Anyone Have A Fluval Edge?

My son has one; he has Endler's (he does have a mix of male and females, but that's because I have plenty of spare tank space if there are too many fry; if it's your only tank, you must get males only, or you'll get overstcoked very, very rapidly!), a couple of ghost shrimp and an assassin snail (because there are pest snails in there from the plants I donated :blush: )

Other good inhabitants would be; sparkling gourami, featherfin rainbows, dwarf emerald rasboras, chilli rasboras, celestial pearl danios, ember tetras.

Avoid anythiong that grows to over an inch, and anything that has horizontal stripes, as they'll be fast swimmers that need more room than an Edge can provide; zebra danios and WCMM, for instance.

I wouldn't recommend them for a first tank, though; they're tricky to maintain and I think you need a bit of previous experience to keep one; a standard tank is far easier for newcomers to the hobby.
ive already decided whats going in having 1 dwarf puffer.this will only be for about 6 months as i will be getting a 125 litre tank.i just dont have the room at present.just wondered what other people stocked them with as they are very limited.i know someone who has 2 honey gourami in theres.

btw this is not my first tank and im not a newbie.i have been keeping fish for 6 just new to the forum thats all :)
Oh, that wasn't directed at you, just anyone who might happen upon this thread :)

I'd forgotten about dwarf puffers, the Edge would be fine for one of those.
yeah ive been researching them for the past 6 months.i like to research fish alot before i buy them.i think there great.its a little hard to get hold of them where i live, oh well apart from pets at home and well lets no even go there :no: ive managed to put in a reserve for 1 with my local dobbies aquatics all good there :good:

my tank could be finished cycling in about a when i get the little guy i will post pics for ya :D
That would be lovely; they had DPs in my LFS when I was last in, and I was very tempted to do a little set up for one; I've got loads of small tanks my ex used to use for spawning hanging round that would just do for one dwarf puffer...
I already have six tanks on the go :crazy: But I'm sure I could fit in a little to my bed on the dressing table might work very nicely!
:lol: 6 wow what do you keep?

also can i ask you,do you think the fluval edge filter will cope with the waste from the puffer??
Well, I have;

two four foot tanks in the living room; one with tiger barbs and zebra loach, one with congo tetras, cories and an angel

a three foot in the kitchen, with panda cories, silver tip and black phantom tetras

In my bedroom, a four foot with marbled hatchets, false neons and glass cats, plus a couple of BNs

And my son has his Edge and a four foot with rescued catfish and an oscar :)

I think the Edge filter should cope ok with the waste from a DP; it's not a bad little filter.
well after a lot of thinking today i have decided to not get the now thinking of having a betta or a honey gourami instead and a few harlequin rasboras. what do you think??

if the betta struggles to find the surface i will lower the water level.

my husband has been saying to me that with a fish that small (dp) the tank will look empty and i guess i agree.

i had a beautiful red betta once before.he lived for just over 2 years.they are great fish

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