Search results

  1. Gazoo

    Crazy Story!

    I have to admit, seeing a leech in my tank would gross me out. However, what grosses me out more than the leech is that PETCO is getting things like this from their suppliers. Have you contacted PETCO to let them know what happened to you? What's the scoop with leeches and marine?
  2. Gazoo

    What Fish Scare You.

    I think the Sabretooth Tetra / Vampire Tetra (Hydrolycus scomberoides) is spooky looking. :devil: And this is coming from a person who kept piranhas. A few years ago I thought corys (and catfish in general) were fugly looking because of their barbels. What was I thinking?? :lol:
  3. Gazoo

    Red Cherry Shrimp Tank

    I have an empty 7 US gallon (26.5 l) tank that I would like put in only Red Cherry Shrimp. This will be my first attempt keeping shrimp. Items I already have: - AquaClear Mini (20) power filter - Visi-Therm 50 watt heater - Coralife mini-freshwater fluorescent light (9 watts x 2) - small black...
  4. Gazoo

    Important Information For Api Test Kit Users!

    I called API a couple weeks ago to ask similar questions and a real live person answered the phone. :ring: I was impressed with the information they knew off-hand. This type of customer service goes a long way for me when it comes to brand loyalty. :nod:
  5. Gazoo

    Good Schooling Fish?

    I think a group of 12 cooper rasboras schooling would look incredible. :drool:
  6. Gazoo

    A Story Of Stunting

    Will a fish that has been stunted for years be able to grow again or is its size permanently fixed?
  7. Gazoo

    What Are Your Nitrates?

    Tank nitrate is 10. Tap nitrate: A couple years ago when tested it was 10, current tap water nitrate is 0. For an experiment, I tested some snow and it's 5. :nerd:
  8. Gazoo

    Best Decision I Ever Made...

    Best: Continue to learn as much as I can about this hobby through a variety of sources. :) Worst: When first getting into the hobby I bought fish that looked cool with little regard to what their future needs would be. :(
  9. Gazoo

    The Best Water Conditioner

    Up until a few years ago I used API Ammo-Lock 2 exclusively. When I experienced a mini-cycle I decided to change my conditioner although now that I look back, the mini-cycle was probably due to my (then) overzealous tank cleaning rather than the product. I now use Seachem Prime with good...
  10. Gazoo

    Science People I Could Use Your Help Asap

    Well my comment is way old but I thought I would add anyway. I just finished reading Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life by Richard Dawkins and the third chapter titled "All Africa and Her Progenies" would have been a good resource. :nod: Edit: spelling
  11. Gazoo

    Sea Monkeys?

    Of course they don't look like monkeys, they look like little pink families with crowns and webbed feet. :lol:
  12. Gazoo

    Fish Food

    This is excellent advice. I bought a 7 day pill container and pre-measured the desired amount and it worked great while I was out of town.
  13. Gazoo

    A Site For Free Samples?

    If you are in the US, Hikari will send you a "free" 20g package of Micro Wafers if you mail them an empty package of flake food. The previous offer I took advantage of was their "free" tropical flake food. My fish went nutty over it. :drool: USA Hikari link
  14. Gazoo


    I joined the forum at bonsaiTALK. I checked out The Bonsai Site Forum that you have linked from your blog and it looks like an excellent resource as well.
  15. Gazoo

    What Else Could You Do With A Fish Tank?

    Keep the heaters in the tank, fill it with nacho cheese and keep a big bowl of tortilla chips and jalapeños on the side. Mmmmm, hot nachos! :drool:
  16. Gazoo

    The Beatles Or Elvis

    There's a deleted scene in Pulp Fiction where Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) said the following: "My theory is that when it comes to important subjects, there's only two ways a person can answer. For example, there's two kinds of people in this world, Elvis people and Beatles people. Now Beatles...
  17. Gazoo

    How Much Have U Spent On This Hobby

    Initially I spent a good chunk of change when I bought my tanks and equipment, but that was many moons ago. Now, my daily expenses are pretty cheep. If this is a hobby that you stick with, the costs over the long run are low. Assuming you don't get bitten by the MTS bug. ;)
  18. Gazoo

    What Do You Feed Tiny Tetras

    My little tetras dig Hikari Micro Pellets. You can float it or swirl it in the water.
  19. Gazoo

    Are You A Crunchy Nut?

    Munchy crunchy chocolately ... I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. :lol:
  20. Gazoo

    How Much Nitrate Does Your Tapwater Contain?

    A couple years ago when tested it was 10. Current tap water nitrate is 0 For an experiment, I tested some snow and it is 5. I got my sample as quick as I could since the outside temperature is 1°F / -17°C. With wind chill, the temperature feels like -20°F / -29°C. :S I need an Irish...
  21. Gazoo

    How And Why U Came To Tff

    Like so many others, Google directed me to this forum. When I saw the wealth of information I couldn't help but joining. I bet before I joined I didn't even know a tenth of what I know now. :)
  22. Gazoo

    Unusual Question :)

    I'm assuming the angels you are describing are the ones (2 cm / 0.8") listed in your profile. That pretty small. The last time one of my small tetras was missing, its bones were found a little bit under the substrate when I was vacuuming.
  23. Gazoo

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    Pricey - absolutely! That's why I've been trying to borrow as many books from the library as I can although it would be nice for my personal collection to grow. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll put them on my list.
  24. Gazoo

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    It sounds like we might have a similar taste in books. Any recommendations would be appreciated. I recently joined a sci-fi (speculative fiction as they call it) discussion group at my library and we are reading this month The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein. I haven't done this...
  25. Gazoo

    When U Clean Ur Tank

    Everything goes to a power strip so I keep it simple and turn off the power strip. It's much safer. Electricity + water + me = :rip: :lol:
  26. Gazoo

    What Backgrounds Do You Have?

    Like a few other members, I have black backgrounds with black substrate. I think the all black does a nice job in showing off the fish when the light is on.
  27. Gazoo


    For the past few years I've been interested in bonsai. Recently I read a few books from the library on the subject and joined a bonsai forum although I've just been lurking so far. :unsure: Since I might be moving from an apartment to a house soon, I think I'll wait to purchase one since my...
  28. Gazoo

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    I just finished Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne. Next in line is Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut. :book:
  29. Gazoo

    Lipstick Tetra

    Has anyone ever seen or heard of a lipstick tetra? I went to a local LFS for the first time and they had a ~1.5" fish silver in color that had a thin bright red strip on its upper lip. I asked the owner if it was dyed and he didn't believe it was. I'm not very familiar with the nasty dying...
  30. Gazoo


    I'm with Tolak on this.
  31. Gazoo

    What's In A Name?

    I always thought the alien Gazoo from The Flintstones was funny.
  32. Gazoo

    Whats Everyone Paying

    Last week in the Detroit area I saw them for $8.
  33. Gazoo

    What Do You Think Of This Video On 'you Tube'?

    To be honest, I'm getting tired of recent topics like this that seem to say, I know this video sucks but check it out anyways! I understand that some fish require live fish in their diet. It just seems like some of these videos are over the top and are showing feeders being put in extremely...
  34. Gazoo


    I have tons of mopani (African root wood) in my tank and I dig the color of the water. So do my soft water loving tetras. :fish: :wub:
  35. Gazoo

    Any Good Hob Filters In Uk?

    I'm an advocate of AquaClears because they can be found for a reasonable price, they are quiet, the output flow is adjustable, they hold a variety of media and they last forever. I have a couple AC's that have been running nonstop for 12+ years. :drinks:
  36. Gazoo

    Cardinal Tetras

    What is your ammonia and nitrite? How long has the tank been running? How long have you had them?
  37. Gazoo

    Can Any One I.d My Tetra

    I think it might be a red phantom tetra / swegles' tetra [Hyphessobrycon (Megalamphodus?) sweglesi] that at the moment isn't showing its best coloring. :)
  38. Gazoo


    I have 7 cooper rasboras with a pair of blue rams and I think they are the perfect combo.
  39. Gazoo

    Fungus On Bog Wood.

    " I ain't got no time for the jibba jabba! My nitrate is 50 and I've got to do a water change now sucka." Fungus developed on my mopani wood shortly after it was introduced to my tank. It took a couple times of scrubbing it with a brush before it didn't return.
  40. Gazoo

    Aggressive Tiger Barb

    Welcome to TFF sparky2. :hi: What size tank are they in? A larger group of one fish type always look nice but you may be limited on the amount you can keep depending on the size of your tank.