Some Pre-Setting Up Questions (Low-Tech)


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Portsmouth, UK
Hi All,

I’ve made several attempts at planted tanks. Each one has been slightly better than the last, but not as good as everyone’s on here – so this time, I’m hoping for some advice as I go and before I get started.

I have an old Orca TL-450, which will be totally stripped out (take out all the filer/stuff in the back and take the lid off – the lights have gone, and the fans were horrible – so it’ll basically just be the glass box part of it).

Ideally I would like something that’s low tech – I’m happy to use a DIY yeast based CO2 system (if needed) and maybe go from there.

Plant-wise, I’m not really sure – easy to grow things really, perhaps some moss, maybe something to carpet the bottom (I’m open to suggestions). I will hopefully being using some bogwood and aim for a natural look.

Lighting – I have no idea – the tank is around 400mm wide. Can anyone recommend what sort of light, power, etc would be suitable (and fit)?

Filtration – Again no really sure, I was going to get an external filter. Would I be aiming for about 10x turnover? The tank holds around 58 litres – so again, any recommendations?

Substrate – I have some old Eco Complete from a previous tank (all washed and stored) – would that still be ok?

Stocking – I have some black neons that I will move over from other tank – I may add some more of those. Perhaps some cherry red shrimps. And maybe some Ottos.

Sorry for the initial questions. So far I haven’t put any money into this, so if you think I should put my efforts elsewhere to get a good tank then let me know.

Thank you for any help,

Hi Sid!! :)

The main thing i have learned from being on this forum is to have alot of plants from the off. This in theory will help fight off any algae as the plants will out compete it for nutrients. Which is also one less thing to worry about. I try and aim for 1 watt of light per gallon of water as this always seems to work for me. Some plants i can grow, others i can't. But i know which ones to avoid. No idea about your saved substrate, i like to use sand for planted tanks as i can usually get them to stay put better rather than in gravel.

For a filter i would look into the TetraTEC EX400/600 or the Fluval 105. Great filters from experience. Externals will also give you alot of space back in the tank over an internal filter and are usually alot easier to maintain and have a better media capacity.

Your stocking sounds ok, although i would old off on the Otocinclus as they prefer a much more mature tank and may starve to death from the lack of algae etc. Also a 58 litre tank may be a little on the small side for Black Neons? :/

Maybe you would be better off stocking with some sort or Micro Rasbora? You could fit a decent sized shoal in a tank of that size along with 3-4 Sparkling Gourami's? Then 20 Shrimp and maybe 2 Apple Snails?

Just a little note, a DIY yeast and sugar co2 system can work very well, but can fluctuate a fair amount and may cause algae issues. I am currently dosing liquid carbon and tpn+ fertiliser until i pluck up the courage to run a pressurised system.

By no means take my word as gospel, in fact it is all probaby wrong. lol. Have a look in the PARC sticky in the planted section for pretty much all the info you will need to know to get you started. :)
Hi Minnnt,

Thank you for your reply.

I like the idea of lots of plants. I’m still unsure on exactly what plants – would you suggest sticking to a few types of plants or go for a selection and see what grows well and what doesn’t?

Either filter looks good to me – I’ll probably have a look around and see what I can pick up. And yes, I like the idea of external because it will give more space in the tank.

So 1 WPG, so I’ll be looking for lighting between 12-15 watts (since 58 litres = ~12 imperial and ~15 US gallons). I will have a look and see what I can find.

Thank you for the info and suggestions about stocking. I did wonder about black neons, they can stay where they are, so I may have a look for rasbora and sparkling gouramis. And hold off on the otocinclus until the tank has matured.

How often do you dose with liquid carbon and tpn+ fertiliser?

Thanks again,

If I were you I'd grab an ARC pod light unit, they're cheap and effective, they do a nice 18watt eclipse unit which would suit you well. I have a 60litre with that unit and it grows HC very well as a carpet plant. If you go with less lighting I'd say something like a riccia on mesh carpet. In such a small tank I'd dose Flourish Excel rather than a yeast CO2 and a little TPN+ a 500ml bottle of TPN+ and 250ml bottle of Excel will last you about 200 days dosing around 1.2ml of Excel and 3ml of TPN+ a day.

If you go lower lighting than the 18watt then plants like Crypts, and Java Fern would be great for you and fill plenty of space.
Hey Steveo and Minnnt,

I had a bit of a search for lighting yesterday, and saw the ARC pod units, the eclipse ones look good. I was going to ask whether the 11 watt was enough or the 18 watt was too much – but you’ve already answered that.

I think I will give that a go, and grab one of the filters that Minnnt suggested – is there any real difference between the two, or just whichever is easiest to get hold of?

I like the idea of the Flourish Excel and TPN+ rather than yeast CO2. Now that I know how it should last a reasonable time for me, rather than having to buy loads of it.

I really like the idea of a HC carpet – I will read up more. I need to do more reading in general around which plants to go for anyway.

I’ll keep you updated (and maybe if I’m feeling brave I’ll start a journal – although I currently don’t have a camera, so unless I borrow one or work out up to upload phone pics I will just disappoint everyone).

I’ll hopefully order the filter and lights this week, and over the weekend get the tank in position (some furniture moving may be required).

Thanks for your help so far – I’m sure I’ll have more questions later,

Hi Minnnt,

Thank you for your reply.

I like the idea of lots of plants. I’m still unsure on exactly what plants – would you suggest sticking to a few types of plants or go for a selection and see what grows well and what doesn’t?

Either filter looks good to me – I’ll probably have a look around and see what I can pick up. And yes, I like the idea of external because it will give more space in the tank.

So 1 WPG, so I’ll be looking for lighting between 12-15 watts (since 58 litres = ~12 imperial and ~15 US gallons). I will have a look and see what I can find.

Thank you for the info and suggestions about stocking. I did wonder about black neons, they can stay where they are, so I may have a look for rasbora and sparkling gouramis. And hold off on the otocinclus until the tank has matured.

How often do you dose with liquid carbon and tpn+ fertiliser?

Thanks again,

Remember WPG is based on US gallons not UK gallons.
And liquid cardon should be dosed daily, so shud tpn+ really to get good results :good:

Sorry jus noticed thats already been covered. Good luck with your planting
Either filter mate. My personal choice after having TetraTEC and Fluval is TetraTEC. The media inside the filter is immense compared to the poor effort of included media from Fluval. Both seem like decent filters to me though, just that there is no need to be tight with the media other than making you buy more when new!! :grr: I would say either the 11w or 18w light will do tbh...

Definately start a journal, even if it is just with pictures from your phone or something, anything is better than normal and the more journals we can get started the better it is for new members to get advice, current members to get idea's and for you to keep all your information about the tank in one place. :)
Quick update:

I've been quite busy this weekend. I have stipped the tank and cleaned it all up. Then I moved my whole bedroom around so that I had somewhere to put the tank (such a lot of effort for such a small tank).

I went to my LFS to see if they had the filter, light and some interesting shaped wood.

They had the Fluval 105, but not the TetraTEC and they said they wouldn't recommend the TetraTEC because it's noisy. Has anyone else found this - or is this just a LFS trying to not recommend something that they dont have in?

They didn't have the light. And no good pieces of wood. So not the best trip ever - although it was a cheap one.

I have taken pics on my phone (nothing exciting at this stage) and will try to get them on here at some point.

Lol! They will want you to buy fluval so you buy more media for it. Haha, cheeky sods.

My fluvals are the ones that are noisy!

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