

Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Sherwood Park, Canada
My tank is happy and healthy (at least thats what my shrimp keep telling me) but I am getting alot of alge everwhere. it doe snot seem bad for my fish (4 black phantoms, 3 amano shrimp, 1 unknown fry)) but it is kind of yuck to look at. it is on my gravel, my plants, my glass... Is there anything I can do for this? I was thinking Otos, but I dont want my tank to be overstocked.

Any ideas? Thank you.
How big is the tank.
oh, duh!! sorry about that. it is a 10 Gal, and has an aquaclear 150 power filter, as well as a tetra whisper 10i that I am wanting to remove from the tank.
Where is the tank placed as if it's in direct sunlight this won't help, do you over feed, and what is your maintainance routine.
not in sunlight, no overfeeding, reg water changes (about every 6 day) of 2gallons, I hand remove a lot of the alge from the plants, and take it off the glass.
All my levels are good. amm:0, nitrite:0 ph:8.0 (where it's always been) nitrates:10. Had the tanks since July, newest addition were the shrimp, in October.
That's all I no about algae other's might be able to find the cause, but just remove it for now by a magnet glass cleaner.
Try having your lights lights on for less, also a break in the middle helps.

so instead of having 10hrs solid, go for 5hrs on 2hrs off and then 5hrs back on.

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