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    I Still Cant Believe It!

    well yesterday i brought a fluval roma took my husband 2 hour to pick it up.well when he got there the guy said that the 5 fish he had in it had to go with he gave my husband the 5 fish in a tied up black husband asked what they were and he said some sort of 2 hours...

    What Do You Think?

    they are all the fish i love

    What Do You Think?

    cool thanks for the superfast replys

    What Do You Think?

    would you say the 2 kribs would be best or 2 bolivian rams??? ph is 7.6

    What Do You Think?

    stocking a juwel rio 180 here is my list either 2 kribs or 2 bolivan rams to go with 5 dwarf neon rainbow fish 7 harlequin rasboras 5 panda cory 1 honey gourami what do you think?

    Wanted Fish Tank In Ashford Kent

    hi im after a fish tank with all equpiment and stand.nothing over 180litres but nothing under 10 litres. i live in ashford kent and would travel upto me if you have anything

    Your Ideas Needed

    after 4 weeks into cycling my fluval edge i have decided to sell it and buy a bigger tank.after alot of thinking this tank really is not the best.i think i just had a mad moment and just brought it because it looked looking to buy a juwel rio 180litre tank which i think is the best...

    What Fish?

    will the shrimp get eaten?

    Why Is My Cycle Going Slow?

    ive been cycling my fluval edge 23litre for 4 weeks now. last night i put in 4pmm of pure ammonia in at 9.20pm last night and i checked it at 8.20am this morning and it was at 2ppm. the nitrite is at 5ppm. why is it taking so long?? i cycled a 180 litre before and that only took 6 weeks. im...
  10. BLUFOX

    What Fish?

    what other fish would you suggest to go with a male betta in a 23litre fluval edge?? just need some ideas??
  11. BLUFOX

    Anyone Have A Fluval Edge?

    well after a lot of thinking today i have decided to not get the now thinking of having a betta or a honey gourami instead and a few harlequin rasboras. what do you think?? if the betta struggles to find the surface i will lower the water level. my husband has been saying to me that with...
  12. BLUFOX

    Dwarf Pygmy Puffer Owners

    after 6 months of research i have decided to keep a dwarf will be kept in a 23litre tank on its own. i would love to here from dwarf puffer owners about there experience with them and maybe a piccy of there setup :D
  13. BLUFOX

    Breeding Pond Snails For Dp?

    i will soon be keeping a dwarf puffer and thought it would be cheaper to breed pond snails myself. my questions is what are the basics i need to breed them?? ive read alot of different things from needing a tank with a filter,gravel,heater and obviously food. and ive also read that you can...
  14. BLUFOX

    Ideas On Stocking For A 20L

    maybe a dwarf pygmy puffer :D im putting 1 in my 23litre tank
  15. BLUFOX

    Anyone Have A Fluval Edge?

    :lol: 6 wow what do you keep? also can i ask you,do you think the fluval edge filter will cope with the waste from the puffer??
  16. BLUFOX

    Anyone Have A Fluval Edge?

    you should do it its so addictive aint it :lol:
  17. BLUFOX

    Anyone Have A Fluval Edge?

    yeah ive been researching them for the past 6 months.i like to research fish alot before i buy them.i think there great.its a little hard to get hold of them where i live, oh well apart from pets at home and well lets no even go there :no: ive managed to put in a reserve for 1 with my local...
  18. BLUFOX

    Anyone Have A Fluval Edge?

    ive already decided whats going in having 1 dwarf puffer.this will only be for about 6 months as i will be getting a 125 litre tank.i just dont have the room at present.just wondered what other people stocked them with as they are very limited.i know someone who has 2 honey gourami in...
  19. BLUFOX

    Anyone Have A Fluval Edge?

    what do you keep in yours?
  20. BLUFOX

    Fish Ideas!

    it depends really on what you want.what are your water parameters? personally i think its always best to understock not overstock. :D
  21. BLUFOX


    thats a BIG OMG :huh:
  22. BLUFOX

    New Aquarium!

    going back to your ph.have you tested it straight from the tap? what substrate do you have?? :D
  23. BLUFOX

    New Aquarium!

    :D alot of fish have a wide range of ph that they are ok in.what types of fish do you like?? and what setup are you interested in? would you be interested in an african cichlid setup?? or do you want just a tropical setup??
  24. BLUFOX

    New Aquarium!

    would you say it was around 7.8??
  25. BLUFOX

    Charlene :)

    maybe a few ember tetras or chili rasboras, or how about some pygmy cory cats or kuhli loaches? :D __________________
  26. BLUFOX

    Just A Quick Question :-)

    thanks again :good:
  27. BLUFOX

    Wanted Plastic Plants?

    pm me if you have any plastic plants for sale :D
  28. BLUFOX

    New Aquarium!

    it does depend on alot of can do alot with a 40 gallon tho.i had one once (really miss it now).you really need to match the fish you like with your water parameters also.a nice peaceful community would look your parameters and we can help give you some stocking ideas :D
  29. BLUFOX

    Guess What I Got Today

    hes a nice little fella :D
  30. BLUFOX

    Good Price Tanks

    try its brill.if you put in your location it will show you all the classifieds from other sites all in 1 site. :D
  31. BLUFOX

    Just A Quick Question :-)

    thanks for the quick responce.i know the majority of bacteria live in the filter but as ive never really had messy eating fish before and i havent needed to do as much gravel syphoning as the puffs need, i just thought id check to be safe. :D
  32. BLUFOX

    Undergravel Filters Yes Or No?

    imo Under gravel filters work ok for biological filtration, but they are horrible for mechanical filtration - they trap waste in the gravel and under the filter place and can lead to gradual decline in conditions. I dont' recommend them :D
  33. BLUFOX

    Can I Add More?

    +1 go with the chilli rasbora there beautiful fish :D
  34. BLUFOX

    Just A Quick Question :-)

    hi everyone :D i just have a few questions im currently cycling my tank.i plan on keeping 2 dwarf puffers.over the past 6 months i have researched alot on these little guys.anyway my question is. they need a lot of tank cleaning as they are messy eaters but if you gravel syphon too much can...