Some Questions


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
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Come summer time I might be breeding my bettas (not the rescues) And was wondering a few little Questions.

How many fry is on average produced ?
How many jars should I try and save up (for the males) ?
Is a 2ft tank alright for the spawning to happy/raise the fry ?
Do you know anyone for baby brine shrimp ?

Many thanks
Be prepared for between 60-120 fry, of which up to around 80% might be males so individual tubs for these.

Minimum 3ft grow out really, preferably bigger and ideally another tank to put all the girls in. Boys tubs will need water changes every day, some kind of lid thing, but still a way to get air and a way to maintain a constant heat.

Not sure about live food cultures, never used 'em.

It is a LOT of work, not for the faint of heart or those short on time / money, if you decide to go for this it will take a LOT of preparation, but good luck!

Come summer time I might be breeding my bettas (not the rescues) And was wondering a few little Questions.

How many fry is on average produced ?
How many jars should I try and save up (for the males) ?
Is a 2ft tank alright for the spawning to happy/raise the fry ?
Do you know anyone for baby brine shrimp ?

Many thanks
Hi Amanda,
Before you start up, can you figure out what your plans will be with all the babies? I for one, would LOVE a small betta because all the ones in the shops around me are so big already, but that is just me. It may be difficult for you to find a buyer for all your fish and if so, you'd have to consider long-term plans. This is why I decided not to breed any of my guppies.
I have around 31 jars at the moment, I need more then this I take it ?

I will try and sell my 2ft and get a bigger one for the grow outs. I will be putting the males into jars and putting the females in the tank on their own (all females) I will have a heater and filter in 3ft+ tank. And will be doing water changes dailey on the jars (how much of a water change 15% ?) Also my room is hot through housing 4 different reptiles in there, so this wont be too much of a problem.

I might keep 2 females and one male - and sell the rest. Will be hopfuly selling to local shops or here. I wont be breeding the VT and will go for something more colourful and un common. Wouldnt want to start another "betta in a cup" bussiness.

What do you feed yours as I read they need live foods for a young age, I have plenty of time to save up the money and jars for the breeding, and I will have much time on my hand in the May to September time.
if you want to breed them you need to have a 10g breeding tank a 30+ grow out tank and then be ready for upto 100+ fry that 50+ will be male and you need them heated and they all need daily water changes. you need to culture your own live foods.
if you are going to do it then just make sure you can do all the abouve and have alot of time and money.
I have around 31 jars at the moment, I need more then this I take it ?

I will try and sell my 2ft and get a bigger one for the grow outs. I will be putting the males into jars and putting the females in the tank on their own (all females) I will have a heater and filter in 3ft+ tank. And will be doing water changes dailey on the jars (how much of a water change 15% ?) Also my room is hot through housing 4 different reptiles in there, so this wont be too much of a problem.

I might keep 2 females and one male - and sell the rest. Will be hopfuly selling to local shops or here. I wont be breeding the VT and will go for something more colourful and un common. Wouldnt want to start another "betta in a cup" bussiness.

What do you feed yours as I read they need live foods for a young age, I have plenty of time to save up the money and jars for the breeding, and I will have much time on my hand in the May to September time.
Have you called the local shops to be sure they'd want your fish AND have you asked what they'd pay?

You didn't mention how large your jars are. . .and I've never breed any type of fish (can't help you with that). . .but have learned through experience that with my full-grown bettas in smaller homes, they need entire water changes daily because of ammonia (one of my bettas is kept in my bathroom because it's easier to change out the water that way). You have the API test kit, right? Really, as said by Rezatii, it'll be a lot of work. Changing out water on all of those and making sure the temp on the new water matches the other water, etc., could result in a nightmare rather than a fun hobby.
my jars are average size pickle jars, some are tall then others. Is this a problem, this is what I got told to put them in.

No I havent looked into the shops yet and how much they will pay, will be doing that tomorrow.

I know if can turn into a nightmare rather then a hobby. But as long as I do everything to the best I can and follow the rules then there shouldnt be a problem. And everyone has to start somewhere
i think the jars need to be about 2l mine so a pickle jar would be to small.
but i hope it dosnt come across as im flaming because i said its to small
oooh yes, good point GuppyGoddess (GG? What do you shorten that too? xD) How big are the jars? Depending on size they might need 100% water changes per day.

Live food is a touchy area, a lot say live but I know some breeders don't, I can't remember exactly what is used instead, perhaps we'll be lucky and have a breeder come along and have some input on this? I'm not sure.

Also, keeping 3 really wont even dent into how many you might get XD Call your local shops, like, ALL of them XD you might get money or you might just get some deal on store credit, I don't know, but they WILL be your responsibility for 3-4 months so yeah xD

Oh thanks for the inpoint into live foods. Could you find out what would be good for feeding the fry ?

I know keeping 1-5 wont dent into the amount given, this wasnt what it was meant to do. I was to keep as my first spawn etc. Will phone tomorrow and find out who will be willing to take them and for what or how much money etc. Will also find out on here, who is intrested in them.

I know I will be their repsonalbity for a long time 3-4 months, and I wont be going on with friends, I would stay in and make sure everything that needed to be done was to be done before watching TV or computer etc.

Thanks again
i think the jars need to be about 2l mine so a pickle jar would be to small.
but i hope it dosnt come across as im flaming because i said its to small
Yep, none of us are trying to flame (hope it doesn't sound this way).

This may be a long-shot but when calling local fish stores, ask them where they get their fish from. Possibly if they bring in Betta from other local breeders, you can visit one.
Just out of interest...what water meter type thing are you on? And who pays the bills.
You'll be using around 160l a day at least with all the 100% water changes on the boys.

If you don't pay the bills I'd suggest you ask the person that does, just to make sure.
Wow You wouldnt think you would use this much up. I will ask who pays the bills and see what they say about the matter, Thanks for pointing this out too me too.
Well I guess 160l is sorta a rough estimate. It could be anywhere from 80l-200l a day. Purely depending on how many boys you get and what sort of container you're keeping them in.
I forgot her name, but theres one breeder around here that swears by dead food. She's always around these topics saying she raises all her fry on non live food. Not sure where she is.

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