Can I Add More?

Jul 9, 2011
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St. Louis
So, I have a 40g hex. I have 1 male swordtail, 5 female platys, 2 juvie platys (.75 inch) 1 female betta, 7 albino cories, 4 inga snails, 1 albino BN

I would like to add a shoaler, but the problems are a.) I think I may be at capacity, and b.) its a hexagon, so I do not know it it is wide enough for most shoaling species.

The tank is 21 inches across and the filter is for tanks up to 55g.
Well, I answered my own question (i'm a research hound) and I think I am nixing the idea of adding to my hex. I really like harlequins and cardinals, but I think they are more suited to a longer tank and I do not want to be cruel.
Something small like a chilli rasbora or a celestial pearl danio would be OK, I'd have thought.
Aren't danios quick swimmers though? I wouldn't think my tank is long enough for them to have the room they would like to swim. I think what is going to happen in the future (my dream) is that if I ever get my 6ft tank for my SA cichlids, I'm going to move my malawis into the 75 and use the 55g for shoaling fish :p It will happen one day...
Aren't danios quick swimmers though? I wouldn't think my tank is long enough for them to have the room they would like to swim. I think what is going to happen in the future (my dream) is that if I ever get my 6ft tank for my SA cichlids, I'm going to move my malawis into the 75 and use the 55g for shoaling fish :p It will happen one day...

Not CPDs, they are tiny. They were formerly known as Galaxy Rasboras, which to my mind, is a more suitable name - they really are nothing like a zebra danio.
i got 10 CPDs in a 30 litre tank (attempt at breeding this year) and they hardly move around much at all :) would be a bit lost in that tank though i would imagine.
I will have to look into them. But looking at my current stock, how close am I to capacity? I do not want to overload my tank either.
I will have to look into them. But looking at my current stock, how close am I to capacity? I do not want to overload my tank either.

Since I don't have a tank of anywhere near that capacity, I can't visualise how it would look with your current stock, but I have enough faith in your judgement to suppose that there is physically enough space in the tank for them. I also have enough faith in you to be able to maintain the tank properly. The filter is rated for a tank 37½% bigger than it's working in, so it seems reasonable to suppose that you have the filtration capacity for a sensibly-sized shoal.

Happy days!
Thank you for the advice. I am pretty sure that all of my tanks are very understocked, with the exception of my 75g, but since the 5 fish in there are only 3inch apiece it looks that way (all of them get 9+ inchech) I have a severe fear of overstocking lol. I'm quite anal about it. I also have a huge fear of incompatability lol
No need to be anal - the fish aren't going to explode if you overstock.

Both of my tanks used to be hugely overstocked. The smaller one is now fairly understocked, but only because I have put a new, lower power, pump in because the one that came with the tank was giving me a turnover well in excess of 10x - and my fighter hated it. I've now got it right down to about 4x, and he's happy as a pig in wossname, but that does mean that I have to understock somewhat, so he's onlky go a shoal of chilli rasboras for company.

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