Embarassing Sporting Accidents / Painful Injuries

Ok... here's Bret's Story :) *Come together children (and those who "pretend" to keep fish :p )*

I was playing football on the school playground in year 6 (so must of been about 3-4 years ago) and someone kicked the ball over... so i offered to go and get it. Not knowing that there where 4 inch metal poles sticking out of the ground. There is also a metal cable running all along the back to go to floodlights. Its dark and i couldnt see so i ran along and tripped on cable and *Shclurp* out come a 2 inch long by 1 inch whide by 1.5 cm deep hole in my leg... Yummy... i had the bit of my leg in my sock... So rushed to hospital by school secretary, but the funny thing is there was no blood... only muscle, and fat visible. School niurseplaced a dressing over it to keep nasties out and i arrived at a NHS hopsital (Yeah... hereit goes) well i was limping in with my mum and i look on wall it has a chart of waiting times... Red = Less Than 10 Minutes (emergency) and so on until 2 hours... Well the nurse decided that mine was urgent but not critical so get this... an hour wait in the waiting room with a hole in my leg. I finally got seen to and i had to have 26 stitches in the front of my ankle (Picture Enclosed). i now have a 1-2 cm deep hole in my ankle and it has no feeling at all :D

where to begin.....

when i was 6 i rode my bike down a very steep hill beside our houseand when i tried to stop, nothing happened. the thing that stopped me was a 4" wide and 4 foot tall concrete pole when it connected with my cheek. apparently i then went inside and asked my mum for a plaster and she fainted because you could see the bottom of my eye through the cut. luckily my friends mum was there and took me to a & e to get butterfly stitches and now i have no mark there.

when i was about 12, i again was riding my bike and going downhill into a forest, when my back tyre blew out and sent me flying off the edge of the road and into a big patch of nettles and rocks, no injuries this time, just winded and lots of stinging!!

in secondary school i played a lot of rugby, prop or hooker was my position and i got away with a lot and took just as much, i dislocated my shoulders a total of 27 times and became quite proficient at putting them back in myself!! in one game against our local rivals i got the ball on the wing (strange place for a front row i know!!) and was tackled by their number 8. while i was lieing on the ground their hooker, evil bloke that he was, jumped into the air and landed on my kneecap, sending it round to the back of my knee joint. i promptly got up, headbutted him and threw a couple of punches for good measue and collapsed in a heap again. my whole team took it out on him for the rest of the match and he went home very sore. needless to say my knee has never been the same and locks and gives way at awkward moments, and i never played rugby again for a long long time.

thats all i can think of just now but there are more, i have got the scars to prove it!!
I fell off of a treadmill in the gym the other day. Not off the back though, that would have been even more embarrassing. I drifted too far to the left, caught my foot on the edge, and went down.

Fortunately I didn't get hurt.
about 4 years ago i was chasing my sister when she shut our front door.

i thought it was on the catch so pushed my hands on the glass.......... went traight through door and caused very deep lacerations to my knee.

when i saw what had been done i apparently collapsed (i have no recollection of this) and sat on glass! :X

i had near 150 stitches and spent about a month in hospital! i was very lucky though as only have 2 scars.

here is a pic of the my scar on my knee - they turned into something called keyloid scars where body produces too much scar tissue.

Heh, once i went tree climbing, you know, with all the zip-wires and monkey-like stuff, and i rather stupidly came to a gap between two platforms. First, i unhooked one of my safety clips from the tree and put it onto the safety wire, then forgot to clip the second on, leaving me tied to the tree. So, then, i took a run up and was yanked back in mid aid between two trees, quite painfull with those harnesses i tell you...
A few years back I was on a first date and we decided to do something different and go ice skating. Being the the clown I am :-, I decide to showoff and skate backwards. Keep in mind, I've only been on ice a few times and can barely skate forward as it is. All is going good until I lose my balance and fall back square on my right shoulder. It felt like I dislocated it since I couldn't move it. :S That ended that date!

When we get to my car we realize that she doesn't know how to drive a manual shift. :blink: At that point the only option was for me to drive, steering with my left hand and operating the clutch while she shifted gears when I gave her the signal. :shout:

The event was actually a good icebreaker (no pun intended). We had a fun time that night and dated for a few years after that. :wub:
The funniest one yet. Last year I was playing baseball for a local kid baseball team. So we have practice and they have on of those balls on a bungy cord that raps around the pole....right. At first I was doing really good, then I started missing, then I was real mad because I could hit anymore that came, so I gather myself swing as hard as I can and hit the pole instead of the ball and it comes back and I hit myself just above the eye with a metal baseball bat!!!!! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was nocked unconsious for 10 minutes, the I got up and had a huge headache and went to a mirror while the coach was calling home and I had a swollen bubble 7 inches over my eye!!!!!!!!!OUCH!!!!!!!!! The doctor said that it would take 6 months for it to dissappear andI still have a little bit of a bump left!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right, well, thank you all for helping me compile a list of "Things I am never going to let Dylan do" :lol: I shouldn't have read it, it already scares me enough to let him loose on his bike or his bouncy castle, lord knows how I will feel when it's snowboards or rollerblades.

