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  1. Gazoo

    What Do You Find Yourself Most Short Of?

    Time to watch fish and beer! :beer:
  2. Gazoo

    Switching A Filter Out

    Soritan, did your AquaClear 20 come with a free sample of a BioMax insert? If not, I think it might be worth checking out since it helps the biological filtration. I keep them in all of my filters. :)
  3. Gazoo

    Clown Pleco?

    I responded. Ethos, have you found any "tricks" to see your clown more often. The only way I get to see mine is when I feed it and then hide around the corner. :ninja:
  4. Gazoo

    Water Conditioners

    Me too!!! ;)
  5. Gazoo

    Water Conditioners

    I've been using Aquarium Pharmaceuticals (API) Ammo-Lock 2 for years but I'm looking to switch. After reading this FAQ topic (subtopic - The LFS sold me a product that locks away ammonia. Can I use that to save my fish?), I see some disadvantages of using something that "locks" ammonia. I've...
  6. Gazoo

    Burning Smell From Penguin Biowheel Filter

    From what I hear your penguin biowheel filter is an excellent choice. I have AquaClear filters on all of my tanks and I am very happy with them.
  7. Gazoo

    Make This Thing Quiet...

    I think you need a Cone of Silence from Get Smart for the noise. :D I don't think many of the younger forum members would have seen this on TV. :P Edit: added text
  8. Gazoo

    Hello All, I Am New Here

    Hi Hardcore Aquatics and welcome to the Forum from a Michigan neighbor.
  9. Gazoo

    Burning Smell From Penguin Biowheel Filter

    If the smell goes aways it is probably OK but I would still find it hard to have 100% confidence in it, especially at night when I'm sleeping. :zz Electrical appliance + burning smell + house = bad :oh:
  10. Gazoo

    Cardinal Tetras

    A couple months ago I paid $15 for 6 in the Detroit area.
  11. Gazoo

    What Chemicals Do I Really Need In My Tank?

    I'm curious why your father doesn't believe in water changes. Can't water "look" clear and still be out of wack? :dunno: That being said, the only way to know for sure is to test the water. :)
  12. Gazoo

    Chlorine Smell From Tap

    I don't know if my sniffer is oversensitive, but on some days my city tap water seems to have a slight chlorine (chloramine?) odor to it. Am I crazy? :S Edit: spelling
  13. Gazoo

    Clown Pleco?

    I think I paid $8 for my 2.5" clown last year in the Detroit area. I'm sure as you know Teelie, they need a piece of wood, don't eat algae and are a very shy fish. :unsure:
  14. Gazoo

    Poll: Flake Food For Tropical Community

    I chose Hikari since that is what they are currently eating but my fish dig any kind of flake I give them.
  15. Gazoo

    Fish Water On Plants

    I always use tank water on my plants. Since I don't have a thumb, I need all the help I can get.
  16. Gazoo

    Best Flake Fish Food?

    I used to feed my fish TetraMin Pro untill I received a free sample of Hikari Flake - Tropical a while back.
  17. Gazoo

    How To Explain To The Layman Why Interchanging Fish And (human) Food U

    Nice one mr miagi32. :lol: Did you make it?
  18. Gazoo

    My 26 Gallon Update!

    Can you show pictures that are a bit larger? :snap:
  19. Gazoo

    Honest Opinions Needed For A Purchase Of An Aquarium

    I think it's an OK deal. A new 29 gallon acrylic (with cheap light) goes for $180 on sale and wood stands are pricy as well. I've had a 35 gallon for 14 years and it still looks great. The only thing that can be an occasional pain is cleaning and adding larger items in the tank since the...
  20. Gazoo

    Should I Owe (own) Up ?

    I find these ethical questions interesting. I followed a simular qustion on a digital camera forum and it received a huge amount of responses. I was guessing that you would tell them since you had enough interest in posting a topic. We all have different ways of looking at things but for me...
  21. Gazoo

    Does Anyone Display Any Fish Related Artwork?

    I dig the eye of the oscar. It looks like a jewel stuck to the canvas. Thanks all for the posts and pictures. Most people I know that have fish are also the artsy-fartsy types. :-
  22. Gazoo

    Fishy Food Shelf

    Here is what I have. Hikari - Micro Pellets - Sinking Carivore Pellets - Sinking Wafers - Algae Waffers - Tropical Flakes - Freeze Dried Daphnia - Betta Bio-Gold Wardley - Shrimp Pellets San Francisco Bay Brand - Frozen Bloodworms - Frozen Brine Shrimp - Frozen Baby Brine Shrimp Various...
  23. Gazoo

    Does Anyone Display Any Fish Related Artwork?

    I have a wood carving of a salmon and a glass figure of a fish. If you don't have anything, is there something you would like to own? Edit: added question & picture
  24. Gazoo

    Your List Of Eventual Fish

    Some day I would like a pair of Microgeophagus ramirezi (blue ram).
  25. Gazoo

    Xmas Prezzies

    Great suggestion with the spare heater. How about a battery powered air pump and if you like gadgets, a digital thermometer?
  26. Gazoo

    Can You Get?

    I remember seeing at my LFS a collection of colored plastic tubes that the fluorescent light would slide in to. It was a very simple concept but I think they were charging way too much for them. I don't remember who made them and haven't seen the display for quite a few years.
  27. Gazoo

    Tank Maintanance

    I typically do my water changes/vacs once a week athough sometimes it almost extends to once a fortnight. I have to admit I had heard of the word fortnight but didn't know what it meant until I looked it up in Wikipedia. :blush:
  28. Gazoo

    My New Tank Pictures - Suggestions?

    I'm with nicklfire in suggesting a black background. A black background (and substrate) allows everything else to pop by not fighting for attention.
  29. Gazoo

    Cleaning Outside Glass....

    I use glass cleaner like others. I just make sure that I spray it on the towel instead of directly on the glass.
  30. Gazoo

    Need Bottom Dweller

    How about dwarf cichlids? I think they stay mostly at the bottom. |:fish:|
  31. Gazoo

    Tree Branch Wood

    From what I know, tannins are not toxic. :no:
  32. Gazoo


    I would like the Baensch Aquarium Atlas - Photo Index 1-5.
  33. Gazoo

    New Tank Checklist

    A thermometer is a good addition. :nod:
  34. Gazoo

    Making A Waterfall

    Lava rock from LFS's that I'm familiar with is relatively light compared to other rocks but it definately sinks. It is also inert (like slate) and should not change your water chemistry. I used to have a collection of it in my tank but recently switched over to mopani wood.
  35. Gazoo

    Dear Santa

    Dear :santa: , My wish is simple. All I want is a magic elf that permanently changes 25% of my water in all three of my tanks every week. ...oh I almost forgot. I would like a Mini Cooper S as well. Thank you, Gazoo P.S. I will have milk and Pepperidge Farms Goldfish Snacks next to the...
  36. Gazoo

    Where Are You From ?

    I live in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan (Motown). As Cal knows, you gotta love being able to hold up a hand and point to where you live in the state.
  37. Gazoo

    Whats That Noise I Keep Hearing?

    It's my untouched picture using a rubber hand from Halloween. :snap:
  38. Gazoo

    Look At This Link (really Damn Funny)

    Speaking of songs, who remembers this post a while back about Jethro the pleco? The Plec Song
  39. Gazoo

    New Cardinals Won't Eat....

    ???? I have six newer cardinals and have found that two of the smaller less aggressive ones aren't eating as much but from what I know your conditions sound good. Have you tried frozen or live brine shrimp?
  40. Gazoo

    Whats That Noise I Keep Hearing?

    Don't keep your back turned for too long. :unsure: