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  1. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    I have no real updates of putting it all together, but the filter arrived - it's huge! And I have bought some black gravel to top up the levels of Eco-Complete that I already had. I haven't forgotten, I just haven't done much. I will be giving some thought to plants soon - and I will...
  2. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    And here with the light on. I'm doing it from my phone at the moment. But if photo bucket will be easier (and if it looks good enough that I can show people) then I'll try and give that a go (I'll try setting it up this week). I'm going to head to some local shops soon to find a decent bit...
  3. nine.jpg


  4. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    This weekend, the light arrived, as did another delivery (probably the filter) which annoyingly I 'missed' - I was in, and my landlord was even in the building and didn't hear anything, no buzzer, no knocking on the door but a little slip saying 'we're sorry to have missed you...'. But it's ok...
  5. seven.jpg


  6. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    Some more pics from my phone... Here is the tank with the back still in place. I was pretty nervous about using a stanley blade to cut the silicone because i didn't want to damage the take or the seals on the actual tank. This left a mess in the tank. (Is there a good way of uploading more...
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  9. sid_zie

    Sid's 60L Attempt

    This is my first attempt at a journal and a first ‘proper’ attempt at a planted tank. I have asked some pre-set up questions already and got some helpful answers. So as some background/plans (from my other post, before deciding to start a journal): “I have an old Orca TL-450, which will be...
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  11. sid_zie

    Some Pre-Setting Up Questions (Low-Tech)

    Quick update: I've been quite busy this weekend. I have stipped the tank and cleaned it all up. Then I moved my whole bedroom around so that I had somewhere to put the tank (such a lot of effort for such a small tank). I went to my LFS to see if they had the filter, light and some...
  12. sid_zie

    Some Pre-Setting Up Questions (Low-Tech)

    Hey Steveo and Minnnt, I had a bit of a search for lighting yesterday, and saw the ARC pod units, the eclipse ones look good. I was going to ask whether the 11 watt was enough or the 18 watt was too much – but you’ve already answered that. I think I will give that a go, and grab one of the...
  13. sid_zie

    Some Pre-Setting Up Questions (Low-Tech)

    Hi Minnnt, Thank you for your reply. I like the idea of lots of plants. I’m still unsure on exactly what plants – would you suggest sticking to a few types of plants or go for a selection and see what grows well and what doesn’t? Either filter looks good to me – I’ll probably have a look...
  14. sid_zie

    Some Pre-Setting Up Questions (Low-Tech)

    Hi All, I’ve made several attempts at planted tanks. Each one has been slightly better than the last, but not as good as everyone’s on here – so this time, I’m hoping for some advice as I go and before I get started. I have an old Orca TL-450, which will be totally stripped out (take out all...
  15. sid_zie

    Equipment/lighting Info

    Brilliant, thank you. It looks like I have light and substrate sorted now. Do I need anything specific in terms of filtration? I guess what I’m asking really is – do planted tanks need different filtration to non-planted tanks? If not I’ll just be getting a normal external filter. Once I...
  16. sid_zie

    Equipment/lighting Info

    Thanks Vinylman, Your suggestions are very helpful, like I said, I really don’t have any idea about lighting so all suggestions are very welcome, then I can decide once I know what sort of lights are out there. I like the idea of the tetra complete with some play sand on top. AC, The tank...
  17. sid_zie

    Equipment/lighting Info

    Cheers for the reply, the overtank luminaries look good. For a 30 inch tank would I need the 24” light or the 32” light? It says that they adjust, but I’m not sure how much? Would this be considered as low light? Would I need CO2, as I don’t want to get a pressurised CO2 and I’m not sure how...
  18. sid_zie

    Equipment/lighting Info

    Hi all, I’m looking for some advice on equipment and set up for a new tank. The tank is 30*12*15 (15 deep) because that’s the biggest tank I can get in the space I have. I’m looking to go for a planted tank with some easy to grow plants (suitable for beginners). I’m hoping to go for...
  19. sid_zie

    Barney's 58l Modified Marine Nano

    Hi This is my first post in SW, but i recognised the orca cube. I've had one of these with FW for about 10 months now and i thought i should just confirm that your suspicions of the fans are justified, mine did start getting noisy, but I've changed the lighting on mine to make it more suitable...
  20. sid_zie

    Lighting Question

    Anyone?... Well I’ve been reading some more, and how does this plan sound?... The simplest thing I think I can try, is to replace the current 18W T5 bulbs (I think they are PCs) with some that aren’t 10k marine, 50/50 ones. I’m guessing there are some daylight ones out there which will be...
  21. sid_zie

    Lighting Question

    The story so far: I bought an ORCA TL-450....all in one marine cube, nice and cheap and came with everything. The lighting is 2*18W T5 10000K, and it's just over 15 US gallons. At the time of buying I thought that 2.4 WPG would be good and so i decided to start a planted tank. I've been...
  22. sid_zie

