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  1. F

    First Fishless Cycle!

    Cheers for the advice waterdrop! I have been busy with my dissertation for uni the last week or so any unfortunately missed the last two days! Hopefully won't make much of a difference as it is the first week still. Incidently, my dissertation is to with commercial overfishing... may post on...
  2. F

    My First Journal....

    Actually, I lied, it's my first fish tank, planted or unplanted!! A very kind soul recently advised me to create a journal after answering a few questions I had, and well, here I am. Fundamentals: Aquarium: 25L (6.6USG) Corner Tank. Lighting: 1x 8W (1.21 WPG) Filtration: Sponge Filter with...
  3. F

    When Is Co2 Needed?

    Thank you for the detailed response; really cleared a lot up. I'll definitely be setting up a Journal in the next couple of days. I think I'll stick to 'hardy' plants. That way I can concentrate on scaping etc without getting too complicated; Co2 will however be used in my next project (I am...
  4. F

    Air Pumps

    I can't help myself, but pretty sure anyone who can will want to know what sort of fish/how many are in your tank at the moment... Also, you can change the airflow via the valve on the airpump to slow it down if your fish seem to be unhappy or like a weak current!
  5. F

    First Fishless Cycle!

    The tank is a small 6.6usg which was originally set up for a Betta. Probably moving towards some Scarlet Danios or Dwarf Rasboras if I can find some; possibly a Dwarf Puffer or two. Anyhow, set up about a week ago with plants etc, found out the test strip kit is useless, ordered a liquid one...
  6. F

    Fishless Cycle

    Tap Results added to original post.
  7. F

    When Is Co2 Needed?

    I have recently disposed of some plants as they were pretty much dead. My Amazon Sword seems to be doing fine. I have some Java Moss and Cabomba on order. The moss will be used to create a blanket and a kind of slope upto a 'Rocky Mountain' pile... (All up there I assure you ;) It is only a...
  8. F

    Fishless Cycle

    1ml Ammonia added. Now reading 4-5ppm.
  9. F

    Fishless Cycle

    Ok, so I set a 6.6usg tank up with a few plants, bog wood sstones etc around 5 days ago. I didn't start adding Ammonia as I was waiting on my API kit to arrive which finally got here today. I did however chuck in pinch of flake food to get things moving. After adding nothing else to the tank...
  10. F

    Plants Just Generally Dying.

    Will do. WPG = 1.21 (8watts for 6.6 galon tank)
  11. F

    My Tank Readings Are O.k. Aren't They?

    Test strips are generally not used as they are incredibly inaccurate! I would suggest following the liquid readings unless someone can give you a sound explanation to the contary!
  12. F

    Plants Just Generally Dying.

    WPG??? No Ferts White gravel, ranging from 3-5mm....
  13. F

    Plants Just Generally Dying.

    I have 4 plants in a 25L corner tank; they are 4-5 days old. The leaves are generally drooping and they are moving with the current more and more as time goes by. The red leaves plant (no idea what it is called, bought from LFS now has 1 random white leaf!) The light is on for around 10 hours a...
  14. F

    Rose danio

    Purple Passion Danio - Scientific Name: DANIO ROSEUS. I would presume so !!
  15. F

    Going To Buy New Tank - Need Advice

    As you have boughta 16l tank, I wouldn't advise putting any other fish in there. Shrimp are fine as they barely effect the chemistry in the tank. However, depending on the temperament of the Betta you get , he may see them as a bit of light lunch; any fry they produce will likely be devoured...
  16. F

    25L Stocking...

    The Betta would probably be the best option, easier to look after, definately be ok in a 25L tank etc... BUT, something different would be nice. So I'll do some reading and see what comes up trumps. I'll let you all know.
  17. F

    25L Stocking...

    Sound. Well there are now a few interesting options available which I didn't know about. Guess it all depends upon what my LFS can get hold of!! Thanks!
  18. F

    25L Stocking...

    I am a third year so do not live in halls! Sorry, I think I have misunderstood. how many Nijssen's Apisto were you suggesting?
  19. F

    25L Stocking...

    From what I have been advised in the Betta forum on TFF, 6.6gals is perfectly adequate for a Betta, with people recommending 3-4gals being fine! It would probably be better sticking with the Betta from the mixed opinions here... I'll be looking to get a much larger tank when I leave Uni in 3...
  20. F

    25L Stocking... Excuse the drawing, they are estimates btw, accurate estimates :) Depth is 13"... Nijssen's Apisto look good, but dont they need a bigger tank?
  21. F

    25L Stocking...

    Scarlet Badis are a nice idea, could house quite a few as they are only tiny, good spawning opportunity as well! (from what I just read :D)
  22. F

    25L Stocking...

    I like the idea of Gourami's and shrimp (wouldn't have to worry about them being eaten...) Is the tank too small for 4-5 Dwarf Gourami's or the slightly rarer Colisa Labiosa?
  23. F

    25L Stocking...

    As my corner tank is only a small 6.6 galons, I have been thinking of a Betta tank as obviously they are a great lone fish, with the potential of some cherry shrimp etc depending upon the betta's temperament. However, are there any other fish that enjoy a tank to themselves that can fit in this...
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    Preston, Lancashire

    Just checked out their website, looks like a very well established shop! Unless there is anything closer I reckon I'll be making that my LFS! Cheers!
  25. F

    Preston, Lancashire

    Does anybody know of a good LFS in the Preston area? Pets at home i seem to have come across and I really don't fancy using them as my first choice.
  26. F

    Water Hardness

    Is that dividing by 17.86? GH-120ppm = 6.7 KH-80ppm = 4.5 Is that correct?
  27. F

    Water Hardness

    Just done another test. Bizarrly the GH reads around 60-120 now, and KH at 80. I think the goes to show the inaccuracy of test strips. The PH however has stayed the same. In what why could hardness be affected without the PH being so as well?
  28. F

    Water Hardness

    Yes, I have read up on that, a lot. I have a '5in1' API Test strip kit (how i found out about the hardness increasing) but I have just purchased their master kit for better readings. (Found it on ebay for £15.99, half the price of LFS) I'll do that test with the bottles now as by the time the...
  29. F

    Water Hardness

    Two days ago I setup a new tank. (Not long I know) I haven't put any fish in and won't do for a while, but whilst I have been monitoring the levels in the tank, the hardness has gone from 0ppm to around 150ppm in TWO DAYS!!! Is this normally when a tank first starts up? I plan to keep a lone...
  30. F

    So, First Things First...!

    I have just bought some Cabomba and will be getting the API testing kit tomorrow. So to save some $$$ I'll try connecting a tube to the outlet and directing it to the back with holes in the side to slow the pressure. If this doesn't work I'll be getting the recommended filter and air pump...
  31. F

    So, First Things First...!

    I did try on the outlet, but the filter started to make a clicking noise as soon as any resistance was added. will have to see.
  32. F

    So, First Things First...!

    Perfect, thanks a lot :)
  33. F

    So, First Things First...!

    Cheers for all the advice. I would be able to get 30 of them if they come in 10's easily enough. However, wouldn't it be difficult to keep the...
  34. F

    So, First Things First...!

    Thanks for the reply! It has only been running 2 days. I have read in places that as there will only be one fish in the tank, its easier to do a fish-in cycle as there won't be that much ammonia...
  35. F

    So, First Things First...!

    Hello everyone, I have recently set up a 6.6USG tank for a betta which I haven't purchased yet. EDIT: The problem is, I have done soooooo much reading over this website and others in the last couple of days that everything has become so conflicted; so I have...