Search results

  1. F

    Some Questions

    Wow You wouldnt think you would use this much up. I will ask who pays the bills and see what they say about the matter, Thanks for pointing this out too me too.
  2. F

    Some Questions

    Oh thanks for the inpoint into live foods. Could you find out what would be good for feeding the fry ? I know keeping 1-5 wont dent into the amount given, this wasnt what it was meant to do. I was to keep as my first spawn etc. Will phone tomorrow and find out who will be willing to take them...
  3. F

    Some Questions

    my jars are average size pickle jars, some are tall then others. Is this a problem, this is what I got told to put them in. No I havent looked into the shops yet and how much they will pay, will be doing that tomorrow. I know if can turn into a nightmare rather then a hobby. But as long as I...
  4. F


    They look really good and a very calm current from the YT video you passed onto me. What are the condition of the both like ? And the length of heater and can it go underwater ? Will talk to OH about this and get back to you. Amanda
  5. F

    Some Questions

    I have around 31 jars at the moment, I need more then this I take it ? I will try and sell my 2ft and get a bigger one for the grow outs. I will be putting the males into jars and putting the females in the tank on their own (all females) I will have a heater and filter in 3ft+ tank. And will...
  6. F

    Some Questions

    Come summer time I might be breeding my bettas (not the rescues) And was wondering a few little Questions. How many fry is on average produced ? How many jars should I try and save up (for the males) ? Is a 2ft tank alright for the spawning to happy/raise the fry ? Do you know anyone for baby...
  7. F

    Red Tailed Shark - Portsmouth - Sale/trade

    Okay thats a shame, hope you have good luck selling him though :D
  8. F

    Small Heater For 60 Litre

    I will talk to them tomorrow and let you know what the answer is. How big and can you sex the apple snails ? How many would I be getting for the heater ? (only like the stripe and white)
  9. F


    Does the filter produce a strong current, as its for a betta tank. If not then this will be perfect. Also is this new or used. What is the length of the 25W heater and the make. Again used or new. Im terrible at making offers, so name a asking price and we will go from there. Amanda
  10. F

    Red Tailed Shark - Portsmouth - Sale/trade

    i believe she means 7 inches, thats what she has listed him by. Also the text isnt big from my computer :S
  11. F

    Small Heater For 60 Litre

    I have one of them, will ask if I can sell, or going with complete setup, whats your offer on it ?
  12. F

    Red Tailed Shark - Portsmouth - Sale/trade

    I would possible be able to take him off you, my mate had a sliver, but died when he was hoilday and is looking for another shark to replace him. How much are you roughly asking for him, and could you bring him down Poole area for me ?
  13. F

    Apple Snails Pink, Ivory, Chestnut

    Would it be possible to sex some for me? As I would like to try breeding these
  14. F

    What Should I Do

    I live in the Uk so no chance of that lol. I hope your betta lives a little longer too, he sounds a very pretty colour.
  15. F

    My Divided Male Betta Tank :o)

    That looks really beautiful. Might be planning to divide a tank up next summer for breeding or so.
  16. F

    Small Tank Clearout - Fake Plants And Ornaments

    I can send the cash within a card to you if thats what you want. Can we make it £1.50 for the both so its easier for coins etc. If you pass your address on I can give you the money possible tomorrow. Or Wednesday. I will also include my address in the card for you. And record the cards...
  17. F

    What Should I Do

    Cheers for the imput and what you feel. Once again guys, very happy for what has been said and the opitions people have given so far. But Im going to follow my heart and what I feel best.
  18. F

    Small Tank Clearout - Fake Plants And Ornaments

    Yes this sounds good to me. I have to wait till it goes into my paypal, as I have like 20p in there at the moment haha. Unless sending the money in a card is a opition ? Charlie
  19. F

    What Should I Do

    Well everyone is going to have a different view on the matter. I have had some people say they would be intrested in the bettas and that to go for the "rescue" idea. While I have had people saying no (like yourself) and its a silly idea to start with as its a never ending cycle. I will only be...
  20. F

    What Should I Do

    I can understand what you are all pointer towards and putting across. But I think Im going to rescue the one really needed.
  21. F


    When the post it higher i will post the address to
  22. F

    Male Blue And Purple Betta

    Where would I get the boxes from ?
  23. F


    If you can post it will be better if not then I will try and get them to pick the items up... Let me know on this thread what the price of the heater and filter is together etc. If I have the money I will take £2.00 worth of the plant you selling.
  24. F


    I have family in boscombe which can pick up anything for me - if this helps
  25. F

    Male Blue And Purple Betta

    I know what I have to do. Put fish in bag and put bubble wrap and new paper rolled into balls around the bag to pad it. Might need a heat buddy in a poly box then a card board box on the outside of that. And next day devilery. I will not exchange money if the fish is DOA though. Will post pic...
  26. F

    Male Blue And Purple Betta

    Livestock:Blue and Purple male betta Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: rescue - needs a life long home Delivery or Collection: Collection if possible Sales price: £5.50 or offers Postage & Packaging: yes (but some one will have to go through it with me, never posted a fish before) Location...
  27. F

    What Should I Do

    Well I wont. Thanks and I now know that the forums are here for my help on the matter. I do have a healthy betta I rescued from another male 2 weeks ago. Nothing was wrong with him apart from some stress and heavy breathing. I dont wish to keep him a pet as Im looking for some other colours...
  28. F

    Small Heater For 60 Litre

    What would it be 25W or 50W ?
  29. F

    Free Coral Sand Substrate

    Silly me, long day. Sorry but didnt relise that I brought a bag of black sand last night which will be enough of my bettas tank. Thanks anyways and good luck reselling. Amanda
  30. F

    Small Tank Clearout - Fake Plants And Ornaments

    When I get the money in the bank, and if you still have them, I will buy one or both off you :D
  31. F

    What Should I Do

    I have the meds and everything needed. And will only be getting one to two rescues at a time. I know that it can take serval months to get back to full health and wouldnt think of selling one under health unless he was only waiting for fin regrowth, as this grows perfect in nice clean water. I...
  32. F

    What Should I Do

    Well if I get 3 more good views on this then I will be going into the rescue idea. I have everything ready for the hospital/rescue tanks. So just needs the good views and then Im off to get a "ill" fish. Can I sell them on here?
  33. F

    Pics Of The Girls

    wow thats some amazing girls. Im loving the tank too. How did you get a tank that is conected by the swim through tubes ? Amanda
  34. F


    Hello Im starting up a betta tank and was wondering if anyone has the following to sell. Small 25W heater Small filter (or maybe you can make me a airpump one and I will pay you for it etc) Some plants or cuttings to be given away or sold cheaply. I dont have much money but will do my best...
  35. F

    Betta Food, Flakes Or Pellets Please.

    I can sell you betta flakes for £2.50 if you intrested ?
  36. F

    Free Coral Sand Substrate

    Where abouts are you and I might be able to take it off you ?
  37. F

    Small Tank Clearout - Fake Plants And Ornaments

    How much for the white anemone thing posted ?
  38. F

    Free To Good Home 8 Inch Common Plec And Silver Shark

    where abouts is bradford as my friend is looking for a sliver shark. Also how big is the shark ?
  39. F

    What... Where... Who ?

    Thanks again for the welcome guys And silly me. I thought I might of done that already. Thanks for sorting it out for me and pointing me in the right place on where I was going wrong haha. Amanda
  40. F

    Im New Here

    Thanks for the very warm welcome everyone