Search results

  1. Gazoo

    Seachem Prime Stinks!

    I've been using Prime for a few years now and I dig it. It does smell a little like stinky eggs and is a tad pricey but it goes a long way per bottle. It only requires 5 mL (one capful) per 50 US gallons. Once added to the tank, I can't smell it anymore. How much did you use Iron Man? :lol:
  2. Gazoo

    Fish You Have Always Wanted But.........

    I have never seen a pygmy cory at a LFS before. :(
  3. Gazoo

    Anyone Have A Wii?

    I'll probably buy one in a few months. I was going to wait to play Twilight Princess until I got one but couldn't stand the suspense so I played it on my GCN instead. I'll definitely have a Wii when Metroid comes out.
  4. Gazoo

    Greatest Movie Song Of All Time?

    For me it has to be the Main Title for Star Wars especially when I hear the 20th Century Fox Fanfare before it.
  5. Gazoo

    Java Fern; How Fast Does It Grow And Other Q's?

    I'm new to plants and I thought I would start with something easy like java fern. There are five separate small pieces (that look a little beat up) that I will be attaching with thread to a piece of mopani wood (hopefully) this weekend. It's in a 7 US gallon tank with 9 watts of light. I plan...
  6. Gazoo

    Goldfish Food

    I believe goldfish food has less protein and more vegetable matter than tropical food.
  7. Gazoo


    When you get this project done make sure you show us a picture. And as Yoda said, "Try not! Do, or do not, there is no try."
  8. Gazoo

    Had Avatars & Nicknames! Why The Signature?

    My avatar is an acronym for Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  9. Gazoo

    Embarassing Sporting Accidents / Painful Injuries

    A few years back I was on a first date and we decided to do something different and go ice skating. Being the the clown I am :-, I decide to showoff and skate backwards. Keep in mind, I've only been on ice a few times and can barely skate forward as it is. All is going good until I lose my...
  10. Gazoo

    Does Any Body Reccomend Aqua Clear Power Filters..

    I recommend AquaClear power filters. I'm currently using three of them (50/30/20) and the 50 has been running nonstop for over 10 years. They are quiet, they have an adjustable output, you can put a variety of media in them and they are inexpensive if you buy them online...
  11. Gazoo

    Fisherman - Any One Go Fishing!

    I'm not much of a (Michigan) fisherman, but I have caught perch in the thumb, walleye in Lake Erie, went smelt "drinking" ... I mean fishing in Tawas and attempted fly-fishing for the first time last year in the Pere Marquette River and caught a few salmon. To be honest, I'm in it more for the...
  12. Gazoo


    I use Photobucket. When I'm looking to add an image to my post I click IMG when in Photobucket (you will see a quick copied message), it will automatically copy the image and when I'm composing my comment I right click paste and it is added.
  13. Gazoo


    Does anyone use a trainer during the chilly months? I have a CycleOps fluid trainer that I should use more. :blush: Can anyone recommend a good training DVD?
  14. Gazoo

    Where Do You Buy Your Fish, Food & Equipment?

    I tend to purchase fish at my favorite LFS and then buy my food and equipment from any source depending on who has the best price. What do you do?
  15. Gazoo

    Names For An Oscar?

    Now that I hear your style of preferred names, Aurum doesn't have the down to earth sound like Jerry. What do you think of the name Gus? For some reason I think of an old bus driver or mechanic when I hear that name. :D
  16. Gazoo

    Are You Bored?

    How about this one? :alien:
  17. Gazoo

    Fav Pet!

    I voted fish but snails come a close second. I think they are underrated. :flex:
  18. Gazoo

    Best "hand Feeding" Fish?

    My black ghost knife was fun to hand feed. I can still remember the sound its mouth smacking the surface as it would take bites. :D
  19. Gazoo

    Names For An Oscar?