I loved this bit:

the world was spinning, the grass was purple, I couldn't see more than 3 feet in front of me

That's real pain.

I did all sorts of sports and never hurt anything, Dan did all the American sports and also never did any damage,

The first ever TFF Relationship! He He!

Not by a long shot my friend, There have been at least 4 relationships to my knowledge, Most ending poorly (as most do). One couple acctually made it to the point of an engagment, but the female Jerked the fellow around in a major way and he gave up on her.

i thought the first statement wouldn't be right, 20,000+ members and no one's got it on!! yeah right :rolleyes: :p

and there can be happy endings with forum relationships though, that's how I met Ian. :blush: :wub: ......... well lets hope there's a happy ending anyhow, all good so far!

anyway back on topic, sporting injuries....

on a dry ski slope when i was about 13 having a lesson in jumping, only talking tiny little bunny hops here not anything fancy. Anyway I jumped, landed badly the tip of my ski caught in one of the diamondy bits of the slope, pulled my knee round and disclocated it, my leg was literally on backwards from the knee down :sick: :sick: :sick:

the instructor just twisted it back the right way for me though, was sore as hell and bruised for a while after but i made a full recovery!!

now this isn't an injury as such but complete numptyness from me so I thought it's appropriate to share

recently decided to get fit by cycling to and from work, Ian's parents had his big brothers mountain bike still in they're cellar so kindly gave me it so I didn't have to fork out for a new bike just to give it a try for a few weeks, see how I get on. Anyway we picked it up and took it home, I went out round the block to check it worked fine, I was wobbling all over the place but got round OK. Bear in mind it had been 10yrs or so since I'd been on a bike. Now I'd completely forgotten you can't change gear unless your riding, I'm used to driving when you can. So I pulled up to talk to Ian, switched it down from 5th gear to 3rd and said I was going round again. He said just watch out for your gears cos you changed it standing, you might have to go 10 metres or so before it changes. I set off and it's nightmare hard going, I was absolutely fighting with the bike but just thought it's still in 5th and not changed yet I just have to keep going until it changes. I keep on battling all round the block and it doesn't change. i get home pouring with sweat and on the verge of throwing up I'm so exhausted from it. Ian takes the bike off me and goes 'darling, has your front brake been locked on all the way round the block' :blush: :blush: :blush:

The first ever TFF Relationship! He He!

Not by a long shot my friend, There have been at least 4 relationships to my knowledge, Most ending poorly (as most do). One couple acctually made it to the point of an engagment, but the female Jerked the fellow around in a major way and he gave up on her.

i thought the first statement wouldn't be right, 20,000+ members and no one's got it on!! yeah right :rolleyes: :p

and there can be happy endings with forum relationships though, that's how I met Ian. :blush: :wub: ......... well lets hope there's a happy ending anyhow, all good so far!

anyway back on topic, sporting injuries....

on a dry ski slope when i was about 13 having a lesson in jumping, only talking tiny little bunny hops here not anything fancy. Anyway I jumped, landed badly the tip of my ski caught in one of the diamondy bits of the slope, pulled my knee round and disclocated it, my leg was literally on backwards from the knee down :sick: :sick: :sick:

the instructor just twisted it back the right way for me though, was sore as hell and bruised for a while after but i made a full recovery!!

now this isn't an injury as such but complete numptyness from me so I thought it's appropriate to share

recently decided to get fit by cycling to and from work, Ian's parents had his big brothers mountain bike still in they're cellar so kindly gave me it so I didn't have to fork out for a new bike just to give it a try for a few weeks, see how I get on. Anyway we picked it up and took it home, I went out round the block to check it worked fine, I was wobbling all over the place but got round OK. Bear in mind it had been 10yrs or so since I'd been on a bike. Now I'd completely forgotten you can't change gear unless your riding, I'm used to driving when you can. So I pulled up to talk to Ian, switched it down from 5th gear to 3rd and said I was going round again. He said just watch out for your gears cos you changed it standing, you might have to go 10 metres or so before it changes. I set off and it's nightmare hard going, I was absolutely fighting with the bike but just thought it's still in 5th and not changed yet I just have to keep going until it changes. I keep on battling all round the block and it doesn't change. i get home pouring with sweat and on the verge of throwing up I'm so exhausted from it. Ian takes the bike off me and goes 'darling, has your front brake been locked on all the way round the block' :blush: :blush: :blush:

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was even funnieir than mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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