Male Balloon Mollies Fighting


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
I have 3 male balloon mollies, and they are always fighting. Always flashing their sales at each other and bighting. One large one always picks on this little one. The little guy sneaks of into a cornner to hide. I feel bad for him. :-( The other one doesn't seem to bother anyone. The little one has huge junks of his dorsal and tail fin torne out. I currently have him in a net breeder and he is recovering fine. :D How do I stop the other male from picking on him? -_-
First of all, there are too many fish in your 30 gallon. Having said that, we have all committed worse sins in our time...

Typically, you should have a lot more females than males. According to your signature, you've got 3 and 3. Try removing 2 of the males and see what a difference it makes in behaviour.

I have 2 and 2 Xiphophorus signum in a tank at the moment, and the larger male regularly pounds the hell out of the other one. It is amazing the beating they can dish out without an opposable thumb. :thumbs:

Good luck, and keep trying.
If you are wanting to breed them with any success, you will need to remove the other fish from that tank.

Ropefish, butterflyfish, and knifefish are all excellent predators. The fry won't hit the gravel before they are picked off.

As well, the males may still well fight just because they can. See if your LFS will trade you at least one male for another female. In all of my colonies, I keep a maximum of 2 males with up to 15 females in the larger tanks.


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