25L Stocking...

Catxx - You can't make a general sweeping statment about apistos like that. There are many many different species. Also crystal red shrimp aren't fragile...no more than any other shrimp anyways. And dwarf gouramis shouldn't be kept in pairs. Males often bully other dwarfs regardless of gender. 60l is suitable for a single male and 80l or more is ok if you want to start adding females.

CRS are more fragile than Cherries, everyone who keeps them round my way has a harder time keeping and breeding CRS than Cherries who we just plain can't STOP breeding! It all depends on the suppliers really. I would love some of the new Sulawesi shrimp but they ARE fragile, the one store that could get them had given up getting them as they kept arriving dead, they could only find one importer!

And when you're dealing with someone who is a fish newbie, an Apisto in a small tank is still a bad move. Sure there are many different species but if you're not a pro at keeping that tank healthy they ARE going to keel over. They are not as forgiving as a Betta in terms of whoops poor water quality. That and you'd have to get lucky to find the smaller more unusual species if you don't have a decent knowledgeable store near you. Cockatoos are pretty common but they really need 60L plus.
Probably 2 females if it were me. They're slightly smaller than the males, and it is the females that have the lovely yellow and black colouring.

Oh and as for the earlier question, 1 male and 2/3 Females of the scarlet badis should be a nice mix.
Sound. Well there are now a few interesting options available which I didn't know about. Guess it all depends upon what my LFS can get hold of!!

remember to do your own independent research on the different species, not just go with what people say on one forum march down the shops and buy what we told you to!
I'm agreeing with Catxx here. Get the fish most ideal for you. I mean it could be anything we suggested, maybe something else, but please don't take whatever suggestions you get as fact.
The Betta would probably be the best option, easier to look after, definately be ok in a 25L tank etc...

BUT, something different would be nice. So I'll do some reading and see what comes up trumps.

I'll let you all know.

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