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  1. C

    How Big Is Your Aquarium/bowl?

    my biggest is sititng at a small 10US gal, till i have more room than just my bedroom, then I will be going bigger
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    Air Pump/stone Regulating?

    my lfs doesnt seem to have much right now at all. grrr. I'll have to go into the city and see what I can find. as for my air pump, it is sitting on my carpeting at the moment. i figured it couldnt make that much noise on the carpet.
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    Air Pump/stone Regulating?

    is there any way to control the amount of air that a pump is giving out? i have a rena air 50, and find that it is giving out a heck of a lot of air. I amusing a 2.5inch airstone along the back of a 10gal tank, and it just seems like so much air. lol also, are there any quieter air pumps than...
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    Hello Again

    I just relized I havent been on here in almost a year! a couple little updates on my fish. my tetra tank had a really bad outbreak last summer, and all passed away. :-( i got away from fish for a while, while going through a really bad breakup with my long term bf, but I have decided that my...
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    Favourite breed of dog

    I love Shiba Inu's. They are one of the prettiest breeds, and are great dogs. My old roomate had a couple, and I fell in love with them, and now I want one when I have a house.
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    looking at cichlids

    I would like to get some cichlids for a 50 gallon tank I just got. I don't want too many in the tank, but I would liek something pretty, and not too big. I was origionally going to go with rams, but I dont know now, I might want something a touch bigger for a tank that size. I don't plan on any...
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    Bye bye fishies....

    Well, I finally lost all my tetras form my 10 gal. I had them for a long time now, and they were happy little fish, but the time came for them. :rip: On the good side, a friend of mine is giving me his old 50gal with everything, so Cichlid tank, here I come!!
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    Bye bye little tetra

    it wasnt just his tail. it started off with velvet, which I treated the whole tank for, after putting him in quarentine to treat. All in all, he had signs of: fin rot, ulcer, he had a gill disease. those were the for sures. None of my other fish are affected, so I am hoping to keep them that way.
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    Bye bye little tetra

    oh, I forgot to add that! I do my water testings quite often as well, and water levels are right where they should be. :) *edited for my horrible spelling*
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    Bye bye little tetra

    Today I have to euthanize my one little black phantom tetra. I have tried many different meds for him, but he seemed happier when I didn't medicate him and left him to hang out with his friends and swim and eat. I know what some of you are thinking "Won't he infect my other fish?" well, he has...
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    my 3 shrimps passed away, as well as one tetra.

    Well, my Tetra reappeared from wherever he was hiding, and the tank is happy again! I should have out my shrimp back into the main tank after I finished treating my tetras, instead of keeping them in the hospital tank to make sure they would not get affected by and trace medication.
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    my 3 shrimps passed away, as well as one tetra.

    I don't think I will be buying any more fish after this. my 3 shrimps passed away yesterday, and today i noticed that one of my tetras are missing, and presumed dead. I only have 3 more tetras and a guppy fry left in my one tank, and I don't see myself buying any more fish until my bf and I move...
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    fungus around tail

    I took thwe shrimp out of the main tank, and into a hospital tank, and now am waiting to hear what is the best meds for my 4 tetras and 1 fry. thanks!!
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    fungus around tail

    the fish that are in there are black phantom tetras. I dont think they handle salt, do they?
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    fungus around tail

    fluffy, but not really whispy. if I add meds, should I taek the baby fish out? and what is safe with my shrimp?
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    fungus around tail

    one of my shrimp is bendy too! like a hunchback.
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    fungus around tail

    One of my Blacjk phantoms has a fungus around it's tail fin, like a ring. what could cause this, and how do I treat it? Should I take him out of the tank? The only spare tank I can use as a hospital tank is a smaller "betta" tank without a filter. help!
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    I am a bad fishy mommy.

    woohoo, i think i just suckered a friend into coming over to help clean them haha, so it'll be better cause I'll have company. Off to clean!
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    I am a bad fishy mommy.

    I haven't gotten a chance to clean my tanks in a week and a half, yikes!! I have a spare minute right now, but am catching up with an old friend. Hmm, maybe I can show my son how to start fish care (he's a year and a half) when he wakes up. I really need to get it done! On the bright side, all...
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    Where is everyone from?

    nice spin on the canadian joke DannyBoy17. :P
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    Coldwater problem

    Thank you for the advice guy!
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    Coldwater problem

    A friend of mine is having some issues with his new goldfish, well, his dad's fish. What is a treatment for fish lice?
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    What do you have pierced ¿?

    I have my tongue pierced. it now has a titanium bar through it.
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    Let's play a game

    hey FM! How's Sask treating you?
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    Post your Car!

    I totally agree mwm. I wish we had some of the euro cars in Canada. *sigh*
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    Let's play a game

    Thank you everyone!! Now to learn about guppies. :)
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    Let's play a game

    I thought perhaps it might have been a guppy, but I do not recall seeing any guppies at the lfs when he was there.
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    Let's play a game

    I have no idea what he is, so any guesses are helpful! He came with my amano shrimp a little while ago, and has already grown quite a bit from when I first got it. Sorry about the bubbles, I just did a water change.
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    Ghost Shrimps

    My 3 amanos like to hang out on the bogwood. I catch them eating alge occasionally, but most of the time they're lazy little creatures. As for the shedding, when my shrimp did it the first time, I panicked until I saw all three peeking at me from behind the wood, so I just took the old shell...
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    thats what I've been doing. :)
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    not in sunlight, no overfeeding, reg water changes (about every 6 day) of 2gallons, I hand remove a lot of the alge from the plants, and take it off the glass. All my levels are good. amm:0, nitrite:0 ph:8.0 (where it's always been) nitrates:10. Had the tanks since July, newest addition were the...
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    oh, duh!! sorry about that. it is a 10 Gal, and has an aquaclear 150 power filter, as well as a tetra whisper 10i that I am wanting to remove from the tank.
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    My tank is happy and healthy (at least thats what my shrimp keep telling me) but I am getting alot of alge everwhere. it doe snot seem bad for my fish (4 black phantoms, 3 amano shrimp, 1 unknown fry)) but it is kind of yuck to look at. it is on my gravel, my plants, my glass... Is there...
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    Post your Car!

    nice bimmer. although another car with those tailights! I like the Golf in the background!!
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    got this from another forum..

    I am also on a makeup forum, and I posted a comment in regards to a user's comment about only changing her tank water once a month. It shocked me when I read it, so I commented in an "aiya!" fashion. I got a pm later with this: "I keep an eye on the parameters, have awesome filters with...
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    Decreasing pH

    For my ph, the only thing I use is bogwood in my tank, and that is for both ph and because my shrimp love it. I don't believe in adding more chemicals to your tank than absolutly necessary (water treatment) so I will stay away form the ph lowering chemical. The way I figure it is that my fish...
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    I have ich!

    hehe, I figured I would change the subject description so I didn't have any more fish lovers worrying why I find ich so amusing. I'll have to let everyone know if I develop gills after taking the metronitizol. :D
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    I have ich!

    I was hoping my misery would bring a gigle to everyone here! :fish: ^ me