My Guppy Just Exploded!


New Member
Jun 11, 2007
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I was totally freaked out yesterday when I found one of my guppies skinny and fry EVERYWHERE! She had been pregnant for an awful long time, 3 months about, and when it all came down to moving the fry to the nursery, I counted out 30! I was in total shock! In all that means I have 48 guppies, and no where to put them! I only have two 10 gallon tanks, and 24 in each tank is NOT going to cut it! It wouldn't matter if I separated males and females, because the females continue to hold sperm packets for later, and chances are, I'm having a large brood again from the same female! I asked on yahoo and I was told the older the guppy, the larger her brood. Well this is the first time I've had her bred, and she'd been pregnant for a VERY long time! Enough time for my first guppy to have 4, the other to have 6, and the first to have two more. What was really strange was how some of the fry looked more mature and developed, like larger and already showing gravid spots while the others look like any other newborn fry. So can a guppy hold of her first brood until later and get pregnant again so she can have all the older ones with the newer ones? I'm am really confused on why some of the fry look older. It's so strange. Now I have solved my question of what fish are going in the 55+ tank I'm getting for my pleco! I'm just going to keep breeding and selling thse guys to the pet store!
think my biggest guppy brood was around 70, both parents were fancy guppies too

Wow! Thats alot! I don't know what to do with the fry now. I need to get a large tank, 55+ gallons, but I don't want to sell the fry now. If I sell them now they'll most likely end up as fish food, but once theyre adult I can sell them for at least $2 each. They aren't true pedigree, all mixed, but most people who buy them are only buying them for looks, rather than showing, at least here they arent. I only know of one person who does, and he/she sells guppies to petsmart here, along with all the other fish. I think petco might take mine. They tend to buy fish where ever they can. I'd separate my females from the males now, but it wouldnt matter because she will still have more babies because of those sperm packets she holds.
i would still seperate the two sexes,a) to avoid any more pregnancies and B) it will save time later on when the fry can be sexed, good luck with the fry, you'll have to post some pics as the grow and start to develope there colour
i would still seperate the two sexes,a) to avoid any more pregnancies and B) it will save time later on when the fry can be sexed, good luck with the fry, you'll have to post some pics as the grow and start to develope there colour

I have one guppy that has already turned completely black on the lower half of his body. I read that fry that turn out like that need to be get rid of, why is that? He's one of a kind, some of my fry that are half way to their maturity are starting to get orange and a few spots on their tails. One of the older fry isnt doing too well right now. He has a back that bends upwards and hangs out on the bottom of the tank.
if you get below 20 fry some were eaten or there is something wrong with fertility (age, poorhealth, etc.)
if you get below 20 fry some were eaten or there is something wrong with fertility (age, poorhealth, etc.)

Could it be the temp of the tank? sometimes its just below 72, but I'm currently saving up for a heater for both tanks, and now a 55+ tank and stand.

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