New tank ideas


Neptune, god of the Sea
Aug 7, 2004
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My brother wants to get a new 30 gallon long and he doesn't know what to put in it yet. He has 3 ideas though. One would be to oddball it, although he's not really obsessed with the idea of puffers. Maybe another type of oddball? Anyway the other two options would be an african cichlid tank or to have one largish fish in there. Any suggestions as to which option he should go with and what types of fish he should get?
I'd say go with puffers! They have a lot of personality! Before you get a puffer do a lot of research on them tho.. they can be tricky little guys.
I would get a large amount of butterfly fish, (and some duck weed to cover the top of the tank) Also I would get 5 emriled corys and 10 or so female bettas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would all that fit in a 30 gallon? If so I think they are all great ideas. However dwarfs, in the profiel it says the butterflyfish liek acidic water while the gudgeons prefer a higher degree of alkalinity. Dunno if it would work. Also not sure about the bichir in a 30... samsung I liek your 30 gallon. That's a pretty good setup. Puffers are great too, but he doesn't liek 'em that much. Well I'll pass on the info and let him decide.

PS He's a total newbie with fish all he's ever had are guppies and a betta. What woudl be good oddballs for a beginner?
Also I don't knwo about the availability of those fish in my area. Our LFS has a great selection of marine and the more common freshwater species, but in things like oddballs and larger cichlids (which is exactly what my brother wants) it is severely lacking. I have yet to see a puffer, BGK, butterflyfish or even a severum at this store. All they have in the large cichlid dpartment are oscars, blood parrots :sick: , and sometimes JDs. As for oddballs... clown knife. That's all. Unless arowana qualifies as an oddball, they have couple of those.
Well, I passed it on and guess what. he wants something that is easy to breed, an egglayer, preferably a largish cichlid so i suggested convicts and he thought it was a great idea. So he will be getting a convict pair for the 30 gallon. Anyways, thanks for your help.
I keep an ABF and gudgeon in the same tank, at neutral, and they're healthy. CFC also said that the minimum for a senegal bichir would be a 30g, and a thirty long is better. Oh well, convicts it is. GL passing n the fry :whistle:

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