Confessions of a fish slacker


Fish Crazy
Nov 12, 2003
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Swimmin around in the Chesapeake Bay ;) in Marylan
Hello friends :D ! I hope you all are doing marvelously and having lots of fun! I havnt been back to the forum for a little while but i decided I need to get back into the fish groove since school has started up again. :)

I've had my fish for about a year now and I need a little help :/ . I just cant break the habit of not doing water changes and vacuuming the tank!! I'll come home and decide I'm going to do it but end up putting it off 5 minutes later :X . I really love my fishes :wub: and my hobby but I can't seem to find motivation to do anything with them :-( !

Has this ever happened to anyone? Does anyone have any helpful tips they can share about getting around to cleaning? I know most of you probably work and have busy scheduals..there has to be some helpful hints out there!! :nod:


- Bunny ^-^
I'm not keen on hoovering it out but I sat and thought if i was a fish would i like be swimming about in a load of ####,I looked at my fish jumped up and hovered the tank. :thumbs:

Now its clean :nod:

Welcome back :thumbs:
this used to happen to me, but then i started doing more waterchanges for some reason. I got a python which is really great. you dont have to go through all the buckets and cyphoning... it is a pain to get all the water out of the pipe when your done though. this way you can just start the sucking, and come back in a couple minutes and refill it. i like mine alot, i used to have to fill it up with a hose, and the water would be cold, but this way i can just add water without using buckets or anything.
Thanks guys! Well the only real problem about the python idea is that im a whole nother story away from a sink (my room is in our attic and the closest sink is on the second story) :/ . Thanks anyway though!

Yeah part of the reason might be that i have alot of other stuff to do to..I guess i gotta get it together! :X

Thanks for the help!
More help is greatly appreciated! :thumbs:

-Bunny ^_^
I know the feeling, when you have 4 tanks and only a gravel vacum cleaner and a bucket to do it with.

Just got to keep at it. My tanks run fine even if I miss changes but when I had my tanks more stocked I had to be more careful.
Vixen said:
oh speaking of water changes.. i havent done my betta one since... it was set up. ooo im in trouble... ill do it tomoro
Yeah you are - do it now! :sly:

Treating a sick fish is much more work then keeping them healthy with water changes.
mmm . . . well, I don't vacuum . . . too many plants to do that. I suppose I just say; you are a slacker. and I don't like being a slacker, so la.
Part of me enjoys water changes, too, the only problem I have is the amount of time it takes up to do them. I used to do it everyday when I started out, but now it's once or twice a week because I kept getting more and more and bigger tanks. I just set aside a day of the week when I absolutely have to do it. Since I have classes mon-sat, sunday is the day for me. Sometimes I do some of the smaller tanks earlier (fri or sat) to have less work for sunday. If ever I have something to do on sunday, I either do it late that night, before going to bed, or right away on monday.

Sometimes during the week I already see a lot of poop, so I do changes as well, sometimes a large amount (might as well), sometimes just to remove the poop if I have little time.
I also enjoy doing water changes/gravel vaccing and like corykitty said I also have to make sure I don't do it too much.

My fish are my pride and joy!! I am always making sure the tanks are clean and the fish are healthy and happy :D
I think almost every one has been in this boat at some point or another. I was for a long time. For some reason I just broke the habit. I guess it was I enjoyed my fish too much for them to die of high nitrates. Now I do two 30% water changes a week on my 10gallons and the other tanks very because they are all stocked at different levels except the 10gallons which are all the same. I really need a python though but I wouldn't be able to use it on the tanks I need it for most.
Water changes have become a weekly habit for me, or maybe even an OCD :unsure:

I accidentally changed I think close to 75% of my water today cause it was sooo clean :kana:

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