I am a bad fishy mommy.


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Sherwood Park, Canada
I haven't gotten a chance to clean my tanks in a week and a half, yikes!! I have a spare minute right now, but am catching up with an old friend. Hmm, maybe I can show my son how to start fish care (he's a year and a half) when he wakes up. I really need to get it done!
On the bright side, all my fish and shrimp are doing great, and my little unknown fry is growing up!
Your not bad, I couldnt clean my tanks for 2 weeks because of midterms, and my fish lived.
woohoo, i think i just suckered a friend into coming over to help clean them haha, so it'll be better cause I'll have company.
Off to clean!
Usually fish tanks can go two weeks if you are to busy and if you have hardy fish. So you aren't to bad :lol:
:) Well it didnt really matter during the 2 weeks of midterms, I had no time. It really sucked, but I was glad it was over when it was and I cleaned my fish tank.
Crystal -- I definitely think that your son is old enough to learn to clean the tank! Get this -- I walked into the dining room the other day (where the tank is) to find my 20 month old standing next to the tank with the outside portion of the magnetic scrubber which I'd left on the table. (The in-the-tank portion was drying in the sink.) He was very slowly rubbing it all over the glass of the tank! It was priceless! I have pictures, but I'm not sure how to post them. Very funny!

My little boy loves the fish. (For some reason the weather loach is his favorite?!?) The tank was actually his first birthday present. Every time we went to the zoo he could have cared less about the monkeys, giraffes, and elephants, but we had to tear him away from the aquarium! :D

And don't feel too bad -- I accidentally left my tank "unclean" for almost 3 weeks. Pregnant again, and the morning sickness just kicked my butt!

-- Pamela

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