Search results

  1. F

    Rope/reed Fish!

    score! i found a huge tank at the thrift store today- only 19 bucks! i've be really wishing my tank was big enough for a rope fish, now that i have 35(?) gallon set up (with hood) i can finally indulge myself. i'll be moving my whole community over in the next day or two. so i have 3 main...
  2. F

    New To Tff And Tf Handling.

    i didn't learn about cycling until after i had my fish, but i did have plenty of plants! it was a rough two weeks or so, but with the plants my fish stopped dieing fairly quickly. plus plants are what makes a tank extra pretty! stock wise, have you thought about schools of small fish? i think...
  3. F

    Top Feeders

    hey all, what are your favorite (smallish) top feeders? my fish (guppies, black neons and and a glass catfish) all spend most thier time around the middle of the tank. i have ghost shrimp for the bottom but nothing for the top. i'm looking for one or two fish that don't need a school and...
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    i don't have anything big enough to eat a full grown thai micro crab so except for the cost they sound great! i'll keep my eyes open, never when you'll find a deal! thanks for the help guys!
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    i did a search for "crab" in new fresh water tank" some one else was just talking about thai mirco crabs, i was just about to google them!
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    is there a small size fresh crab? and i know the guppies and shrimp don't mind brackish water, i just treated ich with salt, but the others are new to the tank. could they take it? thanks for your answers!
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    hi, i have a 20gal with fancy guppiesx3, black neon tetrasx4, glass catfishx1, ghost shrimpx4, hornwortx2 and 2 teeny, tiny guppy fry. do you think one of those little crabs you see at the LFS would eat my shrimp? i don't mind re-placeing the shrimp, (i think they're 20 cent each) but it could...
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    In Dispair And In Need Of Help

    plus all my seals got stained blue before i switched to salt. the meds were a huge hassle and didn't work for me. other people have had better results, but i'm never going back.
  9. F

    55 Gallon

    one thing you might want to think about is small schooling fish, like tetras. with a 55 gallon tank- you could have a real crowd of them! and they look really cool going back and forth, all in sync. or you could do a live bearers tank, swordtails and guppys can look pretty fancy. plus the fry...
  10. F

    Dumb Or Dumber?

    glad your fish is ok and thanks for the laugh!
  11. F

    Is The Ich Gone?

    yeah, all my seals are blue now, good thing i think it's almost pretty! i think all the ich is gone! if things stay good for another week i'm going to add some new fish! a female swordtail, and maybe a handful of small schooling fish? i do wish i had room for a quarantine tank, but i have a 3...
  12. F

    Is The Ich Gone?

    sigh- lost the male molly. now the female is acting weird. if she dies then every single fish i got from petsmart will have died. and let's not forget it was a molly from petsmart that started this (the ich) in the first place. learned my lesson! the three fish from my LFS (pair of guppies and a...
  13. F

    What's Your Must Have Maintenance Tool?

    i use a small rice bowl to skim extra food off the top. also if any fry come to the top of the tank it's just right for scooping them up and dumping them in the fry net!
  14. F

    Two Types Of Fry?

    my tank is 20 gallons, the ich is (slowly) leaving. yay! i wasn't having any luck with the the quickcure so now i'm treating with salt. i'm also alot calmer now, lol! i'll talk to the LFS next time i'm in.
  15. F

    Is The Ich Gone?

    update! so i decided that the medicine i was useing (quickcure) was doing no good at all. i waited 24 hours and returned the whole filter to it's proper place. i found a website (for goldfish) that said to add 3tsps per gallon to treat ich. that seemed like way too much, so i settled on 2 per...
  16. F

    Is The Ich Gone?

    mine is a whisper too. i guess i'll poke around the internet and see if i can pin down the salt/gallon ratio. one thing i don"t have is a heater.i live in a hot state and my apartment has no AC. frankly i was more worried about keeping the fish cool this summer. maybe i can jury rig something...
  17. F

    Is The Ich Gone?

    what other forms of filtration do you mean? all my filter has is carbon in a sack. how much salt should i use? it's a 20 gallon tank. (and thanks for replying)
  18. F

    Is The Ich Gone?

    hey all- so i've been treating my tank for ich (lost 3 fish) and i think it's gone... the problem is that the dalmation mollies have clear/white fins. i can't tell if the spots are damage to the fins or ich. i'd like the ich to be gone so can put my filter back in, i feel 2 of the fish died less...
  19. F

    Two Types Of Fry?

    i thought about the LFS, but don't they care about inbreeding? i have no clue if my mollies are related to each other or not. it's good to know for sure about the guppy fry! also, wouldn't the the mollies have to be almost fully grown for the fish store to want them? if i keep them that long...
  20. F

    Two Types Of Fry?

    thanks, the fry are so different looking, if the guppy always looks fat then i'm sure she dropped litter and i never noticed. i'll have to track her by calender. i had this whole plan where i was going to feed the fry to my betta. but the whole tank got the white spots of doom (don't worry, i'm...
  21. F

    Two Types Of Fry?

    hi, so my molly (had her for less then a week) dropped babies all over the place! fine, that's what they do- but as i was chasing and separating the fry i noticed some were much smaller and had a black dot on their tail fins. could it be that my guppy dropped her fry and i didn't notice...