    Since you say it's a gold oscar, how about the name Aurum. The symbol for gold is Au (from the Latin aurum).
  20. Gazoo


    I usually ride at Maybury State Park or if I'm looking to put in some miles I'll ride Hines Drive between Northville and Dearborn. 16th annual Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance Michigander Mountain Bike Tour
  21. Gazoo

    Api Kh Test

    peter_uk- I just sent you a PM with a link to a scan I made of the instruction sheet.
  22. Gazoo

    A West African Biotope

    African root wood from West Africa is a nice hard brown wood that is smooth on one side and gnarly on the other. I have this in a couple of my tanks and think it looks great.
  23. Gazoo


    Bogwood Don't: Don't worry if your water turns a light brown especially if you have fish that prefer soft water. I personally think it looks nice and never worry about soaking wood to pull out tannins. :)
  24. Gazoo

    Penn-plax Tank Terrace

    I saw this item at a Superpetz (US chain store) yesterday. celaeno, I don't know if you have one of these stores in your area but I would assume they would mostly stock the same items. You could get a first-hand view and make the call yourself. :) Edit: Strike what I said. I see that...
  25. Gazoo

    Heater Recommendations

    I would use two (150 watt?) heaters as well. I've had good success with the Visi-Therm Deluxe.
  26. Gazoo

    Omega One Or Hbh Shrimp Pellets?

    I would also be interested if anyone can comment on how quick these pellets disintegrate. I use Wardley's but it seems to fall apart incredibly fast and makes a mess.
  27. Gazoo

    Running Air Before Adding Water

    Not always true. My water is supplied by the Detroit Water Department. I spoke with a person at the treatment plant and was told they do not add choramines to the water at this time.
  28. Gazoo

    My Write-up; Understanding The Nitrogen Cycle (please Read)

    tengtou- welcome to Tropical Fish Forums! :hi: Constructive criticism: I understand the nitrogen cycle but I found your first graphic a little hard to follow. I wonder how someone learning this concept would feel? I think it felt too compressed and the arrows made my eyes wander too much...
  29. Gazoo

    Buddha Statue, Bonsai Tree, And Bamboo Ornaments

    I've been planning an Asian theme shrimp tank and I think Tetra's Water Wonders bamboo plants looks nice. They make one, two and three stem plants.
  30. Gazoo

    Anyone Use Acrylic Tank?

    From what I've noticed the smaller tanks in general aren't of the same quality as the big tanks made by Sea Clear and Clarity Plus. When cleaning the tank, be sure to use pads that are specifically made for acrylic since they aren't as abrasive and will not make scratches and swirl marks. Also...
  31. Gazoo

    Rubicks Magic

    Is a rubicks magic the same as a Rubik's Cube?
  32. Gazoo

    Cleaning Outside Of Tank

    I do the same as Miss Wiggle. Are sure you aren't being distracted by painting little happy trees before you click add reply. :lol: Bob rules!
  33. Gazoo

    Anyone Use Acrylic Tank?

    I'm an advocate of acrylic tanks although they do cost quite a bit more than the same sized glass tank. I've owned a Clarity Plus 32 gallon and a 7 gallon for 15 years and they look like they are new with no scratches. Some benefits of acrylic: - 17 times stronger than glass - 20% better...
  34. Gazoo

    What Foods Did You Hate As A Child, That You Like To Eat Now?

    When I was young I couldn't stand cheese. Now it's one of my favorites. Especially blue cheese when it's stuffed in olives and dropped in gin martinis.
  35. Gazoo


    I'm into mountain biking although I don't do anything too serious. This July, I plan on riding the Michigander bike tour for the first time.
  36. Gazoo

    Who Uses A Timer To Regulate Their Light?

    Do you use a timer to regulate your light or do you manually turn it on?
  37. Gazoo

    What Foods Do Your Rams Eat?

    I mostly have have a variety of Hikari food in my collection. So far, my rams have eaten Hikari micro pellets, micro wafers, daphania and the occasional flake food. What do your rams eat?
  38. Gazoo

    What Fish Scare You.

    I'm assuming that Wilder meant for "What fish scare you?" to be a tongue-in-cheek question and for us to have fun with our responses. :)
  39. Gazoo

    How Much For Rams?

    My LFS has them for $7.
  40. Gazoo

    Interesting Cardinal Tetra Behaviour

    What size tank are your cardinals in at work? Are there any other fish in the tank?