Equipment/lighting Info


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Portsmouth, UK
Hi all,

I’m looking for some advice on equipment and set up for a new tank. The tank is 30*12*15 (15 deep) because that’s the biggest tank I can get in the space I have.

I’m looking to go for a planted tank with some easy to grow plants (suitable for beginners). I’m hoping to go for something low tech – I’ve read quite a bit on these forums and it seems like it’s possible to have a planted tank without CO2 and heavy ferts. I’m not sure about substrate yet, I’m wondering whether to go for a light substrate (maybe sand and laterite) or a dark substrate like Eco complete. In terms of fish I don’t have any specific ideas.

The first question is what lighting to get? Can anyone recommend the level of lighting, the type of light and where to get them from? The tank currently doesn’t have a hood, so if anyone can recommend a whole ready made lighting unit that will fit that would be good (otherwise I can try and make a hood).

Thanks for any advice,
That's a decent sized tank for a new start. I'd go for one of the Arcadia overtank Luminaires. A two-light model would be ideal. If you're not after growing anything too difficult, I'd go for a base of something like Tetra Complete for the bottom layer, then you can just top it off with fine gravel without the expense of something like Eco-complete. It can really be as complicated or as simple as you want to make it. I would dose with Tropica's TPN, though. It's fabulous stuff; I dose daily and the growth has been great.
Cheers for the reply, the overtank luminaries look good. For a 30 inch tank would I need the 24” light or the 32” light? It says that they adjust, but I’m not sure how much?

Would this be considered as low light? Would I need CO2, as I don’t want to get a pressurised CO2 and I’m not sure how much effect a yeast mix will have?

I’m all in favour of cheaper substrates. Can tetra complete be used with a layer of sand over the top or is gravel best?

I think you'd be better with the 32''. I know you can reduce them, but can't remember if you can extend them, so the larger will probably be best. I think the 32'' would still give you the choice between two or three lights, so it really depends on what you want to grow. I have the 48'' two-light version (2 x 40w) over my 43(ish) gallon, 18'' high tank and don't have a problem growing anything, but don't have anything that's difficult (Vallis, Elodia, Bacopa, Amazon Frogbit etc.). I dose 5ml of Tropica TPN every day and I'm trimming the plants at every water change (7-10 days). You can use the Tetra Complete Substrate under anything you like. I have it under fine gravel and I think it's fabulous. Roots grow VERY quickly. I've never needed to dose CO2 with my setup, BTW. There's people here know LOTS more than me, but I just wanted to show that you don't need to get very complicated (or expensive) to have healthy plants. Hope that helps.
Does the tank not come with lights already? If so what does it have? If not I would attempt a cheaper way of getting light than the Arcadia setups if you are a newbie.

Whilst the Arcadias are good and look the part they are expensive and many people who go planted soon fall out of love with the hobby once they discover how hard it can be.

Thanks Vinylman,

Your suggestions are very helpful, like I said, I really don’t have any idea about lighting so all suggestions are very welcome, then I can decide once I know what sort of lights are out there. I like the idea of the tetra complete with some play sand on top.


The tank doesn’t already come with lights – it was just the glass tank going cheap. Any ideas of getting some cheaper lights for a newbie (I’ve had fish tanks before and the occasional sword plant and java fern – this seems like the obvious way forward) would be good.

Brilliant, thank you.

It looks like I have light and substrate sorted now.

Do I need anything specific in terms of filtration? I guess what I’m asking really is – do planted tanks need different filtration to non-planted tanks? If not I’ll just be getting a normal external filter.

Once I get everything organised I’ll try and keep a journal when I start putting it together.

I make that a 90 litre tank so aim for 900lph+ (10x or more) per hour from an external filter.

something like the Tetratec EX 1200 would be ideal.


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