What Foods Did You Hate As A Child, That You Like To Eat Now?

I hated garlic, curry and chilli as a child, now I love them.
I hated cooked onions too and still do. :crazy:
I hated lentil soup and also hated champ! Wasn't so keen on the scallions in it (Spring onions). :sick:

I can tolerate lentil soup and quite like champ now. :good:

I was made to eat what was set down in front of me. It sounds a bit cruel but now I can eat pretty much anything.
I hated lentil soup and also hated champ! Wasn't so keen on the scallions in it (Spring onions). :sick:

I can tolerate lentil soup and quite like champ now. :good:

I was made to eat what was set down in front of me. It sounds a bit cruel but now I can eat pretty much anything.
Hi just wondering, what is Champ? never heard of it -_-
well im only 15 but when i was smaller i hated chocolate but i dont mind a bit now and then. I like sour sweets better.
Foods i didn't like much or hated when i was a kid but i like or love now;
a. Mushrooms- went off them really bad when i was a kid, my mum and gran were terrible at cooking mushrooms, always used to come out cooked like bits of greasy chewy leather. But when i was 12 or 13 i tasted some properly cooked ones and now i love them :) !
b. Egg plant- used to hate it when i was a kid, but now i actually quite like the stuff, especially in roosted vegetable based pasta sauces.
c. Spinache- wasn't a great fan of it when i was a kid, but now i love the stuff!

Foods i used to like but don't really now;
a. Ice cream- used to love it when i was younger, but i have really gone off it in the last 4 or so years. Its not that i don't like it, but i just don't feel the need for it anymore. I prefer sorbet much more (especially mango sorbet, wether on its own or in the fruit smoothies i make :wub: !).
b. Apples, used to eat loads of them when i was a kid, but don't really eat them anymore (most varieties found in shops aren't very good either way, so little flavor etc). I prefer other fruits like plums far more now!
c. Chicken- when i was a kid there was plenty of free range organic chicken to eat on my mums farm, but when i moved out of home the only stuff i could find was battery or barn range chicken. Since i'm against that kind of farming i gave it up, but because there's hardly any free range and organic chicken around i rarely ever get to eat it. Since i practically cut it out of my diet, i've kinda gone off the meat- it just tastes kinda bland and dry for some reason now. I prefer other meats like beef and lamb far more now!

I'm sure there are other foods, but thats what i can list from the top of my head for now :) .
Onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, egg yolk, cake, stuffing....I hated all these as a child.
I can't get enough of them now!!!
hated as a kid but like now: tomatoes, peas, celery, cabbage

hate and will always hate: mangoes! bleah, they taste like pumpkin to me!
When I was a kid I was very squeamish about eating eggs. Hard boiled were fine, but if they were fried, I'd only eat the white part and only if it was very well cooked. That squiggly little thing in there would make me gag just to see it.

These days I love both parts of them, but that squiggly thing still gets to me. I always try to pull it off before cooking them. :D
I used to hate onions as a kid, mom would always have to mince them fine and hide them, I love em now.
When I was a kid I loved swiss cheese, and also white cheese sauces like Afredo, can't stand em now.

Another weird thing, I've always loved chocolate, but since I had back surgery, I've found that certain kinds of chocolate (and other foods) taste weird. I've heard of other people having changes in their taste after surgery, not sure what causes it though.

I also hate oatmeal and tv dinners now, had too many of them as a kid. I also kind of go back and forth on meat, I can sometimes go weeks without eating any meat, then I get a big meat craving, and will eat it for every meal, I'm just weird that way. :alien:
I went through a phase of not eating mushrooms for quite a few years as a kid, my mum used to seriously over-cook them in her stews and the vile slimey rubbery taste of the mushrooms she cooked put me off eating them for years.
Eventually though my grandparents persuaded me to eat some mushrooms they had done for me in a fry-up, i tried them and loved them, they were nothing like the mushrooms i had eaten that my mum cooked for me in the past. So i got back into eating mushrooms although of course not my mums stewed ones, now days i include mushrooms in many of my home cooking recipes :good: .
I can't believe I haven't added my hate of mushrooms to this thread.

So I'm gonna.

Mushrooms are a curse, a plague, a FUNGUS - who gives themselves fungus? seriously, what's wrong with people? pah. Dirty nasty, spore laden, poop of the Devil. Hate them hate them wouldn't wanna date them. Nasty, just plain nasty. Sometimes I can barely even touch them, they SQUEAK when you rub your thumb over them, who eats stuff that makes a noise like that? that's horrid. Nasty. yuck. My husband practically gave them up after watching me prepare them the first time :lol: and you have to strip their skin off and pull a nasty stalk off them AND it makes a disgusting popping noise when you pull the stalk off. Yuck. YUCK.

Ok, I'm done.

:lol: "Poop of the Devil" :lol:
I was laughing so hard I almost peed myself when I read that!
*Emphasis on almost! :lol: *


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