, including different types of tetras. I'm getting neons and black neons, maybe cardinals, but I was looking through petco's aquatic life under...
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    More Color! Need A Name For This Young Stud!

    One of my female guppies, who I told my little sister it was hers, named it rainbow, even though it is really pale and has like no color. She also had a horse named Rainbow.
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    55+ Gallon Tropical Community

    I think I'll stick with Neons. My mom thinks theyre prettier and the cardinals are fat, but w/e. I'll begin stocking my take with my guppies and then neons and black neons, add a few gouramis (depending on the size of the tank) and maybe later some cardinals. I found a house down my street that...
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    More Color! Need A Name For This Young Stud!

    ' hmm I dunno. I usually like akward names, like uncommon names. Got any more suggestions?
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    More Color! Need A Name For This Young Stud!

    it can go on forever :D
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    55+ Gallon Tropical Community

    Yeah, add them about 6 at a time. The neons are very colorful, but seem to be delicate, so I'd add them last or go with cardinal tetras (same coloration, a little larger). The black neons have the same shape as the neons and the same 2 stripes on them, only the stripes are a neon yellow on top...
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    More Color! Need A Name For This Young Stud!

    except horses work, and fish are.... decorations :D;
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    More Color! Need A Name For This Young Stud!

    Metallic's Titanius Oil.... its a name you usually give a show dog or horse :lol: and I dont even show my guppies, they're just for pleasure! :D
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    More Color! Need A Name For This Young Stud!

    How about "Metallic's Titanius Oil" (Titan for short)?
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    More Color! Need A Name For This Young Stud!

    Sorry ^^; that was his dad's name! :D try again!
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    More Color! Need A Name For This Young Stud!

    His mom is a bit pale and has light pink and light blue on her tail, but she always gives out the most colorful fry. As for the dad, he was a metallic yellow and green (blue on body) with black spots all over. I dont know why, but mom always gives off more color, in males and females, and she...
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    More Color! Need A Name For This Young Stud!

    hehe :D :lol: hmm sounds nice :D
  14. M

    55+ Gallon Tropical Community

    Well, he doesnt seem to be growing much anyway. Im not sure if he really is a common, I've yet to find out. He's about 3.5 inches long now, and when I got him about half a year ago he was 2 inches. So, either he stopped growing and reached his limit, or is growing very slowly.. :)
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    55+ Gallon Tropical Community

    So I need to get a group of like 12 neons, take a break, get some blacks, take another break, and get more fish basicly? I could get the neons and blacks at the same time since theyre pretty cheep here (like $2 each) are all those fish really colorful? I'd love a colorful tank :D
  16. M

    Gay Fish?

    I have to agree with that. Even when you see two dogs, same sex/gender, humping eachother, it's not homosexuality, its a dominance ritual. Some people just dont know simple facts.
  17. M

    More Color! Need A Name For This Young Stud!

    still a bit young, and has a tail to grown, but look at those colors! gorgeous! I usually dont give names to my fish (unless they're bettas) but he's my first guppy fry, of the males, and a successful outcome! :D he's just completely rainbow!
  18. M

    55+ Gallon Tropical Community

    I should be getting a 55 gallon tank (up to 100 gals) soon. My guppies are over populating (soon to be separated as soon as I get this tank) but I'm putting my most colorful males in this one. I want a tropical community, including Guppies and Neon Tetras, my common pleco, and more, but i dont...
  19. M

    Gay Fish?

    The same with my Turquoise Guppy. He's in a tank with one Sunrise male, 3 females, 3 almost-adult-fry, and 5, 3 week old fry. All he did all day for the first 3 weeks after I bought him was try to mate with the sunrise. However, now he wont leave the girls alone! My guppy (along with yours) may...
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    I had a guppy of mine that was pregnant for about a month and a half. She came out with 30 babies! Maybe she's just taking longer. I think guppies are suppose to have black eyes
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    Guppy Fry Finally Getting Color!

    I have no idea, I haven't been keeping track, really. They should be at least a month or two old. I really have no idea. I cant even remember which guppy's their mom.
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    Guppy Fry Finally Getting Color!

