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  1. C

    My new fish are so wicked!

    As soon as I can get a good camera near them, I'll take a picture!! The puppy is a Shiba Inu pup. they are adorable little dogs!!
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    My new fish are so wicked!

    I had bought some (3 for now) Black Phantom Tetras for my cycled 10gal, and they are already trained and love to put on a show! They were introduced into my tank on thursday night, and by saturday they would eat bloodworms from my fingers, and I have been keeping a steady ritual when feeding...
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    dumb question

    haha, I hate gloves.
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    dumb question

    Would having nail poilish on affect anything when cleaning my tank, or having my hand in there? I usually dont paint my nails, but i wanted to do them today, so now i am cautious for my fish.
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    Panda corys

    Oh, that makes me feel better. =) My lfs is really good, and I trust them a lot with their fish, they will not sell them if there is anythign wrong.
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    My roomate has an auto feeder at his office, and he swears by it. Says it has not broken or overfed yet. it is the daily-double II, by penn-plax.
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    Panda corys

    after doing a search ont he boards, I was reading a lot of people are having problems with their panda corys. Are they hard to care for, or are they just sensitive? I would love some in my tank with a school of black phantom tetras, but after reading all the posts, I am worried.
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    If you had a 200 gallon tank....

    I think I would have to make one heck of a nice cichlid tank.
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    how many is allowed?

    thank you for all the info. I fed my little guys today with soem forzen bloodworms, and they had no troubles eating. one even ate it off my finger, so I am a happy fishmom. They are really quite happy in the tank, and showing beautiful colors. I am looking forward to getting more of them, since...
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    how many is allowed?

    thanks everyone, we went today and picked up the first three Black Phantom tetras for the tank. I want to add them slowly as to not overload and create another mini cycle. The fish are doing great so far. no signs of stress. the light is off, they were climitizing for about 2 hours, and they...
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    how many is allowed?

    CFC: my tank is 19 3/4 x 10 1/2 x 12. weird dimensions (or weird tape measure)
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    Calling all 10 gallon tanks

    I am putting in black emperor tetras, and panda corys in my 10gal. :)
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    how many is allowed?

    my tank is not planted, that is why i am thinking the 6/4 ratio.
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    how many is allowed?

    I realized that about the filter with my last fish. I did fishless cycle, it took about a month and a half, and I used ammonia with no filter media/gravel from an established tank. Thank you for the filter recs. kevin... that seems like a lot of fish in a 10gallon tank, I am thinking of...
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    how many is allowed?

    my tank is fully cycled, and right now I have a whisper in tank 10i or somehting liek that. it is not my favorite, but i am just keeping it in that tank until I get a better one.
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    how many is allowed?

    I want to put in some black phantom tetras and panda corys. how many can I have of each in a 10 US gallon tank? I know they like to be kept in groups. Thanks! **edited for spelling**
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    tank is finally cycled

    hahaha, you said it Rubicon!! Don't even have the winter tires on yet, I am all over the place! How much ammonia should I be adding in to keep everything well?
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    Suggestions for a desktop aquarium

    Go for a betta, they are beautiful, and have tons of personality!
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    Dyed Strawberry & Blueberry Tetra?

    Dyed fish are really not healthy at all. The process they go through to get such "pretty" colors is just horrible. I also suggest checking out, as well as do a goodle search on Dyed fish.
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    tank is finally cycled

    i think the longest we are holding off until is this weekend, when i should be warmer out and my SO has a day off work. I'll keep you updated on the readings Def. As of last night, I was still at 0 for ammonia and nitrite, although I have not been having huge nitrate numbers during the entire...
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    tank is finally cycled

    thank you everyone! I'll see what Dad's Fishroom has when we are there, I am guessing he would have something to keep the little guys warm!
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    tank is finally cycled

    Since I am not going out in this snow and ice we call roads, can I keep feeding my tank ammonia so it will stay cycled until we get our fish?
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    Fantastic Street Artwork.....

    great work!
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    Thinking of Buying a Betta- Need Help!!!!!!

    Bettas are great little fish, and pretty easy to care for. How big is the tank you purchased? As for not being home all day, that is fine, they do not need constant supervision, just make sure the tank is somewhere that your other pets cannot knock it over or get at the fish. In regards to...
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    My earth shaking 7 gallon....

    beautiful fish! I can't wait until you're settled in the new house!!!
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    Look what I got to wake up to

    WEM and southgate we both zoos. So many people wanting to get shopping done while it was cold. People do not know how to drive in this either!
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    Shutting down.

    good luck in your move dude, hopefully you won't have the snow in Calgary that we have here.
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    Look what I got to wake up to

    earthgirl: I was hoping the weather guy was wrong, but for the first time he was right. It started raining last night when I was out, and I got to wake up to this: it doesn't seem as bad in the Park as opposed to where you are. Want to bring me a shovel too? I have to go to the mall today!!
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    Confessions of a fish slacker

    thanks for reminding me I have to clean my betta tank!! I have been slacking a bit too lately. darn this car buying process. :*)
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    Clay / terricotta pots..

    yep, just make sure to use new ones, and I tend to boil them for a bit first before adding them into my tank, just to be safe.
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    General tank and Water Questions

    Persionally, I try not to use any of the chemicals that I dont feel my tank really needs, other than the water treatment (I use Prime) Once your tank is cycled, keep your ammonia down by keeping up with your water changes, and keeping your tank clean.Activated carbon does not get rid of ammonia...
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    "How" do you fill up your aquarium?

    I decholrinate a bucket of water the night before, and then clean the tank with the gravel cleaner, and add the water back in with another syphon. works well, and thankfully my tank is only a 10gal
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    cycle is starting to take forever

    How long does it usually take to do a fishless cycle with ammonia? I dont have any filter media or gravel form an established tank, so I knew it was going to be a while, but the nitrites levels are still off the charts, and the nitrates are still hardly showing. my last test (sunday) was...
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    Our new baby

    awww, she is just the cutest!!! it makes me miss my leopard gecko.
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    cycling tank & holidays question

    I might be the odd one out, but I started a fishless 3 days before I was gone for two weeks. no ammonia was fed when I was gone, but I came back to it mid nitrite cycle. I have no idea how it happened, but it didn't need to re start.
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    How long have you had fish?

    started with bettas in '01, moved on from there. :) loving every day of it.
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    Rock or Drift Wood

    both :)
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    new tank - help with cycling please

    If you use danios, then you are no longer doing a fishless cycle, and it is hard on the little guys. I found a lot of lfs say to use danios because they are hardier fish, but I would personally not want to put my fish through the cycle process after doing a fishless cycle and reading how high...
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    Google image your user name

    First thing that came up for my name: