Plants Just Generally Dying.


New Member
Mar 4, 2010
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I have 4 plants in a 25L corner tank; they are 4-5 days old. The leaves are generally drooping and they are moving with the current more and more as time goes by. The red leaves plant (no idea what it is called, bought from LFS now has 1 random white leaf!)

The light is on for around 10 hours a day and the water is set at 78-80 degrees (set up for a male betta) I can chuck these if need be, but I have 10 Cabomba coming tomorrow and I dont want those to go the same way...

GH - 90ppm
KH - 120ppm
PH - 7

Any ideas?

(Excuse photo, taken on iphone)
watts per gallon
read up on park on the PARC pinned section and read up on ferts and light

go to your lfs aand see if they have and ferts(fertilizers)(seachem flourish/flourish tabs)

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