Dyed Strawberry & Blueberry Tetra?


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I just purchased a Strawberry and Blueberry Tetra. I love the colors they have, but I read somewhere that they actually dye the fish. Doe's anyone know if this is true. I found it strange for them to have these colors. Doe's this harm the fish in any way? They seem healthy.
Dyed fish are really not healthy at all. The process they go through to get such "pretty" colors is just horrible.
I also suggest checking out DeathByDying.org, as well as do a goodle search on Dyed fish.
I hope the little guys survive. They look pretty good now. I won't be buying anymore of these, that's for sure.
leafs said:
I hope the little guys survive. They look pretty good now. I won't be buying anymore of these, that's for sure.
That's what's important! Give the ones you have the best life you can, and don't support the industry by buying more! B)
If they survive, in a few months the colors will fade back to normal. Pretty, but not worth it. With all the natural color available

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