Can Any One I.d My Tetra


New Member
Jan 5, 2007
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I purchased this Tetra at my local store, it was mixed in with neons and the person working did not know what it was. From Dr.Axelrods atlas I ruled out flame tail tetra (Aphyocharax erythrurus), callistus tetra(Hyphessobrycon copelandi) and calypso tetra (Hyphessobrycon axelrodi) .After them im quite stuck to any i.d, could'nt really find anything on the web that looked similar or could it be a slight variation to the tetra's named above.


any help with I.d to this fish would be great, i keep buying mystery fish in aquatic stores thats how i ended up with my pride and joy a cory C 102.
I look forward to any sugestions, thanks Davey
I think it might be a red phantom tetra / swegles' tetra [Hyphessobrycon (Megalamphodus?) sweglesi] that at the moment isn't showing its best coloring. :)
I think it might be a red phantom tetra / swegles' tetra [Hyphessobrycon (Megalamphodus?) sweglesi] that at the moment isn't showing its best coloring. :)

the colour fades and brightens all the time, some days he will be really faded. After a water change and a few days of bloodworm its really bright again. Iv left me camera at work so cant get any updated snaps but can post some tommorrow night as its quite bright again. thanks for the reply, i will try research into them (google images, dr.pez ect) Davey

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