Search results

  1. S

    Dwarf Puffer preporation. Some Q's

    I orderd 6 dwarf puffers, 2 males and 4 females. They will be here on tuesday. I can''t wait :D . They will all be living in a 20 u.s. gallon, however if they become to aggresive twards each I will move some into my spare 10 u.s. gallon. Some questions: 1. Will ottos be ok to put in with the...
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    Blue crayfish

    Ya, mine ate three of my mollies :unsure:
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    Mystery Danger. Pleas Help!!!!

    I hope not. -_- lol :rofl:
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    Mystery Danger. Pleas Help!!!!

    lol ok :rofl:
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    Cray fish turning blue?

    Ok, here is the deal. I have two pond crayfish, and they got in a fight over food.One pf them lost his claw.He then molted and he rew his claw back and it was blue. I was like that is so cool!!!! However, a couple weeks later he molted agian, but this time his whole entire body is blue. The...
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    Male Balloon Mollies Fighting

    WOW, really!? That's really cool and interesting. I've never had that many mollys in a tank before. Well thanks for the help.
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    Mystery Danger. Pleas Help!!!!

    I also can't really tell if the eye is completely gone, this is the first time that the fish has lived an attack like that in my expierience.
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    Mystery Danger. Pleas Help!!!!

    Around the socket are is pretty scratched up, and looked bloddy this morning. All his other fins are torn up too. The eye wont' grow back will it?
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    Mystery Danger. Pleas Help!!!!

    HIS EYE IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!, I hope he will be alrite :byebye: .
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    Some new pics

    AWSOME :wub: , I want an Oscar but I don't have enough space. :X
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    Mystery Danger. Pleas Help!!!!

    Thats not good. What can I do to help my situation? Also will the molly be ok?
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    Dead Wide mouth pleco?

    :/ hmmmmmmmmmmmmm very interesting I hate when fish die and you can't really figure out why.
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    Mystery Danger. Pleas Help!!!!

    lol I thought there mouth would be to big to gouge out my molly's eye!!
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    EEL owners I need help.

    You could try earthworms, my spiney likes them. I have never seen the burry into the gravle. Other then that you could try raising some brine shrimp and feeding them to him.
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    Mystery Danger. Pleas Help!!!!

    Ok, here is the deal, my molly fish are being massacred, by something that goes bump in the night. At first I thought it was the other male mollys fighting (like they usually do), but when I woke up this morning one had lost an eye and his fins were all torne. I thought then that it was not the...
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    Male Balloon Mollies Fighting

    alrite i'll try getting some more females
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    Dead Wide mouth pleco?

    I had them for 3 weeks. PH - Neutral amonia- a big fat 0 nitrate - 0
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    Dead Wide mouth pleco?

    What ever you call this pleco (names listed in topic and description) it suddenly died. I had two of them in my tank and they both just suddenly croaked. I was feeding them on alergea waffers and brine shrimp pellates. I checked my water and it seems fine. I also have two cray fish in there, but...
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    Oddballs, fry pics, cichlids.

    Dwarfs, have you ever tried feeding your African Butterfly Fish crickets? :blink: Its really fun to watch!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way great pics!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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    Pretty gross

    EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :crazy: :blink:
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    Male Balloon Mollies Fighting

    I have 3 male balloon mollies, and they are always fighting. Always flashing their sales at each other and bighting. One large one always picks on this little one. The little guy sneaks of into a cornner to hide. I feel bad for him. :-( The other one doesn't seem to bother anyone. The little...
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    hello all i am new

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    New tank ideas

    Thank you for the complament david. Hope the tank comes out alrite
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    Lost Spiny Eel

    He might be hiding under the undergravle filter. Mine has alos disapeared for a week or two but he always shows up in the end. I wouldn't be to conserned, at least for a little while anyway. Best of luck to you :D
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    New tank ideas

    I would get a large amount of butterfly fish, (and some duck weed to cover the top of the tank) Also I would get 5 emriled corys and 10 or so female bettas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Setting up a new tank, 500L

    THAT TANK IS SO AMAZING :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: , I AM SO JELOUS
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    What to feed the leaf fish

    Try buying a large amount of Gohst shrimp. They are a little cheaper then guppys. When they breed they also produce more fry.
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    My puffers are in attack mode

    Firts of all it would be nice to know hwt kind of puffer they are. Second I would not worry about the snails, most puffers can eat snails with eas. But if they do rot however remove them. Hope that helps. :D
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    Breeding Dwarf Puffers?

    hmmm very interesting, thanks for the help! :D
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    Breeding Dwarf Puffers?

    I just put in an order for six dwarf puffers (for my 20 gallon, I have a back up tank if need be.) there will be 4 females and 2 males. I would love to try and breed them, but I ohnastly have know idea how. I researched it on the internet and could not find any information on how to breed. Has...
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    Bad day

    WOW, very pretty
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    Sick Ropefishes

    Sorry about your problem. :( Hope it works out. :/ Does this mean I should relocate my clown pleco, so it doesn't hurt my ropefish? :blink:
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    Bad day

    Ya my butterfly fish jumped out to, but I was there in time to save him. I scared him when I opend the tank and out he went.
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    Crabs in a brackish aquarium.

    Ya that would be really cool! :D
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    Crabs in a brackish aquarium.

    :blink: That sounds awsome to watch SirMinion .................. and grose :crazy:
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    I just ordered 6 dwarf puffers in the mail and they will be shiped on wednsday and arive here on thursday. I can't wait :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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    Crabs in a brackish aquarium.

    You might try some redclaws.
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    Looking for a Puffer for a 10 gal

    What about red eyes? I read somewhere and it said they only get 3 inches.
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    Looking for a Puffer for a 10 gal

    I am looking for a pair of some sort of a puffer for a 10 gallon. I am already buying some dwarfs for a 20 gallon high. Does anybody know of a fw puffer that can live in a 10 gallon. -_- I know there probably isn't any that can live in a 10, but im just asking.