    Drop Checker

    Thanks once again. Everyone is very helpful. I have ordered one from ebay - since i couldn't find one in my LFS (not really a big shock - but any excuse to go and look round). So, changing the solution about every 3-4 weeks will be fine? And leaving it longer it wont actually stop working...
  23. sid_zie

    Drop Checker

    I think the idea of going for a cheap one is a good one. Yeah, knowing me I am fairly likely to break it at some point. And changing the solution once every 3-4 week, got it. Thanks all.
  24. sid_zie

    Drop Checker

    Ok, excellent. I will have to put one on my shopping list for the weekend. Are there many different makes? Thanks Dave and Barney
  25. sid_zie

    Drop Checker

    Thanks That makes a lot of sense. Does the indicator solution have to be changed regularly? Also, are there alternative methods to monitoring CO2 levels? Would the drop checker be a recommended way to keep a check on the levels? Cheers
  26. sid_zie

    Drop Checker

    Hi all I wasn’t sure whether to post this in the science section, but I decided you were all smart here so should be able to help. I started my first planted tank a little while back, I’ve got a DIY CO2 kit going. When I started it I made sure the mix was not producing too much CO2 and...
  27. sid_zie

    Co2 And Algea

    Cheers Sam That's what i figured out after a bit of reading (I guess i should have done the reading first) and I've ordered a nutrafin kit and will see how that goes while replacing algea covered leaves/plants. I'll keep you posted. Thanks again
  28. sid_zie

    Co2 And Algea

    Thanks John Doh, once again i have completely missed a pinned thread answering exactly what i want. You're right, it doesn't stop algea growing, but the idea is it helps my current plants to grow and they out compete the algea for nutrients, making it more difficult for algea to grow. So i...
  29. sid_zie

    Co2 And Algea

    Hi. Basically, my tank is starting to fill up with algea - i know you guys all told me it would. But now i'm thinking of adding CO2 and i was wondering if i added some sort of Co2 system now, will it get rid of the algea, or will the algea just stay there? I was thinking about going the...
  30. sid_zie

    Plant Selection.

    Thank you both. I'll get more fast growers in that case. And i'll have a look for a DIY CO2 link now.
  31. sid_zie

    Plant Selection.

    Hi. I've been doing some reading on here, trying to do my research. I've made a list of plants which I think would probably be ok in my tank. Could anyone point out any 'bad choices' or suggest anything I could use as well. And does this seem a balanced selection in terms of back ground, mid...
  32. sid_zie

    Online Stores

    Doh!! Yeah, in the UK, sorry about that. Thanks for the link.
  33. sid_zie

    Online Stores

    I'm finding it really hard to find a tank and set-up. I've tried several LFS and they only ever have a few in at one time. Does anyone know of an online store that sells a large range of tanks that i can look through. I've been looking at the orca tanks in my LFS as they're not too big, but...
  34. sid_zie

    Orca Ra-05

    I'm having trouble finding the details on this tank. As far as i know it comes in a FW and SW set up. I found out some stuff on the FW one, and having been looking to set up a FW planted tank, but the light levels are fairly low in it - it comes with a 24W bulb (giving about 1.13W/G), and it...
  35. sid_zie

    Ideas For A Newbie

    I have no idea what tube is in there, all i'm going on the the details on the side of the box that i wrote down while at my LFS - they didn't have a clue, but where nice enough to give me a pen and paper to write it all down from the box. I think i'm going to have to take another trip down...
  36. sid_zie

    Ideas For A Newbie

    Sorry to ask, but what do you mean by a more complete substrate? Like I said before I really dont what would be the best substrate for plant growth, but i dont mind buying something worth while if it will help. And Sam, thanks for the heads up about needing a second light. I'll have to look...
  37. sid_zie

    Ideas For A Newbie

    I feel stupid at not seeing the article by Rose, I've had a quick look through just now, and will give it a more detailed read later, and try to decide on a few plants that i could use. I'm going to set it all up and give it a go without CO2, and then if i feel brave and decide to up grade it...
  38. sid_zie

    Ideas For A Newbie

    Hi all. I'm looking to set up a planted tank, in an Orca RA-05, but i dont really know where to start. Some deatils about the tank: it's an 18" cube, 80 litres (about 21 imperial gallons) comes with a 24W light (T8) has a 3 stage filter - sponge, activated carbon, and ceramic rings/bio...
  39. sid_zie

    Nano Cube As A Troipcal Set-up

    Excellent, so whether i set up one seperatly or buy it all together it sounds like it will be good for FW. My LFS had one in for £80 set up for coldwater, so I would have to get a heater too, but there is space in the back to put a heater as well, which will keep that out of the way. I might...
  40. sid_zie

    Nano Cube As A Troipcal Set-up

    I'm in Portsmouth. I have a few places to look around, and see if i can find anything similar that will work. I'll also have a look on ebay, or any other sites that you could recomend.