Dead Wide mouth pleco?


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
What ever you call this pleco (names listed in topic and description) it suddenly died. I had two of them in my tank and they both just suddenly croaked. I was feeding them on alergea waffers and brine shrimp pellates. I checked my water and it seems fine. I also have two cray fish in there, but the widemouths seem to fast for them, and also there wasn't any scratch marks anywhere on their bodys. I also have some neons in there, but I don't think that they could have killed them. The wierd thing is that they both died in the same hour. They were well acustomed to there tank so I don't know why they died. Any ideas why they croaked? -_-

I feel so bad for them, they were so cute. :-(
Aww.. sorry to hear of your loss. :(

How long had you had them for? And what are your exact water results? I would suspect an environment problem as they both went so quickly.
Three days ago i suffered the exact same thing with my bulldog/rubbernose/any other name pleco, the only difference is that my pH is 7.5 this is odd as its been living there for months now. I do find it suspect as it died a day after may P.Ornatapinnis died of the same non existant reason.....
It just seems to be one of those things, i can only suspect phosphates, and this does not help as i treat fresh water before i put it in.....

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