    My first batch of fry (four) are finally getting color! 1 of the fry, a male with a crooked back, finally died, and now I'm left with two females and a male. The females arent showing much color, but seem like they're either turning yellow or blue. My male is showing the most color (of course)...
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    The Stages Of A Guppy Pregnancy, And More

    I have a question: my guppy recently gave birth to 30 fry. Some of the fry looked more developed and larger, at least a week older, but were all the same age. They were born with gravid spots, a few of them. When is a female able to become pregnant? I have a few older fry who are now in the...
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    Swordtail Baby

    Thanks for the info, Tokis-Phoenix! Now I can know when to closely watch my guppies and when to put them in the fry tank to drop a bomb!
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    Spotted Dogs And Kitties

    Sorry, and yeah you're right, I should have resized them. As for the copyright notice, my art has been stolen before, so I have my reasons. :) Sorry, and yeah you're right, I should have resized them. As for the copyright notice, my art has been stolen before, so I have my reasons. :) Thanks...
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    White/blue Male Betta Spotted

    You better go get him quick! I went to petco yesterday and saw a BEAUTIFUL crowntail that was blue on his body, then red with white on the tip of his fins. He was gorgeous! I would have gotten him, but I don't have my 5 gallon from my grandma yet! :( so maybe he'll still be there when I do get it!
  27. M

    Spotted Dogs And Kitties

    Here's my dogs, 1/2 American Bulldog, 1/4 Blue Heeler, 1/4 Hound. Raise these guys from birth, both are siblings. Their mom was the AKC American Bulldog and the dad was a Australian Cattle dog (blue/red heeler) crossed with a hound of some sort. They're both beautiful dogs, beautiful attitudes...
  28. M

    Betta Avatar Graphics Anyone?

    Well, as soon as I get my betta, and if youre still taking requests, Ill ask for one :)
  29. M

    My Guppy Just Exploded!

    Could it be the temp of the tank? sometimes its just below 72, but I'm currently saving up for a heater for both tanks, and now a 55+ tank and stand.
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    My Guppy Just Exploded!

    I have one guppy that has already turned completely black on the lower half of his body. I read that fry that turn out like that need to be get rid of, why is that? He's one of a kind, some of my fry that are half way to their maturity are starting to get orange and a few spots on their tails...
  31. M

    My Guppy Just Exploded!

    Wow! Thats alot! I don't know what to do with the fry now. I need to get a large tank, 55+ gallons, but I don't want to sell the fry now. If I sell them now they'll most likely end up as fish food, but once theyre adult I can sell them for at least $2 each. They aren't true pedigree, all mixed...
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    My Guppy Just Exploded!

    Fancy Guppies? Mine usually have 2-12, and this is the largest I've ever experienced!
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    My Guppy Just Exploded!

    I was totally freaked out yesterday when I found one of my guppies skinny and fry EVERYWHERE! She had been pregnant for an awful long time, 3 months about, and when it all came down to moving the fry to the nursery, I counted out 30! I was in total shock! In all that means I have 48 guppies, and...
  34. M

    A Peaceful Betta Sorority Tank...

    Your tank's awesome! I always wanted a tank of females. I like the females better actually. They are just as colorful as the males and 98% of the time more peaceful. The males look violent with their long fins and such, but i like the more famine colors in the females, such as pink, light blue...
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    What Kind Of Pleco Is This?

    he does look like that :)
  36. M

    What Kind Of Pleco Is This?

    here's my Pleco: (sorry for image quality) I'm afraid he's a common and will grow too large for my 10 gallon tank. I recently found out Plecos are "tank busters" and told my mom. We are currently looking for a large tank and everything, but first, in order to know how large the tank needs...
  37. M

    What Fish For A 20-70 Gallon Tank?

    I hate my petstore then... I told them I needed a guy to clean my 10 gallon tank good. They knew it was a pleco, and yet they still gave it to me. Oh well, my fault. You should always research a fish before buying it. So a 6 ft long tank would be how many gallons? just an estimate. I'm not good...
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    What Do You Have In Your Betta Tank's Set Up?

    I had live plants before in my 10 gallon before. They were lilies and VERY messy. They dimmed out the light so i couldn't see inside, and they cause alot of ugly plant material everywhere. They grew too large and were out of control. it took months to get that tank back to its beautiful self...
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    Why Is My Pleco Changing Colors?

    I probably have to agree with you on that one! He was under a fake piece of coral all day yesterday, is white with pink on it, finally when he freaked out and moved he was really bright sandy color with orange again, interesting! I suppose when he gets the stripes is when he is near the plants...