Nano Cube As A Troipcal Set-up


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Portsmouth, UK
I'm really not sure where to post this, but I'll give it a try here.
I'm looking to get a new tank that's not too big, that looks neat and is pretty self contained. I saw in my LFS a 24 gallon nano cube, which fits that desciption. But i dont want to go to marine yet. Does anyone know whether the nano cubes are suitable for tropical set-ups? As in is the filter specific to salt water, or is the lighting too strong etc. Or are there other tanks out there which are about that size, and designed for tropical fish?
Thanks for any help.
Hi mate i think 24G is an 18" cube?

You can have a tank like this made for less than £50 which will save you a £100 or so from all that stuff you wont be needing in the marine setup. You can then just use your saving to purchase everything you need for a FW setup.

Just an idea :good:
Hi mate i think 24G is an 18" cube?

You can have a tank like this made for less than £50 which will save you a £100 or so from all that stuff you wont be needing in the marine setup. You can then just use your saving to purchase everything you need for a FW setup.

Just an idea :good:

I like that idea. How easy is it to set it all up so that all the stuff is hidden? because I dont really want all the eqipment showing, like my old tank had.
Hey mate :)

I don't like equipement showing either and i've focused my new setup on that idea :good:

I've got a hang on the back filter which you can't see (Painting back of tank black) all i see is the water trickling in from the outlet.

I'm thinking about how i'm going to hide the heater i think i might be able to fit it inside the filter as well which will mean i have no showable equipment other than my digital thermometer.

This hang-on filter would be perfect for your cube as well and would hide pretty much everything.

Check out your LFS or ebay to compare prices.

Let me know what you do :thumbs:

Hey mate :)

I don't like equipement showing either and i've focused my new setup on that idea :good:

I've got a hang on the back filter which you can't see (Painting back of tank black) all i see is the water trickling in from the outlet.

I'm thinking about how i'm going to hide the heater i think i might be able to fit it inside the filter as well which will mean i have no showable equipment other than my digital thermometer.

This hang-on filter would be perfect for your cube as well and would hide pretty much everything.

Check out your LFS or ebay to compare prices.

Let me know what you do :thumbs:


I've never seen a filter that hangs on the back, but i'll definitly look out for one. That would be ideal. I was planning on some sort of background anyway, so that will do that job.
Do any filters have built in heaters? that would solve that one, or if there's space to fit a heater in anyway, that would work too.
I'll have a trip to the LFS sometime this week and see what i can find. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the ideas
Filters with built in heaters tend to be externals. They can be hidden away in the cabinet below the tank or whatever and minimise the amount of kit in the tank too. You can also get inline heaters which can be fitted to the outflow of external filters if it doesn't have one built in.

I have never seen a H.O.B filter with a heater built in. The main problem with using a marine tank for freshwater is they tend to be drilled for sumps etc. If the cube is not drilled there should be no problem using it for freshwater, afterall it's just a glass box for water to go in :)
yep, that sounds like a good way to go. So tomorrow i'll go and have a look for a glass box to put some water in and then at what sort of filters i can find that would be as hidden as possible. I'll let you know if i decide upon anything. I'm in the middle of decorating my room, and it would be nice to know what size and shape of tank i'm going to get so that i can see how much space i'll have left.
I think an 18" tank cube will have to be custom made, where are you located?

I'm in Portsmouth. I have a few places to look around, and see if i can find anything similar that will work. I'll also have a look on ebay, or any other sites that you could recomend.
The 24G nano cube is easily adjusted to a FW tank. In fact, there really isn't any adjustment at all. The only consideration is what kind of lighting you need. The bulbs could be changed if needed. The way supplied, they come with 72 W's 50/50 Actinic, or about 4W/G. The only change we do with SW is remove the bioballs and ceramics. These could be used with FW. The single pump circulates about 10X turnover.

The 24G nano cube is easily adjusted to a FW tank. In fact, there really isn't any adjustment at all. The only consideration is what kind of lighting you need. The bulbs could be changed if needed. The way supplied, they come with 72 W's 50/50 Actinic, or about 4W/G. The only change we do with SW is remove the bioballs and ceramics. These could be used with FW. The single pump circulates about 10X turnover.


Excellent, so whether i set up one seperatly or buy it all together it sounds like it will be good for FW. My LFS had one in for £80 set up for coldwater, so I would have to get a heater too, but there is space in the back to put a heater as well, which will keep that out of the way. I might even go for the matching cabinet as it will fit perfectly in my room without me having to move more stuff. Thanks for all your help, i'm sure i will be back soon enough asking about set up ideas.
I'm really not sure where to post this, but I'll give it a try here.
I'm looking to get a new tank that's not too big, that looks neat and is pretty self contained. I saw in my LFS a 24 gallon nano cube, which fits that desciption. But i dont want to go to marine yet. Does anyone know whether the nano cubes are suitable for tropical set-ups? As in is the filter specific to salt water, or is the lighting too strong etc. Or are there other tanks out there which are about that size, and designed for tropical fish?
Thanks for any help.


I have a 12g JBJ Nano Cube DX with upgraded filtration and I can honestly say that it was a fantastic choice for my FW aquarium. All of the instruments are hidden in the filter chamber behind the tank and I personally love how easy it is to maintain. You can never have "too much light" in my opinion. I also own a 3g Eclipse System Three and the lighting is in no way comparable to that of my Nano Cube. The fish look much brighter and healthier! If you find that you have algae problems, you could always adjust the amount of time the lights are on in your tank.

Good luck!

The 24G nano cube is easily adjusted to a FW tank. In fact, there really isn't any adjustment at all.

It probably takes more adjustments to make it an effective marine tank! :shout:

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